The 2nd shooting of “Project F” – News #1

1st post for today, one more to follow!

First, some news about the 2nd shooting of Project F.

This week, I finally managed to solve the biggest issue: finding a proper location for future shootings!

I asked the managers of some public swimming pools, but the prices for one hour were……. BIG.

Of course, there would always be the possibility to shoot in a lake, but that comes with quite a lot of disadvantages (sight, comfort, and especially privacy etc.) even I still want to have a video shooting at such a location in the future.


The bad news first:

The shooting is still nearly 2 months away


The good news:

The location will have a really big pool, much bigger than the ones that are owned by private persons.

The pool will also be deep(er) (around 6 feet in total) than the one from the first shooting.

Fins can be used this time 😉

The lighting should be much better in that location (+ I bought UW lights in the meantime).

It is much less expensive than anything in comparison.

I secured a time window of 5 hours for that shooting. I guess 1 hour will be spent preparing the shooting at the location, quick instructions, and collecting all the gear upon departure.

That (hopefully) leaves around 4 hours for the shooting itself and I wanna make the most of it.

This time I certainly won’t leave the location to pick someone up like the last time 😉

The goal is to make 2 videos in that time. One rather simple one and one with an average complex script.

These videos should be around 5-10 minutes long each.

Depending on how it will go, I will need to be flexible and improvise here and there.


This time I wanna focus on underwater action/peril and also wanna show the frogwomen outside the water as well (beginning of the video).

With the experience of the last “casting”, I hope it will be much easier this time to find fitting frogwomen for this shoot.


Now that I found this location, the time between shooting won’t be as long in the future.

Well, if everything goes as planned at least.

More news soon!

Banner made for Project F by “sky50783”


5 thoughts on “The 2nd shooting of “Project F” – News #1”

  1. Sounds amazing , I can’t wait to see it, really glad you got a more suitable location, great news there will also be some “frog woman out the water “ footage as well. How come it will be easier getting suitable ladies for the hub this time? Has your last shoot given you more legitimacy?

    • Thanks!
      Well, at the beginning of the casting for the first shooting I wasn’t offering things like: “meet me first” and “you can bring someone to the video shooting if you want”
      I am sure that helped a lot.
      After all, this is a fetish video shooting… no surprise most women wouldn’t love the idea to take part… without some “safety” measures like that.

      • That’s a very fair point. None of this works without some very special women. Their importants cannot be understated and it’s good that you are taking their needs into the equation.


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