Frogwomen Rachel, Lucy, and Alice in “Scuba Combat Training 7” (incl. 2nd camera on frogwoman) – [33rd video of Project F – 5th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the third “Project F” video in 2024!

This is video 33 and the third from the 5th video shoot.

In this video, Rachel, Lucy, and Alice are testing their scuba combat skills in 5 rounds of scuba action!

Yeah, I know… I already made several videos with this scenario in the past, but this one is… very special 🙂

For the first time in my Project F, a second camera was used to film from a POV perspective of one of the frogwomen.

So… actually, you will get 2 videos (A + B) here! Ok, they show the same action… but from two different perspectives!

In video 33A you will have the normal perspective from the camera that I used as I filmed the action.

In video 33B you will have the special perspective from one of the frogwomen with a camera that was mounted on them!

That means that you will get very close to the other frogwoman and that you will hear the breathing of each frogwoman much better than before.

You might wanna consider which video to watch first 😉


Frogwomen Rachel, Lucy, and Alice in “Scuba Combat Training 7” (incl. 2nd camera on frogwoman!)

1080p, 3:50(A), and 3:43 (B) minutes … 7:33 minutes in total

Rachel is participating in all 5 rounds, Lucy in rounds 1-3, and Alice in rounds 4-5

2nd camera is mounted on Lucy’s head in rounds 1 and 2, and on Rachel’s chest in rounds 3-5


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge) 

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

Originally there was music in the whole trailer, but there was already a copyright issue with the 29-second length.

The music is only in the trailer, not in the video.

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

3 frogwomen, neoprene, 3 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

2 hood, fins, fin removal, regulator stealing, 2nd camera mounted on frogwoman as POV camera


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Well, it’s a training scenario….

Background info:

I invested the money to buy a second GoPro before the last video shoot as I wanted to use 2 cameras simultaneously in a video.

Especially I wanted to test how it would look (and sound) when you would mount a camera on one of the frogwomen during the fight.

In rounds 1 and 2 I tested the head mount as the camera was strapped to Lucy’s head in these two.

I don’t know how I came up with the brilliant idea to mount it on her hood instead of under it… 😆 #fail

It doesn’t look good filmed from the view of the main camera and also the camera can be dislocated unintentionally… as you can see at the end of round 2 😉

However, I think that this camera angle might be the better one in comparison as it follows the head movement of the frogwoman.

In rounds 3 to 5 we had the camera mounted/strapped on the chest of Rachel where it was blended in well with her black suit.

Certainly an interesting perspective as well, even that doesn’t follow her.

In video 33B you will sometimes see Alice (as safety diver) or myself (with camera) in the background. 

I thought about cutting out these parts or blurring the two of us… but I think it’s better to leave that unedited.

I added the info with the round number for the length of both videos so it would be easier to know which round is currently running.

Especially in comparison with videos A and B.

In the future, I might also try a video where 2 cameras are mounted on one frogwoman…

…and then I could use the best footage from each camera for a video that is completely shown from her perspective.


Frogwoman Lucy is wearing an awesome vintage-style wetsuit from Elios:


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in September in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will upload another new Project F video from this video shoot every 2 weeks from now on…. 6 in total!

In the summer I wanna finally have my first video shoot in a lake (June?)

And there will be another video shoot this year in this cool deep pool …around September.

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

A deadly scuba fight inside a sunken airplane! [Hall of Fame]

This one is quite a blast! And I think many will like this one … a LOT! 😉

Thanks a ton for the recommendation!

This scene actually made it to my Hall of Fame as shows something very rare.

I am very happy about every new scuba scene… especially a big caliber like this one!

Let us check it out!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Watch the video before you continue!

(A filter was used by me to make the video a bit brighter… it is even darker in the original)

Well…. have I promised too much? I hope not….

First, some background story as this scene is a flashback:

“The real Elliot Stanley was a diver, who Frank McDonnell hired to find a downed plane which his father had been on. His father had called him telling him he had important information to

share but had died on the plane before he could show him.

Hoping to find what was inside, Frank hired Elliot. However, Elliot had also become acquainted with Niamh Cassidy, and had travelled down to the plane with her.

While there, she handcuffed him to the plane and sliced his breathing apparatus with a knife, killing him so he couldn’t reveal the truth of what had been found there.”

(not written by me)


Ok, there are some minus points here for sure:

It’s quite a dark scene, even with some added light by me. Ok, it’s realistic as they dive down quite deep and have only their small lights.

It’s uncool that there hasn’t been any surface shot before the dive… especially as they have such cool vintage scuba gear.

