My Top 20 female action scuba scenes in one video – [Cliffhanger edition – TV/movies]

Most of you guys will have stumbled upon my “Hall of Fame” here by now.

I always wanted to make a video with all these scenes in it.

Last week I started the work on it and quickly realized that the video was going to get over 30 minutes long.

A pretty safe bet that the video wouldn’t stay for long on YouTube if it would be allowed at all.

Then I came up with the idea to make each segment from each scene much shorter and had the idea to make this cliffhanger edition/cut.

In this video, you will now find all my favorite 20 scenes. The order in the video is the order they are listed on my Hall of Fame page, which is in no particular order.

The number at the bottom is the listed number of the Hall of Fame.

In there, you will find the full version of each scene in case you wanna know how the scene actually ends 😉

I guess that most of you guys know most of the scenes already… but it’s a treat to have them all in one video.

The picture quality of each segment depends on the available source material.

Here you go:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon) ! 😉

So, which scene is your favorite? Or do you have multiple favorites?

How many of these 20 scenes did you know already?

What scenes would you have in a Top 20, Top 10, or Top 5 video?

What scenes should I include in a Top x video?

Feel welcome to discuss here in the comments or on Youtube!

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