Frogwomen Kara and Tessie in “Scuba Combat Training 6” – [30th video of Project F – 4th video shoot]

So, it’s time for a new “Project F” video!

This is video 30 and the sixth (and last) from the 4th video shoot.

In this video, Frogwomen Kara and Tessie are training their scuba combat skills so they are always ready for a mission.


Frogwomen Kara and Tessie in “Scuba Combat Training 6”, 1080p, 3:17 minutes

Info: The training has several rounds. That means that they force each other to the surface several times.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge) 

(The music is just in the trailer, not in the video)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, hoods (2 of 2), fins, regulator steal, mask ripped off, mask flooded

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

It’s a combat training video….

Background info (without spoiler):

After training sessions with Lucy and Kara and then Lucy and Tessie… it was now time for Tessie and Kara to train their scuba combat skills!

Tessie was the safety diver for most of the video shot and her rather small 4-liter tank was pretty empty by now.

At first, I wanted to equip her with a fresh 10-liter tank, as they look better and she would have much bigger reserves.

But Tessie actually wanted to try how it would feel with a completely empty tank… as you normally never have a totally empty tank.

Well, I agreed and we started shooting…

Tessie encountered an issue with her regulator, more on that in the spoiler section in the VIP club.

Other than that the shooting went very smoothly and took not much time as the scenario makes it easy to shoot.

Both did a good job! It wasn’t easy for Kara, as Tessie is an experienced diver… but it was a pretty even match…


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

The video will be available again in September in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!



My Top 20 female action scuba scenes in one video – [Cliffhanger edition – TV/movies]

Most of you guys will have stumbled upon my “Hall of Fame” here by now.

I always wanted to make a video with all these scenes in it.

Last week I started the work on it and quickly realized that the video was going to get over 30 minutes long.

A pretty safe bet that the video wouldn’t stay for long on YouTube if it would be allowed at all.

Then I came up with the idea to make each segment from each scene much shorter and had the idea to make this cliffhanger edition/cut.

In this video, you will now find all my favorite 20 scenes. The order in the video is the order they are listed on my Hall of Fame page, which is in no particular order.

The number at the bottom is the listed number of the Hall of Fame.

In there, you will find the full version of each scene in case you wanna know how the scene actually ends 😉

I guess that most of you guys know most of the scenes already… but it’s a treat to have them all in one video.

The picture quality of each segment depends on the available source material.

Here you go:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon) ! 😉

So, which scene is your favorite? Or do you have multiple favorites?

How many of these 20 scenes did you know already?

What scenes would you have in a Top 20, Top 10, or Top 5 video?

What scenes should I include in a Top x video?

Feel welcome to discuss here in the comments or on Youtube!

A female scuba diver trapped underwater [A new dive movie you MUST see!]

Remember this movie/ blog post?

Well, that Swedish/Norwegian movie was made in 2020 and filmed in Norway.

And now, just 3 years later, we have a German(!) remake that was filmed in Malta.

As a German, I am always happy when there is a new German movie that isn’t a crime movie, drama, or a comedy… because it feels like 99% fit in these genres 😆

Quite odd that there is a remake just 3 years later, but I guess since “Breaking Surface” wasn’t filmed in English… maybe they thought that this new movie, which was filmed in English …has a better chance of making money?

If you have seen “Breaking Surface” (what you should have/do!) then you know practically the whole storyline of this new movie as well.

The remake is mostly verrrry close to the original.

So, is there any point in watching the new one when you have seen the old one?

Yes, quite a few!

The main differences are:

– 2 new actresses (obviously)

– The cold water (Norway) scenario was now swapped with warm water (Malta/Mediterranean)

– The dive gear is now different:

Breaking Surface has drysuits and Ocean Reef FFMs while the new one has normal wetsuits and FFMs where you can see the full face (brand?)

– Some minor story changes incl. (even) less backstory in this one

But enough text for now…..


