Female scuba diver gets attacked by another diver! [Hall of Fame – UPGRADE]

As I am re-uploading all the videos onto the new Frogwoman Org Youtube channel I stumbled upon some videos that certainly deserve an UPGRADE.

In many cases, there is now a better picture quality available, and also back in the early days of the blog, I wrote only very little in my blog posts.

So, along with providing a video with better quality I also wanna provide a much longer text like the ones I write in recent years.

This scene is an absolute classic if you are interested in scuba fights. The picture quality of the video I present here is now a little better.

This is my old post back from 2014 about the scene:




(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Certainly a really good scuba fight/peril scene even it has quite some flaws for me.

The scene where he attacks her is quite odd. He appears right in front of her and seemingly she didn’t see him before?!? I mean perhaps he was hiding but you see the bubbles of a diver, especially when he is in front of you.

Check out how she reacts to his attack, both her arms go for his right arm that is wielding the knife. Yeah, the knife is a big thread but his other arm is thereby completely free and he can rip off her mask without any struggle. Also, it seems like she is using only one of her arms after his initial attack….quite odd. Normally a diver should use both hands to attack or block the other diver’s hands so that you can control them. But ok, she certainly was surprised by him….

She is very, very, very passive in the whole scene. Yeah, he (seemingly) surprised her but she didn’t even try to rip away his mask or regulator, would have been great if she did!

What is bothering me here the most is her reaction after he ripped away her mask and regulator.

She doesn’t try to get her regulator back or is attacking him to get his regulator. She just tries to get to the surface….

But even if that would be successful, he would still be there and could attack her again with him being totally in advantage with his knife and scuba mask.

And is badly scripted how calmy she is trying to get away from him and to the surface. She almost looks bored in the video! 😆

She should be in a panic right now!

I mean he attacked her underwater!

She is about to drown!!!

But she looks like she is watching a documentary about the different shades of white paint 😉


But ok, enough of that. This one is one of the very few scenes where a female scuba diver gets attacked and drowned in a movie or TV show.

And despite its flaws, it’s quite thrilling and sexy as a (fictional) scene!

Maybe I’m imagining things but as the evil guy dives away there is a suspicious bulge on his wetsuit….. I guess the actor/stunt diver did enjoy the scene 😉

In case you don’t know the title/episode of the TV show:


IMDB lists this one as episode 34 of season 3. My information is that is episode 20.

But whatever is correct the title of the episode on IMDB is correct!


Wanna know what happens to the evil diver later on? Check this out:


What do you think of that scene?

Please leave your comment below!


3 thoughts on “Female scuba diver gets attacked by another diver! [Hall of Fame – UPGRADE]”

  1. I always think with that scene a more ruthless murderer would have knifed her in the stomach or thigh let alone drown her?

    • Well, he tried to use his knife, but that didn’t work out…whatever he wanted to do with it. But it distracted her a lot so his other hand was free….


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