[2nd post for today]
Today I wanna show two scenes from the very early days of the 90’s Flipper TV show.
The main scene features a very young Jessica Alba ( I guess only in the surface scenes) and her male buddy to dive down to a shipwreck.
They make an unexpected find….
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well, certainly not something you wanna find underwater….or anywhere else. #dead dude
I like the performance of the bad guy on the boat as they return to the surface.
Really evil and creepy. Seconds later he even shots Flipper puncturing his fin with a spear! But well, I decided to cut that out of the video as they may spark some comments….
Of course, he is ok later on as this is a kid’s TV show in the first place. 😉
The two kids get locked up and get rescued later on.
As a bonus, I have another short scene that doesn’t actually have a frogwoman in it, but you might find it interesting anyhow.
You may have noticed that the air hose of the dead diver was sliced….well, here is the scene from earlier in the episode:
Damn, how great would this scene be if it actually would have been 3 frogWOmen? Or at least one….
However, it shows how ruthless the main villain is as he just locks the guy in there after slicing his air hose.
Later on in the episode, the bad guy battles a good guy and loses (but isn’t killed), but that scene is rather badly done…in my opinion.
These scenes can be found in this episode:
What do you think of these scenes?
Leave your comment below!