Frogwoman Alice tests a vintage Technisub FFM [1st video of Project F]

So, for starters, I wanna present a video where Frogwoman Alice is doing a little test dive in the pool with my favorite vintage FFM, the Technisub FFM (aka La Spirotechnique).

The mask gets oxygen from a Royal Mistral vintage double hose regulator.

She is wearing an Elios vintage style beavertail smooth skin wetsuit with matching hood and neoprene socks…also from Elios.


Technisub FFM test dive, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:10 minutes

I have mentioned the difficulties we had to face during the shooting (lighting, camera settings, no fins possible, etc.).

So, the picture quality is okay but could be better for sure.

I will work on that for the 2nd shooting.

And I will then include more close-ups and above-the-surface shots 😉


Some preview pictures:

The picture quality in the video does actually look a little better than the screenshots

(click to enlarge)

A short trailer that also includes scenes from this video:

This was a very much improvised video that I edited together from 2 videos.

The gear that Frogwoman Alice is wearing is near perfection for me!

The Technisub FFM is an old favorite of mine in combination with the double hose regulator.

And that Elios suit is really awesome, hard to find something better in my opinion.

*EDIT December 13* Not a big surprise, but diving with such a twin hose regulator and such a mask was new to Frogwoman Alice.

She thought it was fun even breathing from such an old vintage regulator was less comfortable in comparison with a newer one.

The dampened sound you hear pretty much at the beginning of the video is my old snorkel filling up with water and then me blowing it out.

I filmed most of the time just with a mask and snorkel to avoid having my breathing sounds from a regulator in the video.

But in that one scene, I went down a little too far…

Next time I will use a newer snorkel that closes up automatically in case it goes below the surface.

How can you watch the video?

It will be available again in the VIP club in July!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Please don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.


Some background info on the video editing:

I used the video editing software Shotcut for the first time here.

The original video footage was shot in 2.7K, I rendered it down to 1080p for better file size and a picture will fewer grain effects.

I used a white balance filter to get rid of the very warm light from the pool lights, which worked really well.

I used color grading to increase the brightness in the darker sections of the video by 10% (mainly her wetsuit).

And I used an audio filter to dampen down some weird audio creaks that occurred here and there.

I experimented with a grain reduction filter for another video but as much as it helped with that grain noise….it blurred the picture. So I decided against it.

I also experimented with a sharpness filter to increase the sharpness…but that grained the picture in return 😆 ….So I decided against that as well.



The car, the lake, and the female diver

2 of them are in the other one, can you figure out this mystery? 😉

Ok, time for a new post!

*EDIT* Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!


Some pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, no real action in this one….but I do like this scene!

Her wetsuit is nice, even I would prefer it with the wetsuit pants on.

In my version, some evil diver would have followed her as she discovers the car in the lake. He would have his reasons why nobody should know that besides him.

He would then attack her and they would have a long scuba fight. Perhaps the car could be directly involved as a “prop”.

At the ending of this video, I cut out a little bit as she starts crying in his arms. Nothing more to see there.

Wanna know from which TV show this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A frogwoman in an awesome wetsuit…in a VERY rare movie

I know about this one for many years, but hesitated to post about it…until today!

Hard to say how you folks will like this one…but…let’s try.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!


This one is a rollercoaster ride:

+++ The movie is VERY rare….it has 9(!!!) votes on IMDB…I repeat 9(!!!)…..very few people know about this movie.

— The only available source is a VHS recording, and ….as it seems….a self-recorded one (not by me). The picture quality is really bad.

+++ The wetsuit the woman is wearing is awesome, a very sexy rubber wetsuit!

— She is freediving with it, not scuba diving

+++ The movie poster is INCREDIBLE! Hard to find a sexier (scuba-related) poster! (see below)

— The recording isn’t complete….some rather important seconds are missing


In the end, they seemingly get out of their wetsuits and ditch them on the beach (you can see them floating), don’t know how many seconds are missing here…but damn, a shame.

But I guess they didn’t show in full length how they get out of these suits….as that can take quite a while 😉

Damn, I would love to see the whole movie in (at least) DVD quality….but that won’t happen…I guess 🙁


But here are now two posters for this movie:

*EDIT* Thanks to Hapwater, who found another poster for this one…. the gallery now has a third poster (right)

(click to enlarge)

Have I promised too much?

Damn, I love how she looks in that wetsuit!!!!

It’s not the same as in the movie though, this one looks even better.

If I would be that guy standing behind her…..I would be close to a heart attack 😉

Here is the IMDB-page of this movie:


“Borman” is the original title.