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

(You have to watch the video directly on YouTube this time, embedding it here wasn’t allowed)

I thought the video would be completely blocked on YouTube but it was “only” blocked in a handful of countries.

But over 90% of you guys should be able to see it.

Maybe I will add a Google Drive link later on… if that seems necessary.

Well, most of all I am intrigued by the fantastic breathing sounds in this scene!!!

Wow, they had either a great UW mic for that and/or did an awesome post-production job!

I guess I never heard how a scuba tank was sucked completely empty…that clearly.

Also, the whole mask switching scenes are also very exciting/thrilling as well.

The movie itself has around 90 minutes (nearly 10 minutes longer than the original) and the majority of that time is spent underwater.

For that aspect alone you should watch the whole thing!

And then you have all the scuba peril elements in it… 🙂

Perhaps I will post another scene from this one. But as the movie has so much UW time, it will always be pretty incomplete.

The story remains the same as in the original: Two sisters go diving, one of them gets trapped underwater and the other one needs to rescue her in time.

I wonder if there will be a US remake in another few years from now on.

I wouldn’t mind a remake set in the ’60s with some vintage rubber wetsuits and double hose regulators…

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.


“Breathe!” – Check out the full movie (for free on Youtube)

Today I won’t present a scene or two, but an entire movie as you can watch the whole thing on Youtube for free.

I heard about this one quite a while ago, but it was recommended to me again as it surfaced on Youtube, thanks for that!

So, take the chance and grab the movie while you can… you never know how long it will be there…

If you like scuba scenes with women, then you should watch this movie 😉


(click to enlarge)

Here is the full movie (not my upload):

Watch the movie before you continue!

Yeah, not a big Hollywood production but it offers plenty of scuba scenes with different types of gear and quite a lot of peril scenes as well 🙂

Personally, I’m not a fan of cave diving as I don’t see the big attraction that it seemingly has to some.

Yeah, plenty to explore… but not much to see there (for me) and it’s (more) dangerous in comparison to “normal” diving.

Certainly, a good environment though to produce good scuba peril scenes!

In my version, these three might have turned on each other to snatch the air reserves of each other 😉

All in all some good scenes, nothing spectacular… but you get a LOT of scuba content in these 80 minutes.

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A frogman with a really sinister plan to kill another diver! [Blog exclusive]

[2nd post for today]

There won’t be a female diver in this one… BUT… before you leave… it is a rather fantastic scuba fight/peril scene that you will see here.

And I am verrrry sure that most people will find it pretty interesting 😉

A male police diver is searching for evidence, but the evil scuba killer has special plans for him….

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


I placed it on google Drive as the video is very long (nearly 10 minutes) and it wouldn’t “fit” into my Youtube channel anyway

Sorry, for the temporary visible ADs in the upper right corner. Someone recommended me a site where this movie can be found and it was difficult…

Hopefully, there will be a better-quality file available someday, but the movie is hard to find as it is a French TV movie.

For me, this scene has basically just one major flaw… that no frogWOman is involved 😉

The killer and his evil plan are quite unique. Knocking him out, tieing him up, and cutting his air hose? Quite a combo!

Also, the police diver and his twin tanks are a rather rare combo as well.

I don’t fully get how his tanks and his air hoses are connected and I don’t know much about the connections with a twin-tank setup.

The bad guy slices the air hose of the hero without an instant effect. The hero just swaps his regulator and closes one valve to stop the air leak.

Does he then only gets air from one of his tanks? In that case, the bad guy would have significantly reduced the air reserves of the hero.

The second possibility I see is that his second regulator is connected to another valve. In that case… slicing the air hose… would basically have no effect at all.

Certainly, the bad guy had some fun 😉

I mean he came up with a rather perilous plan, he could have just stabbed the hero from behind after the sneaky knockout blow… but he had a more sinister plan.

The “stuck underwater” scenario somehow reminds me of a certain pilot in a Bond movie… but he was equipped much worse than this diver.

