2 female divers, one male diver, a bomb, and mysterious underwater lights

This one is very new, so chances are good that you guys don’t know it already πŸ˜‰

In this one, we have 1 female diver in an FFM in one spot, and a female and male diver at another diving spot.

And we have a bomb, scuba peril, and some mysterious elements in it as well…



(click to enlarge)


Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

I made some cuts (surface scenes) so the video wouldn’t get so long. Hopefully, it will stay up on YouTube.

Yeah, I do like her Oceanreef FFM, quite a stylish mask…for my taste.

A shame there isn’t more action with her as long she is wearing it.

But don’t worry, I will post another scene with her in 2 weeks πŸ˜‰

The light does come from some alien creature(!) and somehow the presence of the creature detonated that World War bomb for some reason… as far I understood it.

The whole TV show is only available in French (so far) and I didn’t watch the whole thing.

The guy gets killed by the explosion and the woman does survive and looks pretty “well” for such a blast and “only” needed some Hasselhoffing… aka reviving πŸ˜‰

Perhaps the alien prevented her death? I can only guess here….

The alien creature also seems responsible for the weird bubbles… that went sideways instead of to the surface.

All in all some nice scenes!

As mentioned… I will make one more post about this TV show in 2 weeks.

*EDIT January 26*

Here is the second post:



Wanna know the name of the TV show?

IMDB link

(scenes from episodes 2 and 3)


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