“Nazi S.S.” the international English title…. 😆

What do you think of these scenes and the posters?

Leave your comment below!

The martial arts frogwoman from hungary

First of all thanks to the guy who recommended me a video from this TV show and also to Scuba Snooper who uploaded a video from it on youtube!

I asked for the title of the untitled video and not only got the title but the link for the whole episode!

Couldn’t ask for anything more….. 🙂

I checked the whole episode and found a lot more interesting scenes, so I decided to make my own version with all the female scuba scenes below and above the surface.

But enough text for now, let’s start with some pictures:


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

So, I don’t understand Hungarian (surprise!)…but from what I understand of the episode so far…some villains are searching in that lake for treasure.

One of the evil guys turns against the other one and drowns him as he finds something (a rather disappointing scene).

The dead frogman gets found by the police. For some reason, the TV show’s lead actress gets her hands on his wetsuit and starts wearing that men’s suit.

We can clearly see that it doesn’t fit her very well as she is surprised by that guy. Logically it’s pretty loose. (DAMN!)

One of the good guys has to help the bad guys in recovering the treasure (the guy in the full-face scuba mask).

They decide to get rid of him and close the valve so he doesn’t get any oxygen while being trapped underwater!

Lucky for him our frogwoman shows up just in time.

But she has to fight off the evil guy in the red wetsuit first. As she is a trained martial arts expert…she uses her elbow to hit him right in the face, seemingly breaking his nose.

Of course, there are some minus points. Her wetsuit is way too loose, the visibility is rather bad, and the a language problem. A shame the villainess doesn’t dive at the end and is only be seen exiting the water in her blue wetsuit very early on. Would have been great to have the two frogwomen fighting against each other at the end of the episode.

But this episode has a LOT to offer! Some great vintage wetsuits and nice diving scenes. Also, I like how the villains try to drown that guy, a really hideous way….

The highlight is of course the scuba fight where our frogwoman has to face the evil guy in the red wetsuit! It could have been longer, but I really like the intensity. Filming through her scuba mask for a second or two was an awesome idea! Don’t know why that wasn’t done more often.

Also, it’s great that she let out some “grunting” noises to illustrate the intensity of the fight as she has to defend herself against his scuba knife.

Guess you may wanna know from which TV show and episode this is? Here you go:


So, what do YOU think of these scenes?

Please leave your comment below!






An armed frogwoman sneaks on a yacht at night

Today I wanna present something very rare…. at least in the movies:

A black frogwoman!

I have seen many, many, many movies and TV shows with scuba scenes over the last decades. But I only remember a handful of scenes that had actually a black guy or girl in it.

I think this one was recommended to me ages ago (thanks for that!), but I didn’t post about it as this movie has a big “problem”.

The frogwoman doesn’t dive at all.

So, why do I now post it anyhow? Well, the scenes are very interesting for several reasons….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Actually, she is running around in that wetsuit for at least 10 more minutes in the movie (incl. a motorboat chase), but I can’t post all that.

But damn, Pam Grier does look smoking hot in that wetsuit. The movie was about 10 years too late to present her in a vintage rubber wetsuit, but this wetsuit is fine as well.

And the scene where she seduces the bad guy to lure him closer….is quite sexy! She certainly knows how to use her looks to manipulate him.

Actually so far I haven’t seen the whole movie, but I will catch up on that in the next few days.

Would like to know what kind of device is installed on the Uzi she is carrying. Doesn’t look like a silencer, at least not a type I have seen before.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

A frogwoman, evil divers and a sea monster [incl. a longer version]

This movie is rated REALLY bad on IMDB, but it actually has some nice scuba and wetsuit scenes!

I found it on my older lists, but have forgotten to make a post for it. A nice blog visitor recommended it to me in the last months, so now you all can enjoy it! Thanks for that!

I made a short(er) version of the video with all the scuba scenes in it. Looks like it can stay on Youtube like that.

You can find a longer cut down below that shows what happens to the girl that stays on the boat that offers some more footage of the wetsuited frogwoman on board as well.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (with all the underwater scenes):

And the longer cut on google drive (slightly over 7 minutes):

Well…. quite a rare combo package!

A frogwoman and her buddy, some evil frogmen, a woman onboard fighting a henchman….and a sea creature that takes care of 2 of the bad guys.

Also some really good scuba fight scenes! 🙂

A shame that the frogwoman flees, but well that fits perfectly to the way they mostly portray women back in the day:

Good looking, rather help- and useless (in the action scenes), always in need to be saved by someone.

In my version, she would have stayed and it would have been a 2 VS 2 scuba battle!

