The new(er) Flipper series has still some quality scuba scenes in store that I will continue to post here.
As this episode has 2 long scuba scenes I divided them into 2 videos as well, as very long videos on Youtube can be trouble.
In this episode, two frogwomen dive to find evidence that a plane was shot down so the one frogwoman can rehabilitate her father’s name.
But the Navy isn’t too thrilled about it and sends Navy frogmen after them….
Preview, scene 1:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
They were nearly out of air and are diving into a dangerous wreckage of a plane….
My first thought was immediate that one of them would get stuck there….but, as that scheme gets too predictable….I’m glad that it didn’t happen.
And here comes scene 2!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well, if I hear about Navy frogmen I immediately think about my favorite movie of all time 😉
Well, here no scuba battle breaks loose…..damn! But ok, as the divers in the plane were the good guys…. there was no real chance of having a scuba battle against Navy divers.
After all the guys didn’t work for SPECTRE 😉
But it was nice to have the Navy frogmen in the scene, it was nice how the one guy did hold onto the tanks of both frogwomen. Just for a second, I thought about he might turn off their air supply 😉
I do enjoy seeing these Interspiro Divator masks on the frogwomen, it’s a great, good-looking scuba mask for me.
Wanna know from which episode these scenes are?
What do you think about these scenes?
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