A vintage frogwoman in the jungle

Thanks to a nice recommendation I can present some vintage frogwoman scenes to you today!

In this one, a guy and a woman want to go on a dive to retrieve something.

And since the movie is from 1968 we gonna get some nice vintage gear 😉


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

My biggest issue is that the camera is basically completely on the guy underwater. Hard to see that it is even her in these underwater scenes.

Could also be a male stunt diver from what little we can see.

A little action scene would have been nice while they are underwater.

Also, his suit is way cooler than hers. I wish she would have worn such a suit as he has.

But enough complaining, we get a stunning woman in vintage scuba gear in quite a long scene, so I do like that scene!

Guess they have shot that in a studio, running around in these wetsuits in a jungle…. that would be quite a torture.

Wanna know from what movie this is?

IMDB link

What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



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A frogwoman in distress needs to be saved! [Blog exclusive]

One last post in 2022!

A nice guy recommended me this one. I know this movie for quite a long time now and was very surprised that I haven’t posted about it.

Well, maybe I did ages ago and Youtube blocked the video… don’t know.

This movie is an Italian James Bond knock-off and it has quite some interesting scuba scenes incl. a nice frogmen fight.

But let’s focus on the frogwoman in danger.

She has been captured by the bad guys and the villain has some evil… and weird… plans for her!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the long video:


(the chances are very high that Youtube would have blocked this long video)

What a naughty, weird villain 😉

She looks stunning in that gorgeous vintage beavertail wetsuit!

And his ideas to torture her are quite…. creative… (and insane).

She is really lucky that he showed up to save her from her… explosive… fate.

Also, in reality, her eardrums would burst as she can’t make the ear clearing with her hands tied up… unless she is one of those who can make it by just moving the jar around a little.

The submarine that he uses is really a cool vehicle, don’t remember seeing that one in any other movie.

In my version, she would have been in some nice scuba fights with the henchmen and henchwomen of the villain 😉

Wanna know from which movie these scenes are?


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment!



There are only 3 days left (incl. this one) to get the December content of the VIP club!

The current “Project F” videos will be rotated out of the VIP club then.

Videos 17 and 17XL will then return in March (for example).

Frogwoman Lucy in “Vintage dive” [14th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the third video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

This time one day early as I am away tomorrow.

As I mentioned in the previous posts the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.


Frogwoman Lucy in “Vintage Dive”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:34 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, neoprene, smooth skin wetsuit, vintage scuba gear, vintage mask, double hose regulator, surface scene, gear up-scene,

1 hood, fins


Lethal or non-lethal ending?

Spoiler title

Background info:

On the first video shoot, Frogwoman Alice dove with the Royal Mistral connected with double hoses to a vintage Techniscub FFM (video 1).

Frogwoman Uma tested the Royal Mistral double hose regulator in another video (video 9).

This time I added a vintage-style scuba mask to the scuba gear so Frogwoman Lucy would fully be in a vintage gear that looks like it could have been from the 60s.

So I created a short video with her in that gear incl. some surface shots of her getting ready for the dive!

For me, it can’t get much better in terms of scuba gear than this combo.

And she will be in this gear in another video with action! (my favorite one from that video shoot)

In the future, I wanna include longer “getting into the scuba gear” scenes at the beginning of some videos.

Spoiler title
As you can see the mask is pretty “flat” with little room for the nose. During the shoot, I didn’t notice that the tip of her nose was pressed against the glass of the mask. That happens if you stare at the tiny screen of the camera all the time (she didn’t notice it either). Certainly, I should have checked that more carefully, but it only fully showed underwater.

Well, I learned another lesson.

Another frogwoman will wear this mask at the next shooting.

But ok, only a small issue, as this is a short video and she is only facing the camera for some short scenes.



Fun facts:

Frogwoman Lucy also had no problem to also dive with this vintage double hose regulator from the 60s.

I guess you won’t find many young women like her who have diving experience with such old vintage gear. Especially since she doesn’t have a scuba certificate.



