Charlies Angels – Female scuba diver gets attacked… [UPGRADE – Hall of Fame]

This was one of the earliest posts on this blog back in 2013:


And today it’s time to make a proper post with a FULL HD UPGRADE and proper text!

This one is an absolute classic …in my opinion…. and I will tell you why, but let’s start with some pictures first.

Preview, Scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

(had problems with these scenes on Youtube in the past)

Watch the video before you continue!

So, you might guess why this one is a classic for me 😉

So, we have two beautiful women in nice vintage scuba gear! Ok, the BCD vests are kind of uncool…but at least they are only on the back.

The scuba fight is done pretty well, a nice struggle, she is occupied with controlling his knife hand as it’s the greatest threat to her.

They roll around nicely and finally, he manages to get his knife into position and slice her live-giving air hose!

It seems like they recorded the sound from her escaping air in a studio or so. Not 100% sure.

However, it sounds as sexy to me as it looks!

Lucky for her, he ….seemingly….. “just” wants to scare her off for the moment as he immediately swims away instead of holding her back at that depth.

Ok, hard to say in which depths they were… If they were deep enough he might have thought that she wouldn’t make it to the surface or wouldn’t survive an emergency ascend.

Also, the other Angel is there to rescue her by starting buddy breathing with her.

The sight of a sliced air hose spewing bubbles is quite something for me! 🙂

All in all, a very good scene that now finally gets into my Hall of Fame.

The end of the episode is also nice, as they look great with just their wetsuits on! Plus the nice Navy helicopter that reminds me of a certain movie with “some” scuba content 😉

But there is one more very interesting scuba scene in this episode!

This time three frogwomen are underwater and the bad guy is there again.

Time for a rematch!

Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

A good scene, but it seems a little….”lackluster” in the end.

One of them is charging him like a bull, and that without a scuba knife! (Why do the Angels haven’t got any knives?)

A very brave attack!

But then the two others join and the action gets very, very tame. They move slowly and a little “random”.

That scene could have used a better directing/script. It seems like they don’t fully know what to do here and there…..

The other two should have had a little more energy.

In my version, the frogwoman in yellow would fight with him.

The others would attack from behind and one would rip off his scuba mask and one would yank out his regulator.

But ok, in this version they have to escape the blast radius and he is staying back to get blown up 😉

I will watch the full episode today to get the full backstory behind it.

This scene is special as 3 frogwomen are fighting against one frogman, even though it’s a short and tame struggle. Quite unique nonetheless…I would say.

Wanna know from which episode these scenes are?


IMDB says it’s episode 4 of that season, my info is episode 3….however the episode title of the IMDB link is 100% correct.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!



Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy [5th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

A very special one as this contains a nice action scene 😉


Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy, 1080p, 60 frames, 4:25 minutes

Frogwoman Alice is wearing the Elios vintage style beavertail smooth skin wetsuit. For the most part, she is using a Scubapro C370, later on, a Royal Mistral Double Hose Regulator.

Frogwoman Lucy is wearing the Aquasphere Pursuit smooth skin wetsuit and a Mares Abyss regulator.


Some preview pictures:

The picture quality in the video does actually look a little better than the screenshots

(click to enlarge)

A short trailer that also includes scenes from this video:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, vintage scuba gear, double hose regulator

2 hoods, no fins, scuba knife, air hose slicing/cutting, air hose damage


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title


I thought hard if I should publish the 4th picture above. I mean it spoils the action scene, but in the end, it has to be there so that you folks know that there is this action scene at the end.

And from that picture, you still don’t know how it’s gonna end so… I think it’s good to have it.


In parts of this video, I am using the small 1L Smaco tank that Lucy used in video 2 as I wanted to be at the bottom of the pool so the two frogwomen could dive above me.

For the most part of the video Frogwoman, Alice is wearing a Cressi mask with a mirror effect so that you only can see through the glass from certain angles. I think it’s a really cool mask for a mysterious frogwoman. For the last scene, they swapped their masks as I think that mask fits better to the “evil” frogwoman.

I recommend that you watch the video before you continue!


(click on the “Spoiler title+” field below IF you wanna read the spoilers)

Spoiler title
I am very happy that the two agreed to make that last scene as not everyone would be OK with actually doing that. Frogwoman Lucy had only perhaps one hour or less of scuba experience (in total) and was willing to do something that nearly no diver has actually ever done. Frogwoman Alice had to react fittingly to the action, which she did really well, especially considering this was all very much improvised as time was running out quickly.