Also… it’s not good that his drowning isn’t shown at all. She exists the plane and the rest is left to the imagination.


But… there is a LOT of great aspects in this one for me!

There is a female scuba diver who attacks a male diver and kills him… that is incredibly rare stuff! I know only 3 or 4 scenes where that happens in the movies or in a TV show.

The scuba hear is great. Seems like this is set in the 70s or 80s with these suits. They both have great vintage wetsuits. What is really interesting is that both divers seemingly have “armored”

air hose with some protective encasing around the regular air hose.

That is quite unusual and also … weird. I mean you can see her protector just around most of the hose while some parts aren’t protected by it.

But ok, this way only certain parts of her hose can be sliced.

Perhaps both used this extra protection as they were diving into a wreck … which often has some sharp edges.

Or are they both prepared for a scuba knife fight? 😉


It’s funny and unrealistic that his air hose basically explodes as her knife is just touching it 😆

It’s actually quite difficult to slice such a hose… as I have proven in some of my Project F videos 😉

I really like how she planned this whole thing. She ties him up first, which he realizes very quickly and then she attacks with her knife.

He isn’t helpless and also has a knife. She cuts into his arm, so his defense is down as she slices his air hose.

She is out of his reach and so he is doomed to drown in that plane.

I love all the sounds that he makes in this scene! I guess they added some in post-production, a great job 🙂

He immediately realizes that he is in big trouble and you can hear that from the start.

Also, I do love the reveal of the scuba killer!

How she walks out of the water, that she ditches some gear, and that you can only see from behind how she pulls off her scuba hood.

The audience has still no clue who that is or how she looks until the camera moves around her and shows her face in that phone booth.

A great reveal for sure!

Ok, enough from me… how do YOU like this scene?

Leave a comment here or on YouTube!


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Frogwomen Kara, Demi, and Korra in “The Cop, The Cat, and the Bat” – [32nd video of Project F – 5th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the second new “Project F” video in 2024!

This is video 32 and the second from the 5th video shoot.

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….


Frogwomen Kara, Demi, and Korra in “The Cop, The Cat, and the Bat”, 1080p, 3:18 minutes

(incl. 29 seconds in total of intro and outro with music)


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge) 

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

3 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, 1 normal neoprene wetsuit, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

Batgirl cowl, swimming goggles (under cowl/mask), freediving mask (under cowl/mask), Catwoman cowl, 1 hood, 1 pair of gloves, scuba knife, fins


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

(will add such info on the other videos as well in the next weeks)

Background info (without spoiler):

Well, this video is certainly a little different, I hope you like it!

That is why I sent links to the VIP club members yesterday to surprise them with the video link without them having had the chance to see any “spoilering” pictures, text,  or the trailer today.

As you may know, I do have another blog:

So I do have some masks in store… so I thought why not mix it up a little?

For a long time already I have been fascinated by masked women like Batgirl, Catwoman, Black Scorpion etc.

So I wanted to create a scuba video with such masked women.

The Batgirl cowl (Arkham video games style) is a high-quality piece that was certainly not cheap and is handcrafted.

The Catwoman cowl (“Batman Returns” style) is solid, but nothing fancy… a mass-produced mask.

The first challenge was that you can’t wear a normal scuba mask on top of such a mask as they would flood when the scuba mask isn’t 100% on the skin (#noseal).

Kara wore a (noseless) freediving mask under the cowl, which worked really well.

That Batgirl cowl isn’t very tight and the rubber material is quite flexible, it was a good fit with the scuba hood and the freediving mask.

I had planned that Korra would wear black swimming goggles under that Catwoman cowl… and we tried to make it work, but these goggles didn’t fit well enough under that tight mask.

So, Plan B was activated when we tried the swimming goggles that Alice had provided for the video shoot. Luckily that worked out, even the tight Catwoman mask made it difficult as well.

But Korra patiently tried several options and it worked out!

Batgirl and Catwoman could have worn more unique costumes with special suits etc. … but that wasn’t possible within the budget.

Of course, you can get pretty cheap suits for both of these characters… but they look pretty crappy…. so they wore regular smooth-skin wetsuits in black.

I would have loved to get some nice iconic claws for Catwoman… but well, any sort of claws, even plastic ones… are problematic when smooth skin wetsuits are involved.

Smooth-skin wetsuits look great… but they certainly are pretty fragile. That’s why the frogwomen on my video shootings mostly wear gloves when getting in or out of them. (#fingernails).

In the future, I wanna make another video with Batgirl and Catwoman and then add some more gadgets, and costume pieces.

