Hey folks, today I wanna share something very special! A reader of this blog contacted me, he asked me about my opinion about a self-made trailer. He and a friend are working on a film project involving a huge amount of underwater action! They have the story and the storyboard and wanna present the results to producers. The trailer, as you will see, is made 100% out of clips from different movies and TV series. So the trailer is made to bring the viewers an idea of what the movie will be about. So it’s not a “classic” trailer.
Now he gave me his ok to present the trailer here on my site. This is the result:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the trailer:
The story has a lot of underwater scuba combat scenes with female divers!!!
My idea about this project?
Brilliant idea, promising story! That could be the scuba movie I would make (in my dreams).
Of course, it won’t be easy getting it realized, I even think it’s a very hard sell, but I’m very curious about how this project will develop… 🙂