But I am happy with the outcome, especially as a scene like that wasn’t done like that, at least not to my knowledge. I mean how many scenes do you know where a hose of a frogwoman with a double hose regulator gets sliced by another diver? I know exactly one fetish video where that happens…..and there they cheat big time as the outtake hose gets cut…which isn’t a real problem for the “victim”. I do know not a single movie where that happens.

If you look closely you can see that the two hoses of her double hose regulator are different. I swapped the original hose from the ’60s (!) with a modern version that was less flexible and thicker. With the first slice, Frogwoman Lucy damaged the air hose as you can see air is already escaping. The second slice severed the hose at another place as the “salvaged” air hose showed later. Perhaps the damaged air hose would have ripped also as the air was pumping through it later on….hard to say.

And this all was just a test run for much more scripted scenes I have in mind for the next shooting! These will have a (simple) storyline with more action and “deadly” outcomes as well…. and then my camera skills and lightning skills will have improved as well 😉

I underestimated how loud the noise would be as she surfaced and the air was still blown out of that sliced hose….. Above the surface, I quickly closed the valve, but damn, that was QUITE loud! I actually filmed that as the camera was still running as I closed the valve.

Also if you look closely at the buddy breathing scene, it looks like Lucy is pulling the octopus regulator away from Alice….perhaps on purpose as a foresign of the next scene? 😉



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was about some minutes longer but contained some footage where we discussed some aspects in between the shots.

Wanna watch this video?

It will be available again in the VIP club in December!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Jessica Alba, a dead diver, a dolphin, and a maniac [+ BONUS scene]

[2nd post for today]

Today I wanna show two scenes from the very early days of the 90’s Flipper TV show.

The main scene features a very young Jessica Alba ( I guess only in the surface scenes) and her male buddy to dive down to a shipwreck.

They make an unexpected find….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, certainly not something you wanna find underwater….or anywhere else. #dead dude

I like the performance of the bad guy on the boat as they return to the surface.

Really evil and creepy. Seconds later he even shots Flipper puncturing his fin with a spear! But well, I decided to cut that out of the video as they may spark some comments….

Of course, he is ok later on as this is a kid’s TV show in the first place. 😉

The two kids get locked up and get rescued later on.


As a bonus, I have another short scene that doesn’t actually have a frogwoman in it, but you might find it interesting anyhow.

You may have noticed that the air hose of the dead diver was sliced….well, here is the scene from earlier in the episode:

Damn, how great would this scene be if it actually would have been 3 frogWOmen? Or at least one….

However, it shows how ruthless the main villain is as he just locks the guy in there after slicing his air hose.

Later on in the episode, the bad guy battles a good guy and loses (but isn’t killed), but that scene is rather badly done…in my opinion.

These scenes can be found in this episode:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!



The female scuba diver and the sharpest net in history!

…but don’t you worry, she won’t be sliced into parts, this isn’t from a horror movie 😉

I posted all the good female scuba scenes from seasons 1-9 of Baywatch in HD.

Seasons 10 and 11 were not available in HD for a long time….that has changed now, so it’s time to present the good female scuba scenes from these episodes as well!

This one is a rather famous one that I wanna post first, even there are interesting scuba scenes earlier in the season.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, this is so absurd that it is really funny! 🙂

A net cutting through a modern regulator hose like that???? Oh man! That is very……creative….to say at least 😉

It’s already pretty hard to cut such a hose with a scuba knife. But this net seems to be the sharpest net in history! A net right from hell, it would slice all fishes to pieces 😆

The lifeguards and the other diver behave quite strangely….

The two lifeguards aren’t well prepared. First, shouldn’t they have scuba masks stored on their jetskis? Would be useful! They dive down to her, can’t free her and one has to surface to get a knife from the scuba guy. Why isn’t he down there to help them? His scuba tank doesn’t seem to be empty, he could provide air for the rescue. Then they realize that they might need air and one surfaces to get 2 spare air tanks. Why didn’t they take those in the first dive? And the scuba guy had a scuba tank and a knife…why didn’t he use his knife to free her earlier?

But ok, realism and strange behavior aside….this is quite a nice scuba peril scene!

The camera zooms in relentlessly on the ….”well equipped”….. diver, she gets into peril and illustrates that very well with her ….moaning… sounds. 🙂

Also, it’s good to have a change to the classic “trapped in a net setting” where a diver which almost no air left gets stuck in it.

