Woman in makeshift hazmat/space suit is in danger of suffocating

So, no scuba scene for today… but here and there I wanna build in a scene with another sort of breathing device.

This scene is from a very new episode of a hit TV show, so chances are good that you don’t know it already… unless you are already watching this show/season.

In this scene, a woman in a makeshift hazmat/space suit wants to get into an underground facility.

And her air is running out completely….



Here is the video:

I kept the video under 3 minutes so it might stay on YouTube (new TV show).

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Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, I bet you have a ton of questions! 😉

Right now I may only answer some of them…

This episode aired about one week ago and there are still tons of questions that need to be answered…

Ok, outside that Silo the air is toxic, that is why she is wearing that makeshift suit.

A big issue on that makeshift suit is the tape that seals off the suit from outside air coming in at the ankles and wrists.

She realizes that one tap isn’t fully sealing one part, so she is losing air… even though there isn’t any sound effect that would indicate that.

But then it gets weird…. she gets some tools and runs down that staircase. Why?

Why doesn’t she fix her problems right away? I don’t know.

Then she is out of air and about to suffocate. #greatbreathingsounds

And then, instead of just removing the helmet… she smashes her visor, which is quite dangerous with that crowbar.

Are special tools needed to remove the helmet without destroying it? I don’t know.

Then she pours some brown liquid over her suit.. perhaps to wash off some toxins?

 And why is she then slicing her precious suit with a cutter? Which is also very dangerous. #dontcutyourself

She destroyed her suit pretty well, I guess she is 100% sure that she will never use it?

I hope this will all be somehow explained in the next episodes… and I will update this post… if that happens.

However, all these questions besides…. I think that is a great scene.

There are some more minutes with her in that suit where she falls on her back another time.

I was waiting for her vulnerable air hose to get damaged… but that didn’t happen.

The intensity of that suffocation scene is great, especially with those sound effects.

And wow, she plays it really well as she gives everything to stay alive.

It’s quite ironic how the suit that should keep her safe becomes a danger in itself in this scene.



Wanna see another great scene with her (diving peril)?

Here you go:


Wanna know the name of the show and the episode?

IMDB link

3 thoughts on “Woman in makeshift hazmat/space suit is in danger of suffocating”

  1. Fantastic scene! I was both horrified and thrilled by the wilful destruction off her lovely suit ! She totally ruined it . I noticed the light inside the helmet went out as soon as she smashed the visor. It was almost like it was part of her until she killed its systems then tore the dead suit off and ditched its remains.


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