At first, I wondered why the evil diver instantly left. I mean he could have watched him drown, but ok, that would have been a risk as it was possible that more divers could have shown up.

The good guy was really lucky that his partner found him and called for backup.


In my version of the story at least one of these divers would have been a woman. Imagine a villainess completely in black attacking the hot female police diver 😉

If you wanna know what happens to the bad guy at the end of the movie:

Here is the IMDB link:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


Female scuba diver trapped in wreck! Can she be saved?

It’s Sunday and that means it’s time for a new post!

This one is from a TV show that airs its 7944th(!) episode tomorrow and that is on air since 1988!

With that many episodes, it can only mean one thing: It’s a daily soap …an Australian daily sop to be more precise.

And you can’t have an Australian TV show with that many episodes without some scuba scenes 😉


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, quite a good scuba peril scenario with some unusual aspects.

She gets trapped with 80 bar left which is unusually “much” for such a perilous scenario in a movie or TV show. I mean that is still 40% of her normal tank capacity which is 200 bar (mostly).

Normally scuba divers get trapped and have only some minutes of air left 😉

Also, it’s interesting that the diver with the full tank just arrives some seconds too late, rather unusual.

I mean ok, in the end, she seemingly survives ….as I have checked just one more episode where she is in the hospital…. so he was quick enough for her to survive. And well, her guy would have drowned as well, since his tank was empty as well.

It’s a shame that it’s only shown how she reacts as her tank is finally completely empty, but her actual drowning isn’t shown and she then floats on the ceiling, even that discovery is quite dramatic as well.

All in all a really good “trapped underwater” scenario.

The episode numbers for this video are 1145 and 1146… of this show in case you wanna know:

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


If you wanna get the videos from November from the VIP club… incl. some of the videos from “Project F”, then you should act soon, as December is approaching quickly 😉

The freezing frogwoman VS the certified maniac

I know this movie since it came out in 2015 and got the UK DVD back then (for some reason it wasn’t released on Bluray?).

It was recommended to me at least 6 or 7 times since then but I didn’t make a post until today.

Why? Well, I was unsure about what to post about this movie. If I would post every scene that is somehow (scuba and/or wetsuit) interesting to this blog… I would have to post at least 70% of the movie…. as here the main actress is in a wetsuit for basically the whole movie(!) except for some flashbacks and…

Spoiler title
…the very first and last minutes of the movie.

So, I decided now to focus on the scuba part of the movie and cut out some minutes where the villain is just starring down at the ice for loooooooong.

What happened before the video scenes?

Well, basically the woman realized that her husband is a murderous psycho and he wants to kill her.

He is a scuba instructor and has special plans for her after he drugged and kidnapped her…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, quite a sinister and crazy dude!

And that is just the part where she has her scuba tank… there is a lot more to come.

First, let’s start with some things I don’t like about this scene:

The whole aspect of how much air is in her tank is quite weird. Right before the video starts he empties her full tank from 3000 PSI down to 1000 PSI in a matter of seconds by sucking on the regulator and pushing the “air shower” (the translated german term) button on it. That would never ever work that fast. Plus why does he use the “air shower” button and has the regulator in his mouth? That wouldn’t work for long as someone can’t take in that much air. And it would take much longer than in the movie.

Plus the whole air pocket aspect. Is it possible that there is such a big air pocket on a lake under the ice? I mean the exhaled air from her tank would be there for sure, but that would be completely useless as this air is already “used. (*EDIT: My mistake)

In two takes the camera focuses on her depth instead of her gas gauge!

Well….why? I mean she is just under the ice the whole time and has only one way to go (up). The audience knows that, so why show it twice?

Perhaps, as the gauge is near zero… the movie makers confused it with the gas gauge?

Very odd….

And then the gas gauge very quickly goes from 1000 down to near zero in a matter of seconds! How is that possible? Or is that supposed to be a time-lapse?


