Female scuba diver with mini tank

2nd post for today!

(first one is about the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”)


Another scuba scene for you folks, this time a very new one!

In this scene, we have a couple(?) diving around with mini scuba tanks.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, a solid scene, even though there is no action in it.

It is interesting that they are using these mini scuba tanks (Frogwoman Lucy used one in Video 2 of Project F).

They are using regulators from the well-known Cressi company, haven’t seen such a combo so far as normally these tanks come with rather cheapish regulators from the same brand.

With that size, I guess only 1L…they can dive for around 5-7 minutes or so, depending on how fit they are.

So they certainly need to be really careful with such small tanks and stay in rather shallow depths.

Also, she admits that she has no experience with diving at all, so it is even more risky, even they do hold hands.

Certainly not a dive any scuba school would approve of 😉


The surface scene at the end is a nice addition.

There are no more scenes with them in wetsuits in that episode.

Wanna know from which TV show this is?

IMDB link

What do you think of that scene?

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2 thoughts on “Female scuba diver with mini tank”

  1. A really nice scene, everything you said about those tanks !!!! You’ve got it covered there. I have to say she looked really cute in that wetsuit, a total transformation, she went from a 5 to an 8 just by scuba diving in that outfit.
    I think I would have tried that heart beat trick as well, opportunity’s like that come up so rarely in life.

    • It’s also extremely rare to “see” so much of the frogwoman underwater.
      She doesn’t wear a BCD and the tank is tiny so she has very little gear on her.


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