Pretty funny how the evil diver kills his comrade with the harpoon (speargun). That happens quite often!

Often only the bad guys have harpoons and they often shoot their own team members as the hero is fighting with one of them.

But well, if they would be good marksmen, the fight would be over pretty quickly…. 😉

I love how the hero cuts the air hose of the evil frogman, forcing him to the surface where the sea monster is already waiting.

The scene with the henchman on the boot is pretty intense! He grabs her, beats her up, and kills her by shooting her in the back.

You certainly won’t see that happen often to one of the “good” women.

The heroine looks really good in her scuba gear….pretty cliche that she is wearing a short wetsuit and the guy the full wetsuit. 😉

As I said, a shame that she wasn’t in the scuba fight, but she had some good scenes nonetheless.

This is the movie:


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!






The swimmer, the frogwoman and the beast

This one took a looooong road to be posted here.

The movie was recommended several times to me by different users, I checked the scenes, wasn’t very thrilled by them, and pretty much forgot about it.

Thanks to the folks who recommended it!

But now, finally, I wanna post it as I do think now, that many folks may like it more than I do.

I am looking forward to the reactions!

The clip is rather long as the female lead is running around in her wetsuit for quite a while, and I know that many like to see that as well.

I could write about the weird story of this one….but no, I won’t 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


*EDIT1* Unfortunately it was blocked 16 hours after I uploaded it on Youtube.

I didn’t think this video would be problematic since the movie is so unknown and old, but well, I moved it to Goggle Drive so you folks can still enjoy the scenes.

Yeah, I know the picture quality isn’t good….but that fits the actual quality of the movie. There is no Blu-ray or DVD release of this one 😉

The idea of the rubber frogman as a sea monster is interesting. I don’t know why she would faint, even he surfaces so suddenly. She should have noticed the bubbles he leaves before…and thereby knows that there is no monster chasing her but a diver.

He’s a pretty creepy guy and actually dies only moments later as the real “monster” gets him. That was done really bad, therefore I excluded that scene…and besides this is the frogWOman blog 😉

A shame that the creepy guy has the really great vintage scuba gear and the female lead and her guy have only rather lame neoprene suits (in my opinion).

Would have been great to see the woman in that rubber gear fighting the monster underwater! But no luck…

This is the pretty rare movie:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!


I am quite surprised how well the video was accepted by the viewers on Youtube (as long it was up).

It had over 96% likes (to dislike-ratio), which was better than for example the Breaking surface videos that are at 93/94% likes

But it seems that many are already very happy to see a woman in such a vintage wetsuit, even there is no “real” scuba action in it.


A stunning frogwoman from Brazil! [……with awesome wetsuits]

Today I wanna present a frogwoman that you should know!

I asked her if I could make a post about her and she agreed, THANKS for that!

This frogwoman combines 2 things:

Not only she looks stunning, she also is wearing a FANTASTIC, modern, smooth skin wetsuit (pretty sure it’s from Elios)! And she has a great Cressi swimsuit as well 🙂

As you should know by now, I love the rubber vintage wetsuits from the ’50s and ’60s.

Most modern wetsuits are rather unsexy for me, but there are some exceptions!

But enough talk, here are some pictures from her Instagram account:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Well, have I promised too much? I guess NOT! 😉

On her Instagram site “thaisfrias” you can find more pictures:

Thaisfrias on Instagram

Check out her pictures, subscribe to her channel, and perhaps leave a nice comment if you want….but PLEASE don’t post anything creepy!

I would like women to be comfortable posting such images on social media without any harassment!

Feel welcome to leave a comment here as well!

Here you can post whatever you want



Vintage frogwoman dives alone [50’s scuba]

Today I wanna show a very RARE clip from the verrrrry early days of scuba diving!

I got this one from a very friendly user and didn’t edit anything on this one myself.

In this video, we have a frogwoman who takes her boat to go diving.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, what I would give if this would be in color!

But even in black and white, she looks stunning in her rubber shortie wetsuit!

For my taste, the diving scene was too short and could have used more action.

The scene on the boat is pretty sexy as she unmasks herself and opens the zipper of her wetsuit.

And either it was pretty cold…or she was happy to see that lifeguard! 😉

I really don’t know how the censors didn’t censor that scene! In the ’50s and ’60s, these evil folks were verrrrrry sensitive/touchy.


Thanks to a friendly user, here is the scene in COLOR (colorized)!

And if you wanna watch the whole thing (nearly 30 minutes), you can watch it on youtube (not my upload):

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



>>> There is still time to get the VIP videos from this month! <<<

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