Without regular scuba masks, Kara and Korras noses were exposed to the water. That was pretty unusual to them… but they quickly managed to adapt to it very well!

We made multiple takes of some scenes, but still… I wish we made some more. But all that mask/goggles testing took quite some time.

All in all, I think the video turned out pretty good and the 3 did a great job!

It is the first video here with Korra and her vast scuba experience paid off as she had the role with the longest screen time in this video.


In the VIP club, you will find additional info on this video.


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in October in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that you would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will upload another new Project F video from this video shoot every 2 weeks from now on…. 6 or 7 in total!

In the summer I wanna finally have my first video shoot in a lake (June?)

And there will be another video shoot this year in this cool deep pool …around September.

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure 😉

Frogwoman Lucy and Freedivers Rachel and Alice in “The Trap” – [31st video of Project F – 5th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the first new “Project F” video in 2024!

This is video 31 and the first from the 5th video shoot.

In this video, Frogwoman Lucy wants to test some new scuba gear in the deep pool!

Rachel and Alice are also there to train their freediving skills and they have a sinister plan in mind… What will happen?


Frogwoman Lucy and Freedivers Rachel and Alice in “The Trap”, 1080p, 4:30 minutes

(incl. 20 seconds of Bonus footage)


Some preview pictures:


(click to enlarge) 

(The music is just in the trailer, not in the video)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, 2 female freedivers, neoprene, 3 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, freediving, modern scuba gear, hoods (2 of 3), fins, surface shot

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

(will add such info on the other videos as well in the next weeks)

Background info (without spoiler):

I think the video turned out pretty good and has a lot of aspects I really love and you hopefully will love as well!

Frogwoman Lucy got the new Elios wetsuit I got some weeks before the video shoot.

I think it looks quite spectacular! You don’t see many red wetsuits as that color is a little “problematic” as I explained in the unboxing video.

As I am a huge Thunderball fan I love the red/orange wetsuits that Bond and the Navy diver wore in that movie.

And this wetsuit has a very interesting red that changes quite a bit with the overall lighting!

I really like scenes where Frogwomen film themselves as the camera is close by all the time and you don’t have any breathing sounds of me on it (when I am operating the camera).

Rachel and Alice are experienced Freedivers in real life so it was the best choice to let them play these roles in the video.

It’s the first video with Rachel in it! #debut

Lucy has only the limited scuba experience she has from the 4 (of 5) video shoots in which she participated but again, she performed really well!

From retro perspective, it would have been good to have done some more takes of some of the action scenes at the end with better instructions from me.

But, that is always the problem with very limited time. Perhaps I will add 1 or 2 hours to the next video shoot, even if that costs … even… more money.

This video is a good example of how continuity errors find their way in movies and videos as you may already see in the pictures above.

Lucy did a first dive with the all-black mask but water got into it… so she got another mask to use in the video.

But I just didn’t think about the fact that meant that we had to re-shoot the surface scene as she there had the all-black scuba mask…. yeah, not my best moment.

In the video, I built in two short explanations for gear changes as I think that was the best way to now deal with them so they are not a problem.

Also… an extra thanks to Rachel and Alice as they brought their own freediving fins to the video shoot! (they got a little extra for that)

I do have several pairs of normal scuba fins…. but no long freediving fins in my gear collection…. so far.



Frogwoman Lucy is wearing an awesome vintage-style wetsuit from Elios:


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text)


Where to watch it?

The video is available again NOW in June in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want!

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that you would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will upload another new Project F video from this video shoot every 2 weeks from now on…. 6 or 7 in total!

In the summer I wanna finally have my first video shoot in a lake (June?)

And there will be another video shoot this year in this cool deep pool …around September.

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure 😉



Waterwoman: Season 2 – German Documentary show about a freediver

Two years ago I made this post:

Well, now there is a second season and Anna von Boetticher can be seen in some more underwater adventures!

If you like to see her in some gorgeous smooth skin wetsuits and/or are interested in underwater topics and sea creatures… this show is for you!

She is wearing those suits all the time as soon she is near the water.

Especially the first episode of the second season is interesting as there is also a sexy female scuba diver… but I enjoyed all the 4 new episodes as well.

Some pictures:

If you live in Germany…. in reality, or with the help of a VPN… you can find all the new episodes (and season 1) here:

Also, some “Waterwoman” episodes can be found on YouTube as well.

Well, the scenes where she is freediving next to the scuba diver… I was hoping they would attack each other 😉 , but of course, that doesn’t happen.

It’s a documentary after all … a very sexy one.

