Project F – Update

Just a short post for today:

All Project F videos are now available in a Video Package, even the newest ones (as one month has passed since the last one).

And of course, the VIP Club has a lot of videos to offer each month at a very low price:

VIP Club entry page

VIP Club content in January

As you may know, the next Project F video shoot is in early March and I’m on the lookout for new faces right now.

Most of the frogwomen “veterans” are interested in participating again, so I will have to decide on who will participate this time.


In the meantime, I did put the money you folks donated to good use and already bought some new gear.

I bought two vintage wetsuits and one vintage scuba mask and I will add them to the scuba gear of Project F site soon.

And some more new gear will be purchased until the video shoot in March.


2 thoughts on “Project F – Update”

  1. I sincerely hope that all the suggestions that “we” sent gave you some good ideas for your projects.

    Greetings for the ladies as well =)!


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