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).

As I mentioned before the audio here was challenging with a sound the camera picked up from the pool machinery.

I tried a lot with the audio since that sound is here more annoying than in the other videos that have more action and noise.

I edited the audio track of the underwater part to reduce the noise and stimulatingly not affect the wanted audio.

And the result is quite good I would say.


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in August!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:



You can download these videos in the VIP club, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!


Frogwomen Ruby and Lucy in “Treasure hunt” [13th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the second video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

Also the video premiere of Frogwoman Ruby!

Sorry for the delay! Some logistical problems had to be solved first…

As I mentioned in the previous post the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.


Frogwomen Ruby and Lucy in “Treasure hunt”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:57 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

2 hoods, fins, regulator stealing, fight over treasure


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

This is the first video with Frogwoman Ruby in action! And she did a fine job without any prior scuba experience. She used to play underwater rugby in the past for a while and that may be the reason why she is pretty fearless and was a good match for Frogwoman Lucy. 🙂

She also had no problems

Spoiler title
with Lucy closing the air valve on her tank (we tested it once on the surface).

Sometimes it wasn’t easy for me to keep up with the two, as they made good use of the space they had in that deep pool as they swam at a pretty high pace.

At the beginning of the video (before the fight), you will notice

Spoiler title
blue bars over certain small areas of the screen (for about 20 seconds in total).

Sorry for that, but the frogwomen are visible all the time, so it’s not such a big issue. I had to do it since the security diver was visible in these parts of the video and …..well…. he wasn’t supposed to be visible 😉 A mistake that won’t happen again.

I was glad that I could use the stunning Cressi Triton suit this time and it looked great on Ruby. Perhaps I will buy that suit again in M or L.

I found it as a real bargain (in comparison to its normal price) in size S. But that suit is too small for most women …in this size…

For a test video that has basically no script, I am really happy with the result. It was a good test to see how the Frogwomen would handle such a fight scene and react to certain aspects.

Certainly wanna use that “fight over treasure” scenario in the future again, but then with a detailed script (incl. storyline), and a proper ending.



Fun facts:

Check out how Ruby is clearing her mask in the background as Lucy has found the gold coin.

The gold coin was a standard Greek coin (from before they got the Euro as well).


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).

As I mentioned before the audio here was challenging with a sound the camera picked up from the pool machinery.

So far I haven’t figured out how to suppress that sound without damaging the “wanted” audio. But well, it isn’t really a big issue here as the 3 regulators here make a lot of noise so that background noise isn’t really distracting (as you can hear in the preview teaser video above).


Where to watch it?

It is available again in the VIP club NOW in June!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:




You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

The villainess in a rubber wetsuit [Blog exclusive]

First… some news:

You may check out this page to find a new …. pretty great…. wetsuit that I bought for “Project F”:


… perhaps I am finally fully preparing for the 2nd shooting 😉

I updated the picture gallery of this post:


Damn, I love it! Verrrrry sexy pictures….


For today’s post, I was reminded of a certain movie that I already watched years ago.

Back then I decided not to post about it, but well, the taste (slightly) changes over time.

Let’s start with the bad news:

There is no woman scuba diving in this one AND the scene was filmed in black and white 🙁

But still… I really enjoy this scene a lot! Why?

Well, because we have a beautiful woman running around in a rubber wetsuit for more than 10 minutes!

Some backstory first (as the video has the original French audio):

A woman has a plan to steal a big bunch of cash from a transport plane(!) in mid-air (!)

She gets in contact with two veteran soldiers to plan and execute the theft.

The two men hate each other but they are greedy enough and wanna be part of her plan.

So, one guy in a wetsuit and mask steals the money and jumps out of the plane with a parachute to a beach where the other two are waiting for him….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


(wasn’t welcome on Youtube)

Watch the video before you continue!

You could nearly think that someone who worked on this movie had a little fetish 😉

I mean the two who are waiting on the beach are wearing full wetsuits with hoods and scuba socks just to quickly run into the water and assist the other guy for some seconds.