A villain with a magic staff …and a frogwoman in a sinking coffin

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

I have known this movie for a while and never posted about it since I was quite disappointed about the very time the female lead was actually scuba diving.

But she can be seen in a gorgeous wetsuit for quite a lot of time so I decided to post about it…



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video (short version):

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!


>>> Here is the much longer version (I recommend this one): <<<


I tried to upload the long version to Youtube but that didn’t work. So I made a much shorter one… and that was seemingly ok.


Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, as I said… I would have loved to see her underwater much more and was really disappointed back then as I watched the movie for the first time.

It is a German movie and I remember as I saw some promo trailer for it back in the day here on TV.

Also, I had a little crush on Bettina Zimmermann and was very excited to see her in scuba scenes.

Well, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. But, as I re-watched it now I was surprised that she actually runs around quite a lot in that wetsuit (some more scenes in the movie).

The movie is just ok, but Bettina Z. in that wetsuit is certainly a big plus point! 🙂

Would have been cool if they had put a camera in that coffin while she was sinking with it…. a missed opportunity!


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

3 gorgeous women in awesome vintage rubber wetsuits! [Hall of Fame]

I stumbled upon this one a few weeks ago and it’s now finally time to post it here…

Yeah, no underwater scenes in this one… BUT… there are three gorgeous women who try to get into tight vintage rubber wetsuits!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, as I said …no underwater footage… plus the colors of this print are really bad.

This was filmed in full color in 1969 but seemingly there is no print with a better quality available so far.

But now to the great aspects of these scenes!

We have three beautiful women in perfect vintage rubber wetsuits!

And seemingly the producers of the show inside this show have selected some mighty tight-fitted wetsuits 😆

The start is….well…. insanely erotic! What do we see there? I mean ….there is a guy pressing himself(!) onto the back of that frogwoman while yanking hard on her wetsuit!!!

And seemingly it’s his “job” to do that with all three women. Even we can’t see that part with the other ones….damn!

Having such scenes would be my dream if I would be in his position!

Even it would be …challenging… to do that in front of a film crew…. for…. reasons 😉

Would love to know how the two actors who actually filmed that… felt about it.

It’s a shame that there aren’t more scenes with these wetsuited women in that episode, especially as they are talking about other fictive scenes.

I added this scene to the Hall of Fame here on the blog.

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Frogwoman gets knocked out underwater!

I hope you had some good days in the new year!

Today I wanna post about a relatively new scene that was recommended to me by a nice user some weeks ago.

In this scene, we have a frogwoman who wants to save a submarine but gets into trouble…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Alternative link… in case you can’t watch it on YouTube:


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, these crappy CGI dolphins are really bad… alongside the other CGI effects.

But Flipper and his successors weren’t available as it seems. Also, he might be considered an imperialistic, evil Western dolphin by the movie makers of this movie 😉

The tank on the first screenshot looks really weird. These dents… is that tank a mockup out of cardboard? 😉

And how does she manage to get knocked out by that thing? #badreflexes

However, at least she really is diving underwater so it isn’t all CGI.

On the good side, she does wear a nice body wetsuit and there are a bunch of good close-ups of her.

And it’s a nice perilous scene once she loses the regulator.

So, all in all, it’s a nice scene for me.

Wanna know the title of the movie?

怒海浩劫 aka Deep Sea Rescue or The Wrath of the Sea or Rage of the Sea

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Something new for the next video shoot… [Unboxing video]

I posted about this video last week on the VIP club, now it’s time to move it to the regular blog!

For the next video shoot in early March, I got something new:

(the video is unlisted on my YouTube channel since it doesn’t show any frogwomen)

Sorry for the minor audio issues, I was a little sick in the days before…


More gear of Project F here:

It’s not easy to get a fully red (smooth skin) wetsuit since that color is the first one that “vanishes” underwater at some meters depth already (without extra lighting):

But that won’t be a problem in the pool, even if it’s a deep one with up to 4 meters… like in this case. 🙂

Even I am a little confused as I was thinking that red wetsuits would look like orange at a certain depth. (#Thunderball)

I wanna use that suit in a scenario where a frogwoman in red meets a frogwoman in black, I think that would look really good in contrast.

Especially as it reminds me of the wetsuit color pattern from a certain movie 😉

Even the suits of the good guys mostly appear to look orange underwater…depending on depth and lighting.

The suit is quite thin with 1,5mm.

Here is a picture of the suit from the Elios website (edited):

An interesting color, looks very “normal” red here with certain lighting it looks like a mixture between red and pink.

Looking forward to using that suit in the next video shoot!


Suit from:


Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!