A female and a male diver on a …deadly… research dive

[Post 1 of 2 for today]

There will be no new post on Sunday… but instead, you get one today!

This was recommended to me a while ago, thanks for that! 🙂



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, the female diver doesn’t play the main role in this one.

But it is a solid scuba scene and a very interesting scenario in my opinion!

The (direct) aftermath of his death isn’t shown in the episode afterward.

I added the solution to the murder mystery as it is an interesting plot.

There is a script error when the detective is talking about “snorkel mouthpiece” instead of “regulator mouthpiece”.

Guess the writer wasn’t really familiar with scuba terms.

And the female diver was just very lucky…


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


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A sunken plane, sharks …and 3 trapped passengers

Do you remember the movie “Airport ’77”?

In that one a big plane collides with an oil rig and sinks in (rather) shallow waters, leaving the passengers and crew trapped underwater.

I saw that movie as a child and it is still one of my favorite movies from the disaster genre.

Now we have another movie that has a pretty similar storyline:

A plane crashes and sinks to the bottom… leaving the surviving passengers trapped underwater.

Only in this case, it adds some sharks to it… so it is a low-budget fantasy/horror flick.

…with some scuba content!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Watch the video before you continue!

I had to cut the video rather short so, it would have a chance to stay on YouTube.

Still, it has been blocked in France and its overseas provinces/islands.

*EDIT* March 18:


(in case you can’t watch it on YouTube)


In case you wonder what happens to her:

Spoiler title
She struggles to get out of the down-sliding plane and passes out (drowns?) on her way up to the surface. Seemingly she is dead but wakes up coughing after a short time. #odd

Yeah, the roaring shark who ignores her is really… cringy.

But I like that he unmasks her as the tail hits her face.

Quite surprising that the fact that she loses her scuba mask doesn’t influence her at all… seemingly.

Also, she could have recovered it… in case it isn’t broken. But for some reason, she didn’t care about her mask.

The buddy breath scenes with the guy are well done.

In case you wonder why there is a dead scuba diver inside the plane:

He was one of two of a rescue team who found the plane but the fantasy sharks quickly had them as a scuba diver “snack”.

Some guys with scuba gear were on the plane… so the three could use that gear to escape the plane (wetsuits/masks).

All in all… a nice scene, and I am grateful for any new movie material with scuba scenes.

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


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A scuba fight with 3 female scuba divers (and a guy)! [air hose damage included]

I do prefer live-action over animated scenes… but this one just has to be on the blog!

Thanks to the guy who recommended it to me some time ago!

We have a frogwoman and a frogman who encounter two evil female scuba divers 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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There are a lot of interesting aspects to this one.

The scuba gear is very unusual! The evil female divers use some mini breathing devices like James Bond does in Thunderball.

And the two heroes have an even more interesting setup. They use oxygen masks with double hoses!

I guess both hoses are supposed to be intake hoses here as it wouldn’t be a big problem if the left hose would be damaged like that as that would (normally) be the outtake hose where the used air

gets transported back to the first stage to be vented out there.

But maybe I’m overthinking it already as the creators might not actually had a clue how that gear would work…?!?

However, I really like the scene with the damaged air hose! Nice sound effects and a creative scuba fight for sure.

The guy throws an octopus at one of the attackers… and she is out of the fight… at least.

Delilah grabs the weight belt of the other villainess who then ascends quickly to the surface… which can be deadly depending on the depth and the fact if she can stop the uncontrolled ascend

or not.

All in all a very interesting and thrilling scene 🙂

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


A cool and fitting episode title 🙂

Feel free to leave a comment here or on YouTube!

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There will be no weekly post on Sunday next week, as I am at the 5th video shoot of Project F then.

I will make a post about it in the days before.

Waterwoman: Season 2 – German Documentary show about a freediver

Two years ago I made this post:


Well, now there is a second season and Anna von Boetticher can be seen in some more underwater adventures!

If you like to see her in some gorgeous smooth skin wetsuits and/or are interested in underwater topics and sea creatures… this show is for you!

She is wearing those suits all the time as soon she is near the water.

Especially the first episode of the second season is interesting as there is also a sexy female scuba diver… but I enjoyed all the 4 new episodes as well.

Some pictures:

If you live in Germany…. in reality, or with the help of a VPN… you can find all the new episodes (and season 1) here:


Also, some “Waterwoman” episodes can be found on YouTube as well.

Well, the scenes where she is freediving next to the scuba diver… I was hoping they would attack each other 😉 , but of course, that doesn’t happen.

It’s a documentary after all … a very sexy one.

A female diver wants to save men from a sinking ship! [Part 2 – Blog exclusive]

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

This one was recommended to me and has two pretty long scuba scenes 🙂

The first scene can be found here:


This time the female diver (and a guy) want to save some trapped diver from a wreck!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


Wasn’t welcome on YouTube, even in a short(er) version.

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, first of all… some more nice scuba scenes with her!

She does look really hot in her scuba gear.

But then… there are quite some ….bad aspects… here as well…

There are three divers down there. Two managed to get entangled in a net on the ship and another one drowned inside the ship.?!?

Well… WTF! Guess that must be a whole group of special morons 😆

But much worse: What is going on with her? Were the scriptwriters on drugs or something?

She is outside the ship seeing the drowned diver. Yeah, that is a shock for her and a reminder of the fisherman that she couldn’t save earlier in the movie.