But they are running around in wetsuits for over 10 minutes in the movie. That could have been achieved without both in full rubber…but well….. I won’t complain about it 😉

However, she looks gorgeous in that suit, even though I curse that this wasn’t shot in color back in 1966, which would be done most likely if this would have been a US movie. I think color is just a lot sexier.

If I would be the actor on that beach with her she would probably wonder why I look away from her 99% of the time to keep “cool” 😆

I am glad that she is the one who is wearing the hood most of the time, really adds to the great optic.

Quite a dark ending that all but the villainess die in the end. A really good scene as he tried to run away from the police in order to use his dive gear to escape. Even that would have been quite difficult, even if he made it without getting shot. But well, the whole movie had this atmosphere that was leading to a tragic ending.

Must have been… interesting… for the actor who was on the plane as he was filming in that wetsuit for a loooong time.

Would have been nice if the frogwoman would have fought with some cops on her attempted escape….

But ok, that was sadly no option back in the 60s as this was filmed.

Wanna know the title of this movie?

IMDB link

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave a comment!

Vintage documentary with frogwomen

I stumbled upon this one on Facebook, thanks to the nice guy who shared the link!

In this documentary, you will find some nice frogwomen and some great vintage scuba gear 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the full short movie (not my upload):


First of all, this is a short movie from 1962, and not only restored to a wonderful FullHD(!), it’s also in color!

Damn, I wish there would be much more material like this…

It’s a pity that most of the divers are guys, would have loved to see more women in such gear. But well, that’s the way it was back in the day.

The ending is interesting. Was he imagining things? Was that frogwoman a reality, or was he hallucinating?

Well, if I would see her with that double hose regulator….I might faint as well 😆

What do you think of this short movie?

Leave your comment below!


Vintage babes in vintage wetsuits!

I had heard about this one some years ago, checked it, and didn’t think I would make a post of it one day.

But well, the taste can change and I know that many folks here will like this scene, even though there is no scuba diving in it and it is also black and white.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, it clearly isn’t summer, and the two women were wearing these rubber wetsuits under their thick (winter) clothes?

Wow, they must be burning up in these suits…plus it isn’t comfortable to run around much in these suits! But perhaps they like that? 😉

Plus running around like that, other folks nearby might think you smell like rubber, even the wetsuit is hidden under the other clothes 😆

I wouldn’t mind swapping places with any of these two guys. Especially with the guy who drives the boat. Sounds like great fun with these wetsuited babes in tow!

The movie itself seems rather…bizarre….and has no other scenes of relevance to this blog.

But I do like this scene, even though it is black and white which is a big minus for me.

I played with a colorizing website and here are two pictures in color:

(click to enlarge)

Yeah, a little better, even the results aren’t very good.

By the way:

The woman who is pouring water into/onto her wetsuit is young Charlotte Rampling!

You can spot her in color and inside an even sexier wetsuit in this post:


Wanna know from which movie this scene is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



A nice user commented on this post with a nice picture link! Thanks 🙂

Here is the picture and the colorized version:

(click to enlarge)

Damn….very sexy ladies!

Two women and their rubber vintage wetsuits… [UPGRADE – Hall of Fame]

So, time for another UPGRADE post!

The old post had a video with DVD quality (SD), the new video has FULL HD from the Blu-ray of the movie!

This was the old post:


It’s always very welcome when such old movies with such scenes get a Blu-ray release and/or an HD TV airing as it’s a great improvement.

Now, this scene also finally gets an entry in my Hall of Fame …in the wetsuit section.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


(isn’t welcome on Youtube)

Damn, how MUCH I envy that guy! And the film crew….

Ok, I am not the biggest fan of the collars on their suits and the same goes for their bathing caps.

But besides that…they look …quite….AWESOME! These tight, wet rubber wetsuits are incredibly sexy for me.

