Scuba fight with 4 men and 1 woman!

Well, I wish it was 4 women and 1 man in a scuba fight but here’s a video for you folks to start the new year!

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And here is the video with our frogwoman:


Here is the new post with better quality:

Do you wonder what series/movie that is? Here’s the answer

LINK: The title

A good scene in my eyes, even though it’s hard to keep track of who’s who in the fight…

Little note to the producers: Use different colors and equipment on the divers….. 😉


Female scuba divers in combat: Frogwomen underwater battle!

You folks will surely know the epic underwater battle from “Thunderball”. I found this video, which is very similar to the Thunderball battle but it has frogwomen in it! It’s a very well-made “cartoon”, but for adults. Check it out, here are some stills:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the VIDEO, check it out….:

Very good “movie”, if you ask me. The only thing I would have included would be some ripped/cut air hoses.




Scuba couple VS evil scuba thugs [Scuba fight]

A couple investigates underwater about a sunken treasure…..a high-tech device that shouldn’t be in the wrong hands!

Of course, the bad boys send some divers to take care of them….

(click to enlarge)

Well, perhaps you wanna see the whole action? Here is the video:

A bit dark and murky (as most of the time) but a good scuba fight!

It’s a little weird how she basically is waiting patiently for the bad guy to cut her air hose, without doing anything to prevent it….but still, a good scene!

Not many videos where an air hose of a female scuba diver gets cut….

Wanna know from which movie this is?


Male diver wanna drown his female dive buddy….. *Hall of Fame scuba scene*

As a little Christmas gift, I present one of my favorite scuba action scenes. One for the Hall of fame!

A couple dives to a sunken boat as suddenly the male diver attacks the female diver….



The scene can now be found here in an upgraded version!



Lara Croft in underwater combat! – Part 1

Some weeks ago I found a great underwater fight scene in a comic.

Today I wanna present part 1 of it. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) investigates a sunken ship, but she is not alone!

Some scuba thugs attack her!

(click to enlarge)

Part 2 with (much) more action will follow!


Citadel Below – A very promising movie project – The Trailer

Hey folks, today I wanna share something very special! I was contacted by a reader of this blog, he asked me about my opinion about a self-made trailer. He and a friend are working on a film project involving a huge amount of underwater action! They have the story and the storyboard and wanna present the results to producers. The trailer, as you will see, is made 100% out of clips from different movies and TV series. So the trailer is made to bring the viewers an idea of what the movie will be about. So it’s not a “classic” trailer.

Now he gave me his ok to present the trailer here on my site. This is the result:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the trailer:

The story has a lot of underwater scuba combats scenes with female divers!!!

My idea about this project?

Brilliant idea, promising story! That could be the scuba movie I would make (in my dreams).

Of course, it won’t be easy getting it realized, I even think it’s a very hard sell, but I’m very curious how this project will develop… 🙂