A woman determined to dive with sharks

First of all, I made a post on my other Blog Maskripper that you might find interesting as well 😉

It was a close call, but it does belong a little more on that blog.

A masked frogwoman infiltrates a ship! Check it out on Maskipper:




Now to a woman who really wants to dive with sharks!

The backstory is rather sad, but it’s a very interesting (short) movie and it has some nice scuba scenes in it.

Check out the storyline on the IMDB page if you like (see below).

This is a rather old recommendation I got some years back. Thanks! Now it’s time to post about it 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I made a cut with the first scene as she is having a flashback that is very sad and tragic.

I didn’t cut anything out of the scuba scene itself.

It’s rather a short scene so I only included it because of the perilous element.

The second scene is much more interesting for me.

Really great close-ups of her face. And a nice vintage-style mask, even though I don’t like that see-through material/color.

The scenes with the sharks and the beautiful music are really well done.

And it’s got to have a peaceful scuba scene with sharks here for a change, after all, that is 10 times more realistic than 99% of the shark movie scenes.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of these scenes?

You are welcome to leave a comment!

2 thoughts on “A woman determined to dive with sharks”

  1. These are great shots. I love her old oval mask and though not a vintage suit, she is at least wearing a full length wetsuit. The diving in this actually looks real.


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