New wetsuits for Project F + VIP club January

I got two new wetsuits for Project F!

Well, they are not really new, but rather vintage, at least in terms of their look.

(click to enlarge)


…added them to the gear page of Project F:

Both are Long John+Jacket combos… well… in this case rather Long Jane + jacket combos (just learned the female term this week).

The L combo (brand unknown) is all black with stripes, and cool zippers on the arms and legs, and it has a smooth skin surface.

The S-M combo (Camaro) is mostly black with some pink in it, + also cool zippers on arms and legs, also smooth skin.

And the best part is that I got them both at a very low price 🙂

Ok, the zippers on the Camaro suit aren’t exactly in the best condition, but that’s not a problem.

I will stay on the lookout, I think one more wetsuit will be added to the gear pool of Project F.



You can still get the content of the January VIP club:


I thought offering a video of choice would be a good idea… but so far… the numbers aren’t like I hoped 🙁

And many of the existing VIP club members haven’t messaged me about which videos they would like to get!

I know, the guys who have been in it for really long… have seen all the videos so far… but remember you can now see video 8 as well… if you want.

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