However, there are a lot of positive aspects for me as well:

It’s quite a unique setting! I mean a guy who wants to drown a woman but puts a wetsuit and a scuba tank on her?

Certainly never seen that in any other movie….

The whole “running out of air” while the killer is just above her is very suspenseful!

The frogwoman is attractive and her wetsuit is quite nice. Of course, I would have preferred a black smooth skin wetsuit, but well, this way the heroine is very “flashy”.

And as the villain here is 100% evil and crazy… it’s a very intense survival scene…and that’s only the start for her.

About the whole movie:

There a very long takes of him just staring down at the ice. I mean the movie has only a length of about 70 minutes but it seems like they had to include a lot of overly long takes to even get to that length.

Plus his whole plan is kind of odd. I mean ok, he is crazy.

His whole plan for her is quite odd. I mean he certainly wants her to suffer before she dies.

He gives her a scuba tank but it is only one-third full.

So I guess he was “worried” that she might freeze to death before drowning? Even I can only guess how long someone could actually survive the ice-cold water, even with …an inappropriate… wetsuit on.

He gives her a wetsuit but that is only a little protection when the water temperature is around zero (celsius).

He straps the regulator to the back of the tank so she has to struggle a lot to even reach it.

Plus he is there on the ice but basically can’t see anything of her struggle, except some silhouettes and some air bubbles.

I guess he enjoys the whole situation big time, otherwise, he wouldn’t have come up with such a complicated scenario for her.

I am pretty sure that the screenwriter might have some aqua fetishes 😉


The flashbacks are interesting and important to the story, but too long for my taste and drag down the intensity a little.

I guess I will make a special cut of the whole movie where I cut out the flashbacks and overly long scenes of the villain doing nothing but starring for loooong takes.


But this movie is very much unique and very suspenseful, as I am cheering for her to find a way to get out of this horrible situation.

Yeah, this is a low-budget production and the acting isn’t always very good (especially the wooden villain) but certainly a very interesting scenario that you won’t find like this in any other movie.

Certainly, a movie that you should know and I can only recommend watching the whole thing!

Here are two posters of the movie (minus the title):

Very good motives in my opinion! Even the right one looks like bad CGI.

Here is the movie title:


(this one is from 2015, there is also a movie with the same title from 2016)

What do you think of this scene and the whole movie?

Leave your comment below!

P.S.: If you haven’t already, please SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel!

Female diver gets stuck in net! [Upgrade post, longer cut + better quality]

This is another classic that deserved an UPGRADE, and now it’s finally time!

We have a classic “female scuba diver gets trapped in net” scene 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Initially, I planned on releasing a 10-minute long cut with subtitles. But for some reason, the subtitles didn’t show up in the final file.

So I decided to put up the shorter peril cut as the main video.

You will find the longer video below (without the subtitles).

But back to the scene:

A classic, cliche “frogwoman clumsily dives into a net with very little air left” scenario.

The breathing sounds are pretty loud and done quite well, I am pretty sure they recorded them afterward and included them in the movie.

A pretty sexy result…in my opinion.

She was initially diving with a guy (which you can see in the longer cut) and they both screwed it up in my opinion. He got on the boat again without waiting for her… and she just stopped and decided to go diving on her own. And for some reason she didn’t have a knife… which could have been quite useful here 😉

Even she most likely would have lost it in this cliche scenario… while trying to escape.

Her scuba gear is ok, but I rather hate these old inflatable vests as they totally obscure the … view…

Here is the much longer version of the scene with before and after surface shots (not on my public Youtube channel):

In case you don’t speak Dutch … he basically blames her and tells her all the mistakes she made underwater. Nothing of big interest.

In the mid of next week, I will make a post about a very unusual scuba fight from the same TV show.

Sadly without women… but a very interesting scuba fight nonetheless.

Wanna know from which TV show this is?


IMDB lists 13 episodes, to my knowledge the show has 6 episodes!?!