Here she is trapped, but seemingly has enough air left for a while. The scene only gets really perilous as her air hose gets sliced by that net from hell which puts her into immediate danger.

It’s unclear if she has a 2nd regulator, but maybe she couldn’t have reached it the way she is entangled in the net.

The sound of the escaping air and the sight of the cut air hose spewing bubbles… quite sexy!

Interesting that the scene on the surface wasn’t cut in another way…interesting that they let the frames in where the lifeguard gropes her right breast.

Maybe they thought no one would notice…. 😉

Wanna know in which episode this scene is in?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!



The trailer for this blog and its Youtube channel

After very little participation in the second round of different trailer music tracks….I was a little disappointed and thought about the whole trailer thing.

Today I finished the trailer. Basically, it’s the very first version that I uploaded, now with some changes to the order of scenes and some fixes to the music.

…and I added the intro and outro text.

Here it is:

If a regular visitor of this blog you should know most of these scenes already.

If you don’t then you have some “homework” to do 😉

Many (the best) of the scenes from the trailer can be found in my “Hall of Fame” section here on the blog.

If you live in Japan and can’t see the trailer on Youtube (blocked there), then you can watch/download the trailer here:


Female scuba diver gets attacked and drowned by evil diver [S.O.S. Barracuda][HD upgrade + longer][+ Bonus scene]

Remember this epic scene? Here is the old link…

Female scuba diver gets attacked and drowned by evil diver [S.O.S. Barracuda]

That video was done from a VHS recording as the movie was aired the last time in the early 2000s. A very nice guy provided that one to me in 2018.

Now, after all these years the movie was shown again on a HD channel, so I was able to get a proper recording.

Also, I could see the whole movie now and not only a couple of minutes of it.

There is also another scuba scene in this one that I didn’t know of, but we will come to that later on.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


*EDIT* Had to be moved to an alternative site…

My view on the plus and minus points of this scene hasn’t changed (from my old post):

– points:

The struggle between her and the attacker is much too short. The camera work is too fast and too shaky. We don’t see very much of her….

Many “mistakes”: Her tanks emptied so fast…. if she had more than a few % of her air left…that’s a mistake. It should take much longer until she is out.

She doesn’t fight back and her only action is to use the octopus.

And why is her dive buddy suddenly so far away from her? He was pretty close as he was cutting these cables.

Additional – points:

Why does she drown that fast? I often laugh at some scuba fetish videos where it takes up to 5 or more minutes for someone to drown which is just hilarious. But ok, I guess some folks wanna see it so long. Here it is quite the opposite: He cuts her air hose and she drowns in a matter of a few seconds. Equally weird. Especially as she uses her 2nd regulator and should get air from it as long the tank still has air in it.

Her male buddy behaves really completely insanely. He manages to disarm the attacker, who closes his air valve. But what does the guy do? Trying to reach it, and fails to do so. Ok, yeah, it’s not so easy to reach it with shorter arms. But…..why doesn’t he get out of his BCD-vest? Then he could easily reach the valve and turn his air back on! Instead, he dives to his now-dead girlfriend. He realizes that she is dead and that her air hose is cut. But he tries to get air from his tank! WHY? How is there supposed to be air left in there as the air hose is sliced and no more air escapes the cut hose? Completely moronic move. He still doesn’t think of turning his air back on and ascends rapidly, nearly dying in the process.


+ points:

First of all, this is the ONLY scene I know (in a movie or TV series) where a female diver is attacked…her air hose gets cut…AND she actually drowns afterward. In every other scene with an air hose cut…the female diver always survive. This aspect makes it unique! GREAT! A real big + point! (*EDIT* Now in 2021 it’s one of two scenes I know of that kind)

After she drowns we get to see a lot of scenes of her dead body. That is very rare too.

I guess many will love all these “death stare” scenes. And let’s be honest: I do ….like them….somehow. (But my main interest is to see the struggle before the drowning)

Additional + points:

The scuba fight with the two men is actually not bad. I wish he would have struggled with her like that. He manages to disarm the attacker and injures him.

Later on, her fires an emergency rocket and gets saved by the Barracuda crew. But some minutes later he gets shot by the killer….


Some more pictures:

(click to enlarge)


But as I mentioned there is another scuba scene, check it out:


*EDIT* Had to be moved to an alternative site…

Well, what did just happen? Good question!

First of all, I love the end result! The evil scuba killer who drowned one frogwoman gets now (seemingly) drowned by another female diver (from the Barracuda police crew).

