Female scuba diver gets knocked out by a shark


I updated the post from last week with some new info:



So, another one of the “I thought it was already on the blog” things πŸ˜‰

But I guess it was lost a while ago as I transferred the blog to the new address.

However, I got a better quality picture (720p) this time and brightened the picture a bit, as the original is verrrrry dark.



(click to enlarge)


Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I’m not a big fan of night dives, even if it works in such a movie… in terms of atmosphere.

But you just can see a lot less…. and that’s a shame since Kristy Swanson looks great in that wetsuit.

This peril scene is pretty unique… as not often divers get knocked out by a shark πŸ˜‰

Even she isn’t fully knocked out… at first.

But ok, since her regulator was still in her mouth, she wasn’t in immediate danger.

The Scubapro regulator type that she used was also featured in some Project F videos.

There is some more footage of her in that wetsuit on that ship, but I decided to not make the video any longer (as that can be problematic).

All in all a good scuba peril scene… in my opinion!


Wanna know the name of the movie?

IMDB link


6 thoughts on “Female scuba diver gets knocked out by a shark”

  1. I like the sound the she made when she was going up, it a good movie with Kristy Swanson on her wetsuit, which is good her by the way

  2. I love this movie. Kristy Swanson looked so great and the diving scenes with her were great. There were a few more scenes but with the two bad guys and also the bad guy rescue scene. I’d kill for an all female remake of these types of movies

    • Well, if you have some millions laying around by chance…. my next Project F video could be Thunderball 2.0 πŸ˜‰
      Even some millions might only be enough for a short(er) movie, but with an epic scuba battle in it.
      Of course with the all female Spectre squad of frogwomen in black rubber πŸ˜‰

  3. I found “interesting” the shark’s attack XD. It basically appeared from nowhere (when usually the divers manage to see it coming) and simply catched the male’s tank (will he survive, by the way?) hitting the girl with his tail.

    She looked confused but not passed out and, to be fair, I don’t understand why she removed her mask and WHY the movie doesn’t show a scene with her maskless.

    I found also funny the fact that the two males found weapons ON the sand while she found something else INTO the sand XD.

    While watching the scene, I was wondering: “What will she find? Maybe an arpoon?”

    • The guy survives the attack… thanks to the revolver he found.
      Yeah, all about her damaged mask is a little weird. In some frames you see the damage (and it rather looks like painted lines)… in others not.
      If just the one glass is damaged it might make sense to keep it on… as long not both sides are flooded.
      I guess that depends on the mask typ.


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