Seemingly the show was televised with different long episodes/formats (my guess).

This scene is in episode 5 of 6.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

P.S.: If you haven’t already, please SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel!

Black Widow – Female diver runs out of air! – [Hall of Fame – UPGRADE]

(….not the movie with Scarlett Johansson 😉 )

Time to make another UPGRADE post with one of the best scuba peril scenes!

The old one had an SD video with about 4 minutes and basically no text.

Now I wanna present you with an HD video with over 7 minutes and a proper text alongside it!

If you don’t know these scenes already…I do envy you!

Let’s start with some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

(wasn’t welcome on Youtube in the past)

Damn, I love that scene! So thrilling, so sexy!

Actress Theresa Russell, here “Catharine, the villainess”, looks gorgeous. Those legs in that high-cut wetsuit top…. oh boy….

Even though, the damn BCD vests are annoying and are obscuring the view.

Debra Winger, here “Alexandra” does a great job here as well.

I love the moment where she realizes that she doesn’t get any air anymore (or very little) and desperately sucks on her regulator.

She checks her air supply, and the pressure gauge shows that she should have air left.

She should now check immediately for her buddy and then make an emergency ascend when she doesn’t see her.

She just grabs onto her mouthpiece and slowly ascends, but ok, she has no scuba experience… no wonder she behaves like that.

The struggle between the two is cut sometimes a little odd, but it’s very intense and very sexy for me.

I’m still not 100% sure if Alexandra pulls out her own regulator or if Catharine is yanking it out of Alexandra’s mouth.

Pretty sure it’s the latter, as we can see Catharine’s hand reaching for it, before the cut.

The moment as Alexandra is without her regulator and both are staring at each other… awesome! Her villainous eyes starring at her victim….

Catharine hesitates for a long moment before she finally gives her her regulator….. very interesting 😉


Some backstory for those who don’t know the movie (you should watch it):

Minor spoilers ahead!

Catharine has the habit of marrying rich guys who then mysteriously die under weird circumstances 😉

Alexandra works for the FBI and investigates.

The two become friends more or less.

Catharine finds out that Alexandra is working for the FBI…. before this scuba scene.

So, she manipulates Alexandra’s scuba gear (not shown) so she would run out of air before her pressure gauge would show that.

So, we can speculate a little on Catharine’s moves after Alexandra runs out of air.

I would say she tries to stop her from ascending as she wants to drown her to get rid of her.

Catharine then fights so that Alexandra can’t ascend. It’s hard to say how far they are down….perhaps Alexandra wouldn’t have a chance, hard to say.

In the magic moment as Alexandra is without her regulator I think Catharine is thinking about what to do.

I mean she is the one who still has air and Alexandra is about to drown quickly.

In my opinion, Alexandra has then a change of heart and gives Alexandra her life-giving regulator.

A decision that she might regret later on… 😉

After that Alexandra suspects that her scuba gear was manipulated….

One of my absolute favorites!

Great job by the sound department here as well. Love the sounds during the struggle 🙂


In my version, the finale of the movie would have been a scuba fight between the two…. a scuba fight to the death!

Here is a nice poster:


Here is the IMDB page of the movie:




I don’t know how it was handled in the 80s, but nowadays two newly certified divers shouldn’t/wouldn’t go on a dive alone.

They would need an experienced diver on their side.

And they also should have been at the surface again with that kind of oxygen reserve…but ok…

A short anecdote about the first time I saw this movie:

I was on holiday on some Mediterranean island in the mid-’90s as a teenager and it was late and the TV in the hotel room was on.

You could see several German TV stations there.

And there I saw a trailer from a TV station for this movie several days before the airing.

And the scuba scene was shown there as well, ok, only bits of it….but these bits got me excited big time!

I couldn’t wait to see that movie…. back then, TV airings, cinemas, and VHS tapes were the only chance to see such scenes.

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!