A really great, fitting result! 🙂


….what has happened down there?????? It isn’t shown and it isn’t explained at all. She doesn’t speak about it with the other crew members, no one asks her.

That way we totally have to use our imagination.

Has she somehow turned his air off? Has she stabbed him with a knife that was never shown? Was there a struggle between the two? Why didn’t both dive to the surface to find out what was going on there?

Well, all questions we never get an answer for….. 🙁

I really like to see her in closeups in her full face mask! Would have loved to see them fight against each other! With him trying to drown another frogwoman….but this frogwoman would be far better skilled than his last victim with her police scuba training (it was mentioned in the movie).

I guess in the end they may have been run out of money (or time) and just didn’t film some more scenes underwater.

A real shame, but it is cool to have another scuba scene in this movie….

Here is the IMDB title to this one:


What do you think about these two scenes?

Leave your comment below!

S.O.S. Barracuda TV airing!!!

[last updated: January 24]

In late December I made a post on this cool forum:

….and it’s about time that I post here about in the page as well!


I posted this on the forum on December 29:

Hopefully you know my post about an episode from S.O.S. Barracuda which includes something VERY, VERY, VERY RARE….. … -barracuda

S.O.S. Barracuda is a german series consisting out of 8 movies made from 1997 to 2002.
During the summer of 2018 I heard that there was a rather fantastic scene (with some flaws) in one of the movies.
But I thought I would probably never see it. These movies weren’t shown since the early 2000’s in german TV and there are no DVD/Blu-ray releases.
Then I made a request for it on my blog.
I was very lucky to get videos files from a friendly guy who read my request about these movies.

I subscribed to an email-alert that I would get if these movies ever would be shown again here in german TV.
Since, as I said, the movies weren’t shown for over 15 years….I had very little hope that they would ever be shown again.
But yesterday I got such an email alert….. :!: :!: :!: :!: …I was quite shocked….in a good way :lol:
On January 23 a first movie of that show is shown on “RTL Passion” (german pay TV).
Oddly enough they show movie number 3…at first. :?:
At my place where I have cable….I can’t get that channel, even I would want to.

I would love to get recordings of all 8 movies.
AS I understand only 2 or 3 have scuba content in it.
But I want all of them in a good quality.
Especially that one with the epic scuba drowning!!!!
Hopefully the channel will show all of them….

I will try to figure out if there is a way in which I could get these movies in nice quality files.
Has anyone experience in recording from a TV airing? In a way that you would have a quality file on the computer afterwards?
I have a digital recorder which I use to record movies all the time. But they are then on that recorder and can’t be moved to anywhere else.
I also have an older recorder with DVD drive, which I could use to get it to the computer….but as I said, I can’t get that channel so….both recorders are not an option in this case.
Perhaps getting it from a streaming site would be an option…

I hope someone here can help with advice!
Or perhaps even record these movies… 


*EDIT* January 24th:

All issues have been figured out and I got the first one, check out the new post from January 24 for the scenes from the first movie.


You can find the answers I got in the forum itself as I don’t want the made this post too long.

Well, I really hope that they will air all these 8 movies, especially the ones with female scuba content off course….

Will keep you updated!



“The Scuba Instructor” [Fetish/peril scuba story]

It took some days longer than I thought, but here it is my newest scuba fetish story!

I asked you folks, last week how much sexual content (besides the fetish and peril aspects) you would be ok within such a story.

And actually, it leads me to the idea to write two different versions of the story!

Well, ok, most parts are identical, even the ending…..but depending on what you prefer… you can choose between these versions!

There is a “vanilla/peril” version with only limited sexual content.

And there is a much darker…XXX…version with more sexual content. You can choose one of them…. or read both!



It is Michelle’s last dive to get her scuba certificate with her dive instructor.

He has …special…. plans for this dive! Very….special plans!



  • Scuba peril
  • Drowning peril
  • Scuba fights
  • Frogwoman in sexy smooth skin wetsuit
  • Breathplay
  • …..and much more!

For all you folks here is the PREVIEW version, which has 7 pages:

The Scuba Instructor – PREVIEW version (some pictures included)

(PDF-File on Google Drive)

The other versions have 10 (vanilla/peril version) and 11 pages (XXX version).

What is Mike up to? Can Michelle fight back?

Who, if anyone at all,  will survive this perilous scuba adventure?

Find the answer to all your questions in the VIP section of!


You find the complete story there, along with 6 other perilous scuba stories!

Also, you can find monthly scuba videos there that I won’t post on the Blog!