But what happens now? Same sad flashbacks with terrible music and then she is suddenly floating unconscious outside the wreck?!?!?! ARGH!

So, what happened? Did she decide to drown herself? Did she decide to take a nap down there?

Or was she suddenly out of air and immediately drowned in some seconds without trying to swim to the surface?

None of that makes any sense….

Well, quite a bizarre ending to the movie as well…

But well…. it had some nice scuba scenes for sure!

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


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A villain with a magic staff …and a frogwoman in a sinking coffin

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

I have known this movie for a while and never posted about it since I was quite disappointed about the very time the female lead was actually scuba diving.

But she can be seen in a gorgeous wetsuit for quite a lot of time so I decided to post about it…



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video (short version):

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!


>>> Here is the much longer version (I recommend this one): <<<


I tried to upload the long version to Youtube but that didn’t work. So I made a much shorter one… and that was seemingly ok.


Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, as I said… I would have loved to see her underwater much more and was really disappointed back then as I watched the movie for the first time.

It is a German movie and I remember as I saw some promo trailer for it back in the day here on TV.

Also, I had a little crush on Bettina Zimmermann and was very excited to see her in scuba scenes.

Well, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. But, as I re-watched it now I was surprised that she actually runs around quite a lot in that wetsuit (some more scenes in the movie).

The movie is just ok, but Bettina Z. in that wetsuit is certainly a big plus point! 🙂

Would have been cool if they had put a camera in that coffin while she was sinking with it…. a missed opportunity!


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


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A female diver wants to save men from a sinking ship! [Part 1 – Blog exclusive]

This one was recommended to me and has two pretty long scuba scenes 🙂

We have a female diver (and some guys) who want to save some fishermen from a sinking ship!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


Wasn’t welcome on YouTube, even in a short(er) version.

Watch the video before you continue!

Some nice scuba scenes for sure!

It’s a rare sight when a frogwoman wears a hood and you can still see her long hair floating out of it as normally the long hair will be put into a ponytail or something similar.

The bad ship CGI was quite funny… as it is quite bad.

The dive scenes are well-made… until she reaches the ship.

I laughed hard at how her gauge was at about 100 bar and then dropped insanely fast in weird movements of the display 😆

Completely unrealistic and SO bizarre! Her tank was still half full, she had another 20-30 minutes of air.

And then as her tank is miraculously empty all of a sudden… what is happening then? Does she take a nap while he drowns?

Well, I certainly don’t know what is going on at that moment….

There is another scene in that movie that is worth posting as well.

So… stay tuned for more from this one in the near future!


2nd post here:


Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


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3 gorgeous women in awesome vintage rubber wetsuits! [Hall of Fame]

I stumbled upon this one a few weeks ago and it’s now finally time to post it here…

Yeah, no underwater scenes in this one… BUT… there are three gorgeous women who try to get into tight vintage rubber wetsuits!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button on YouTube (thumbs up icon)!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, as I said …no underwater footage… plus the colors of this print are really bad.

This was filmed in full color in 1969 but seemingly there is no print with a better quality available so far.

But now to the great aspects of these scenes!

We have three beautiful women in perfect vintage rubber wetsuits!

And seemingly the producers of the show inside this show have selected some mighty tight-fitted wetsuits 😆

The start is….well…. insanely erotic! What do we see there? I mean ….there is a guy pressing himself(!) onto the back of that frogwoman while yanking hard on her wetsuit!!!

And seemingly it’s his “job” to do that with all three women. Even we can’t see that part with the other ones….damn!

Having such scenes would be my dream if I would be in his position!

Even it would be …challenging… to do that in front of a film crew…. for…. reasons 😉

Would love to know how the two actors who actually filmed that… felt about it.

It’s a shame that there aren’t more scenes with these wetsuited women in that episode, especially as they are talking about other fictive scenes.

I added this scene to the Hall of Fame here on the blog.

Wanna know the title of the TV show and the episode name?


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A female scuba diver who filmed her own murder! [TV show][Blog exclusive]

Thanks to a nice guy and his help I can present this one today 🙂

We have a female scuba diver who films her own murder in an episode of a TV show!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


The video had to be moved as the YouTube video got blocked…

Watch the video before you continue!

Hah, I bet you are confused right now! 😉

First of all… I did include all the underwater footage from that episode in the video.

The actual moment when she dies isn’t actually shown in the episode…

Czech isn’t in my language portfolio but I got some info about the story:

He wanted to kill her for money and sabotaged her tank and gauge so it was empty much sooner than it was supposed to be.

He initially had her camera but was forced to ditch it quickly so the police wouldn’t find it.

But they discovered she had a camera so the female police diver was sent to retrieve it.

And there on the footage, the police guys can see that he isn’t doing anything to help her and is waiting for her to drown.

Well, what do we learn from that? If you wanna murder a scuba diver… make sure he/she isn’t filming it 😆

It’s quite a shame that the decisive moment wasn’t shown in the episode… really weird.

But I like the storyline and we have two solid scuba scenes with female divers and some nice wetsuit footage from the surface.


In my version, the evil guy would battle the female police diver at the end.

She would follow him to the camera and then a marvelous scuba fight would be the showdown of the episode 😉

After a long struggle, she would finish him off (air hose slice, regulator snatch) and he would thereby get what he deserves…


I find it highly amusing how …unsuccessful … the producers here try to hide the company names on the wetsuits 😆

Wanna know the title of the TV show?


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