A murderous diver wants to drown tourists!

Why this post on a Friday?

Well, as my usual upload-Sunday is the first of the month when I update the VIP club on both blogs… you get the weekly post two days early.

Thanks for the recommendation to the nice guy!

The story of this TV episode sounds quite …awesome! In a certain way….

A diver attacks swimmers at a big lake and tries to drown them.

Like a crazy serial scuba killer… and of course, the diver must be stopped, so the police are sending divers to catch him!



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Here is the video:

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There is no female diver in this episode… a real bummer!

Would have been great if he had attacked a female diver.

Or even better… if the killer would have been a woman!

No luck!

But at least there are these two female swimmers in the episode who get attacked …and manage to escape him.

Especially the first scene is done pretty well with some nice close-ups.

Some spoilers for the rest of the episode:

His third attack (the only other which is shown in the episode) is more successful in a way.

He tries to drown a man, again… not successful, but the man gets a heart attack and dies because of that.

In the end, he gets chased down by 4 male divers… as he spots them he gives up and even tries to drown himself as he pulls out his own regulator!

In the end … he was quite unsuccessful as a crazy scuba killer 😆 … luckily for most of the victims he attacked.

So, as often… the storyline sounded better on paper, but I am happy to now know this episode.

Wanna know the name of the TV show and the episode title?


Fun fact:

The episode title “Der Schwarze Hai” (the black shark) is a nice reference to “Der weiße Hai” (the white shark) which is the German title of the blockbuster “Jaws”.

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

3 thoughts on “A murderous diver wants to drown tourists!”

    • Yeah, that would have been something!
      The main protagonist of this TV show is a female detective.
      A shame that she didn’t get into the water at any point.
      In my version she would be a diver as well 😉
      He would attack her early in the episode, both in scuba gear. She would barely escape him.
      And then in the final showdown they have a re-match…

      • Also cool, and he tries to kill her again. But she, armed with a gun net, catches him in the net. He doesn’t have a knife, and she does hehe.


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