The frogwoman and the water spirit

I saw a trailer for this one a couple of months ago and now I finally saw the movie.

In this new german movie, we have a happy couple going scuba diving in a big reservoir.

But the dive doesn’t go as planned….

Preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

*EDIT* This is now the short version since Youtube blocked my earlier video due to “nudity”….which is SO completely bizarre! There is nothing to see. Yeah, he opens her wetsuit to revive her, but again, there is nothing shown there. Is reviving somebody now something sexual for Youtube? Verrrrrry strange…..

However, here is the longer version, I uploaded earlier:

The frogwoman and the water spirit (long cut)

*EDIT2* January 11: now actually with the longer scene on google drive (sorry for uploading the same shorter scene yesterday)

Well, I guess most of you think: WTF? What is going on there???

Yeah, I thought the same as I watched it. As I finished watching the movie things became much clearer. But still, there are quite a few mysteries about certain scenes from the movie.

This movie has some fantasy elements, the frogwoman in this scene IS actually some sort of water spirit called “Undine” (an old myth you may check on google).

But why she is pulled away by the fish and why does the guy never even ask about what happened….I can’t tell you.

And also, when she is a water spirit, she may not need the scuba gear. I guess she puts it on so she can keep her secret in front of her boyfriend. But why does she nearly drowns when she is a water spirit….I don’t know. Perhaps she was just pretending to give him the opportunity to “save” her and thereby be her hero.

I really like the close-up shots of the frogwoman and her classic vintage (or vintage-style) scuba mask. The reviving scene is done quite well and is pretty sexy.

Sadly it was her only scuba scene in the movie. He is seen underwater quite more often as he is an industrial diver. Then he uses rather heavy gear of course.

Am I the only one who thinks he looks like a German version of Joaquin Phoenix? 😉

The title of the movie is already in the text above, but here is the link:


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!



4 thoughts on “The frogwoman and the water spirit”

  1. I really liked the affection between them. It looked like they were lovers enjoying diving adventure together. I would have liked to see an underwater make out session. Very sexy! Deep kissing until air hunger demands they reinsert their breathing regulators!

    Then suddenly she is gone! It didn’t make any sense! If it was a spirit then let’s see what happens!

    That really disappointed me.

    But I did like the underwater romance which was at the beginning. The eye contact showing the excitement of the underwater adventure!

    • Yeah, as I said in the post the scene makes more sense after you have seen the whole movie.
      But still there remains some questions….


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