Not to forget the stunning ladies inside these suits 😉

If I would be that guy….there would be a second tent on that camping site very quickly, and that one wouldn’t need to be assembled 😆

Don’t know how I would manage to stay in my role if I would be the actor. I mean you can maybe think about taxes and golf…and try to NOT watch in their direction, but that won’t work for long.

Of course, it would have been great to have these two in a scuba scene, no luck there.

Nevertheless, this scene is an absolute classic!

And as a little bonus (thanks to allmanzor!) here is a nice picture of them on set:

“Come on Joe, keep their wetsuits wet!”

What a job…..

And here you can find the name of the movie:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy [5th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

A very special one as this contains a nice action scene 😉


Frogwomen rivalry with Frogwomen Alice and Lucy, 1080p, 60 frames, 4:25 minutes

Frogwoman Alice is wearing the Elios vintage style beavertail smooth skin wetsuit. For the most part, she is using a Scubapro C370, later on, a Royal Mistral Double Hose Regulator.

Frogwoman Lucy is wearing the Aquasphere Pursuit smooth skin wetsuit and a Mares Abyss regulator.


Some preview pictures:

The picture quality in the video does actually look a little better than the screenshots

(click to enlarge)

A short trailer that also includes scenes from this video:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, vintage scuba gear, double hose regulator

2 hoods, no fins, scuba knife, air hose slicing/cutting, air hose damage


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title


I thought hard if I should publish the 4th picture above. I mean it spoils the action scene, but in the end, it has to be there so that you folks know that there is this action scene at the end.

And from that picture, you still don’t know how it’s gonna end so… I think it’s good to have it.


In parts of this video, I am using the small 1L Smaco tank that Lucy used in video 2 as I wanted to be at the bottom of the pool so the two frogwomen could dive above me.

For the most part of the video Frogwoman, Alice is wearing a Cressi mask with a mirror effect so that you only can see through the glass from certain angles. I think it’s a really cool mask for a mysterious frogwoman. For the last scene, they swapped their masks as I think that mask fits better to the “evil” frogwoman.

I recommend that you watch the video before you continue!


(click on the “Spoiler title+” field below IF you wanna read the spoilers)

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I am very happy that the two agreed to make that last scene as not everyone would be OK with actually doing that. Frogwoman Lucy had only perhaps one hour or less of scuba experience (in total) and was willing to do something that nearly no diver has actually ever done. Frogwoman Alice had to react fittingly to the action, which she did really well, especially considering this was all very much improvised as time was running out quickly.

But I am happy with the outcome, especially as a scene like that wasn’t done like that, at least not to my knowledge. I mean how many scenes do you know where a hose of a frogwoman with a double hose regulator gets sliced by another diver? I know exactly one fetish video where that happens…..and there they cheat big time as the outtake hose gets cut…which isn’t a real problem for the “victim”. I do know not a single movie where that happens.

If you look closely you can see that the two hoses of her double hose regulator are different. I swapped the original hose from the ’60s (!) with a modern version that was less flexible and thicker. With the first slice, Frogwoman Lucy damaged the air hose as you can see air is already escaping. The second slice severed the hose at another place as the “salvaged” air hose showed later. Perhaps the damaged air hose would have ripped also as the air was pumping through it later on….hard to say.

And this all was just a test run for much more scripted scenes I have in mind for the next shooting! These will have a (simple) storyline with more action and “deadly” outcomes as well…. and then my camera skills and lightning skills will have improved as well 😉

I underestimated how loud the noise would be as she surfaced and the air was still blown out of that sliced hose….. Above the surface, I quickly closed the valve, but damn, that was QUITE loud! I actually filmed that as the camera was still running as I closed the valve.

Also if you look closely at the buddy breathing scene, it looks like Lucy is pulling the octopus regulator away from Alice….perhaps on purpose as a foresign of the next scene? 😉



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was about some minutes longer but contained some footage where we discussed some aspects in between the shots.

Wanna watch this video?

It will be available again in the VIP club in December!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:



…get the video any time you want:



You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.