Scuba and wetsuit scenes from “Der Mädchenjäger” [SOS Barracuda movie series]

You may have seen my post from early January about the german SOS Barracuda movie series (more info there on this movie series).

After nearly 20 years the first movie was now aired again on german pay-TV. I actually thought I would never see any of these movies.

But yesterday I saw the movie “Der Mädchenjäger” from the series. The next one will be shown in 2 weeks.

From a preview, I didn’t expect any scuba or wetsuit scenes from this movie, but actually, there were some scenes in it worth showing.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


*Edit* Video had to be moved to an alternative site…

Yeah, not much, but I think that some of you may like these scenes, especially the short scuba scene. These are ALL the scenes with her in a wetsuit.

For me being able to watch these scenes after all this time is already half the fun. And infamous German actress/tv scandal maker… Nadja Abd el Farrag (nickname Naddel) looks really good in a wetsuit, even though they could have shown more of her.

Her short scuba scene (most likely a stunt diver) was nice to have, even though it was rather odd, to say at least, to build it in. Where did she appear from? He runs around the beach and she just shows up, completely dry(!!!!) in her wetsuit and spear gun…..who came up with that scene???? 😆

The movie itself is hard to watch, with many odd scenes and it shows that it is a TV movie.

The story itself goes like this:

Young, hot single women who arrive alone at the airport in Palma de Mallorca get picked up by an old hag who offers them a cheap room in her guesthouse. She then recommends a nice beach to them where some “stallion” approaches them. He then lures these girls to some spot where he can chloroform them. They awake on a yacht and the plan is to sell them to some Arab guy.

But the heroic german police crew who operates in Spanish Mallorca in some sort of cooperation, won’t let that happen of course, and luckily they have a hyper-fast big yacht at their disposal!?! 😉

The henchmen are -more or less- cartoon figures and have their “fun” with the kidnapped girls. The scriptwriter really liked to add quite a lot of “women in peril” scenes into the movie.

Looking forward to the next movie in 2 weeks. It’s confirmed that there is at least one scuba scene in it, but it’s not clear if any women are in these scenes.

But if so, you will get another post about that one in 2 weeks.


If they keep the running order, the famous movie “Tränen der Kleopatra” will be shown in 4 weeks.

Here is my old post about it:

Really excited about that one, as the full movie would be really great, especially with this sort of picture quality.

The scene I posted was an old VHS recording…. and I would love to make a quality upgrade which would incl. all the female scuba and wetsuit scenes.

What do you think of these scenes?

Let me know and leave a comment!



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