Female diver with FFM finds alien creature and gets in trouble!

Two weeks ago I made this post:


Now it’s time for a second video with the same frogwoman in the FFM!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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I cut out some scenes where the military is observing her with a drone (like you see at the very end), so the video wouldn’t get too long.

But basically, the creature is in peril and thinks the military guys wanna harm it and creates a massive wave.

The wave is racing towards the boat but dies down before it hits it, as the alien wants to spare the old guy (I guess).

She ascends because she (rightfully)  thinks he is in trouble.

These are just my assumptions. Haven’t seen the whole thing and my French from school is quite …rusty.

She is lucky to be alive as she smashed against that rocks. The bleeding looked quite bad at first, but she was ok in the end.

Quite an unusual scuba peril scene for sure!

And as I said before… I like her FFM, looks really good 🙂

Wanna know the name of the TV show?

IMDB link

(scenes from episodes 4 and 5)

What do you think about these scenes?

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2 thoughts on “Female diver with FFM finds alien creature and gets in trouble!”

  1. Interesting video indeed. For a moment I thought that, while cutting the net, the “whale” done something to the girl but it was nothing.

    The scene with the… “dancing with the waves” is… ambiguous. I mean, the effects of the water with bubbles and pushes are good but the zooms on the girl’s face tells me nothing too much. And I don’t understand HOW she hit the head.

    When I saw the blood floating, at the beginning, I thought that it was some substance released by that pink thing that appeared. I understood the situation only after a pair of seconds.

    And the old man has good lungs XD!

    • Well, after a while some rocks where on her path. She had no way to steer herself in that force and had run out of luck.
      Good for her that she wasn’t floating deeper than. But ok, maybe she would have regained conciousness on her own before she ran out of air.


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