The trailer for this blog and its Youtube channel

After very little participation in the second round of different trailer music tracks….I was a little disappointed and thought about the whole trailer thing.

Today I finished the trailer. Basically, it’s the very first version that I uploaded, now with some changes to the order of scenes and some fixes to the music.

…and I added the intro and outro text.

Here it is:

If a regular visitor of this blog you should know most of these scenes already.

If you don’t then you have some “homework” to do 😉

Many (the best) of the scenes from the trailer can be found in my “Hall of Fame” section here on the blog.

If you live in Japan and can’t see the trailer on Youtube (blocked there), then you can watch/download the trailer here:


Citadel Below – A very promising movie project – The Trailer

Hey folks, today I wanna share something very special! A reader of this blog contacted me, he asked me about my opinion about a self-made trailer. He and a friend are working on a film project involving a huge amount of underwater action! They have the story and the storyboard and wanna present the results to producers. The trailer, as you will see, is made 100% out of clips from different movies and TV series. So the trailer is made to bring the viewers an idea of what the movie will be about. So it’s not a “classic” trailer.

Now he gave me his ok to present the trailer here on my site. This is the result:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the trailer:

The story has a lot of underwater scuba combat scenes with female divers!!!

My idea about this project?

Brilliant idea, promising story! That could be the scuba movie I would make (in my dreams).

Of course, it won’t be easy getting it realized, I even think it’s a very hard sell, but I’m very curious about how this project will develop… 🙂