The female diver … and her sabotaged scuba gear

Thanks a lot to the guys who recommended this one, it was at least recommended to me twice… and now it’s finally time to make a post about it!

The scenario is very interesting! A female diver goes on a solo dive… and her scuba gear is sabotaged!

Let’s see if the video is as good as the idea for it….



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Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Well…. WOW! How many errors of any kind and illogicalities can you build in? The script for these scenes is a total mess 😆

Yeah, it’s a telenovela, so the script is rubbish most of the time 😉

Ok, for some reason the evil guy wants to kill her off, most-likely she would discover something that she shouldn’t know about.

So, he damages the air hose of her regulator.

The air valve seems to be open the whole time (error) and she doesn’t realize above the water that her tank is losing air (error).

With the speed her air reserves are dwindling like on the gauge, the tank would have been long empty before she even hits the water (error).

Underwater she ALSO doesn’t realize that she is losing air she should HEAR(!) that (error)… or see it at one point.

She is diving alone… which is problematic (at least).

Then she realizes that she is out of air and fumbles around with her weight belt.

Why she isn’t surfacing immediately …. remains also a mystery as well (error).

Then she gets rescued and revived by the guy who acts epically bad… wow!

Despite all of that… the scene is interesting and thrilling for me.

There is a female diver with a damaged air hose who runs out of air and drowns. Quite a rare scenario!

So, all in all… a remarkable scene despite the many flaws.

Wanna know the name of the TV show and the episode title?

Check the YouTube link with the whole episode:

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on YouTube!

2 thoughts on “The female diver … and her sabotaged scuba gear”

  1. Good points – she did look nice underwater in her purple wetsuit and hair floating upwards

    Bad points – the lack of sound effects and bizarre camerawork


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