A murderous diver wants to drown tourists!

Why this post on a Friday?

Well, as my usual upload-Sunday is the first of the month when I update the VIP club on both blogs… you get the weekly post two days early.

Thanks for the recommendation to the nice guy!

The story of this TV episode sounds quite …awesome! In a certain way….

A diver attacks swimmers at a big lake and tries to drown them.

Like a crazy serial scuba killer… and of course, the diver must be stopped, so the police are sending divers to catch him!



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Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

There is no female diver in this episode… a real bummer!

Would have been great if he had attacked a female diver.

Or even better… if the killer would have been a woman!

No luck!

But at least there are these two female swimmers in the episode who get attacked …and manage to escape him.

Especially the first scene is done pretty well with some nice close-ups.

Some spoilers for the rest of the episode:

His third attack (the only other which is shown in the episode) is more successful in a way.

He tries to drown a man, again… not successful, but the man gets a heart attack and dies because of that.

In the end, he gets chased down by 4 male divers… as he spots them he gives up and even tries to drown himself as he pulls out his own regulator!

In the end … he was quite unsuccessful as a crazy scuba killer πŸ˜† … luckily for most of the victims he attacked.

So, as often… the storyline sounded better on paper, but I am happy to now know this episode.


Wanna know the name of the TV show and the episode title?


Fun fact:

The episode title “Der Schwarze Hai” (the black shark) is a nice reference to “Der weiße Hai” (the white shark) which is the German title of the blockbuster “Jaws”.


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!


Male diver attacks female swimmer [UPGRADE + special cut]

Time for another upgrade!

This one deserves a video quality upgrade and proper text too.

As I made this post back in 2014:


The picture quality of that video back then and the screens looked like VHS quality or so…. really bad.

Time to have an HD version!

Thanks to the nice guy who knew the episode number of this one πŸ™‚



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And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I know…no female scuba diver in this one. But still a very interesting scene in my opinion!

From what I know of the episode this guy was hired to kill her. And his plan is quite sinister!

Faking an emergency and then waiting for her to swim to him and then attack her by surprise.

He has all the advantages, a scuba mask and scuba tank…..and I guess he would have been successful if not the guy did show up.

What is a little odd here is her behavior, it’s very passive for the most part. Only just before the guy arrives to save her she goes on the attack.

But she doesn’t manage to get his regulator or rip off his mask. Her hands are free and touching his head just before her rescuer shows up. What was she doing there?

I don’t think that was in the script, I guess they rather thought no one would notice πŸ˜‰

However, a very sexy scene with a very attractive woman!

I guess in my version he would rather lure a female scuba diver into his trap….but that would be even harder to arrange…. as long as he has a special target.

The whole scene could be better without the guy at her house as that slows down the action big time.

For you folks, I made a special cut with all the important scenes!

Here is the blog-exclusive video that isn’t on my (public) Youtube channel:

Here is the episode of this very famous TV show:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!



A woman gets attacked by a scuba diver!

A woman discovers a scuba diver on a boat. The scuba diver grabs the woman and throws her into the water.

And down there the diver wants to use the scuba equipment to drown her… Does she have a chance?

(click to enlarge)

Guess you wanna see what happens?

Here you go:

*EDIT* March 14, 2022: Time for a proper text!

The scene is very interesting and I really like that she isn’t so passive and really fights back!

Two times she tries to steal his regulator, that’s how you do it!

Well, bad for him that his scuba knife is placed like this as she can reach it very easily.

Really funny how his air hose practically explodes as the knife just touches it…. πŸ˜†

And that explosion of bubbles also seems to knock off his scuba mask…. ?!? :lol:Β²

But it provides certainly a great impression of him screaming without his scuba mask and regulator.

All in all a very good peril scene πŸ™‚

And here is the title of the movie:



Female scuba diver gets attacked by another diver! [Hall of Fame]

In this clip, a frogwoman takes a little dive….not knowing that someone is already waiting for her…

(click to enlarge)

Will she survive? Or does he succeed with his evil plan?

*EDIT* March 11, 2022:

There is now a better picture quality available for this scene.

I will make an UPGRADE post in the next weeks with a proper text also included.

Here is the new post with better video quality and proper text:



There will be a 2nd scuba action video to this episode…stay tuned!



Male diver attacks female swimmer (Baywatch)

In this video, some evil guy comes up with a sinister plan. In his scuba outfit, he calls for help.

Like he planned the sexy Baywatch chick comes to his “rescue”. But as she dives towards him, he shows what he really has in mind for her…

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Here is the new video with much better picture quality, proper text, and a bonus video:


A good scene in my eyes… πŸ˜‰


Female diver attacked by male diver! [scuba fight]

So, instead of showing you a scene from the episode “The Amphibians” from “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” (thanks to Fox – wasn’t allowed on YouTube) I present you an even better scene!

A female diver investigates a sunken crate and takes some pictures.

But someone seems to have a problem with that….a scuba diver approaches at full speed to attack her!

So here is the video:

I love how she fights back, even if her knife attack isn’t very…..good.

Great scene in my eyes with one evil killer!

Wanna know the title of the episode and series?


*EDIT* March 23, 2022:

Time for a proper text!

I love the setup, she takes pictures of something she is not supposed to see and some evil frogman is there to keep that secret.

And he is really determined to stop her the way he swims, it looks like he wants to break some records.

He has to be in really good shape.

The way they struggle is well done even there are opportunities where it seems that they could have gone for the mask or the regulator of the opponent, as that would be the most logical thing to do if you don’t have a knife in your hand.

It’s a little odd that he didn’t attack her with a knife, but well, in that case, the fight would have been over very soon.

It looks good the way he pulls on her leg to get her close even he might have had the chance to surprise her from behind and then could have yanked out her regulator and/or yanked off her mask.

I like that she takes initiative and attacks him with her knife.

But well, it looks really odd the way her knife doesn’t hit him….. what happens here???

A smart move from him to pull her around so that he is behind her.

He grabs her regulator from behind and is now totally in control of the situation.

What is a little odd here is that she nearly drowns immediately.

Yeah, they cut away from her, but she is only out of air for a few seconds before she drowns, and that isn’t realistic at all.

However, this scene is an absolute classic when it comes to scuba fights, especially with a female diver involved as there are only very few of that.

Sadly there is no other scuba scene with a female diver in that episode.

If I remember correctly the camera makes some pictures of the fight as it hits the ground and therefore there is evidence that he is the killer so he gets what he deserves in the end.



Charlies Angels – Female scuba diver gets attacked…

…by a male diver! In part 1 of the scene, they fight underwater until he manages…

…to cut her air hose! What will happen to her?

Part 2 of the scene! More scuba action ahead!


Check out the video, with both scenes combined:


Quality upgrade post here:


I love this episode of Charlie’s Angels! Great fight scenes and even an air hose cut! Brilliant Stuff! πŸ™‚