A female scuba thief?

Today I wanna present a great scuba outfit in a very well-made “art”-picture.

This would my ideal ….mysterious “frogwoman-thief” who steals at night from some yachts…and encounters some police divers who try to stop her…try to cut her air hose(s) to bring her to the surface and unmask her there. But she is a well-trained fighter….

Oh, that would be great stuff for a movie, or? But enough talking, here are the pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Your opinion?


Scuba battle with 2 men and 2 women

A criminal couple dives to recover their drugs from the ocean floor…. 2 heroic life guards from the mighty “Baywatch” can’t let that happen… 😉

….so a scuba battle begins!

Here’s the video:

*EDIT* A better quality video is available in this newer post:


A well-made scene in my eyes! Of course, there is enough room for improvement…but hey, good stuff!


Charlies Angels – Female scuba diver gets attacked…

…by a male diver! In part 1 of the scene, they fight underwater until he manages…

…to cut her air hose! What will happen to her?

Part 2 of the scene! More scuba action ahead!


Check out the video, with both scenes combined:


Quality upgrade post here:


I love this episode of Charlie’s Angels! Great fight scenes and even an air hose cut! Brilliant Stuff! 🙂