Feedback needed! [Project F videos]

Hey folks!

I do realize how often the Project F trailers on YouTube are watched and how many new VIP subscriptions and Video package deals there are each month.

But most of the time I can only guess who you like a Project F video.

I am not sooo happy about the numbers in the last two months (VIP subscriptions + Video package deals), even though the monthly numbers don’t include active long-term memberships from previous months.

Today I wanna encourage you to send me feedback!

Just reply to a VIP club or Video package deal email that I sent you.

– Feedback about the Project F videos you watched (What did you like, what didn’t you like)

– What would you like to see in the future? (gear, story, etc.)


The next video shoot is in early March and I am already collecting ideas for it.

I have written down some notes about aspects that need to be improved in the future.

I do have some hunches about what you folks would like to see more (more deadly endings? more close-ups? grunts?).

I also think that I … maybe… should focus on making fewer videos in the time I have on such a video shot, but then make longer ones with more takes and more script.

Perhaps I will then only release one new video per month instead of two.

What do you think about it?

Send me an email with your thoughts!

And if don’t have my email for any reason… use the contact form on the “About+contact” page.

6 thoughts on “Feedback needed! [Project F videos]”

  1. Hello!

    I don’t know HOW MUCH my opinion can help since I’m not a VIP member and, not considering the videos that I “gained”, I saw only the trailers.

    Anyway, you started asking what “we” like and dislike so I’ll begin with that:

    The first video that I saw was “The Trap” and, basically, the only thing that I don’t liked was the fact that Lucy was very passive when Rachel and Alice (very good in holding their breath) attacked her. At some point her arms were free and she doesn’t even tried to retake her regulator. That was stolen very easily from her mouth.

    On the other side, I like the watery sounds of the videos and the fact that there is a soundtrack that partially covers them only in the trailers [even if, when the action begins, you cut the scene RIGHT BEFORE the pinnacle moment (that can be the remotion of a mask or the stealing of a regulator)]

    Another thing that I like are the “extra scenes” that you show us that can be another point of view of the action or the “offscreen parts” (like the “lungs reloading” offered by the safediver). I appreciate also (especially with the past screenshot released of Video 42) when it’s possible to “relatively” see the girls’s face. In my opinion this detail adds points to the entire thing.
    – – –
    About things for the future. Well, I already suggested a pair of possible scenes like the fight between the freediver and the vengeful frogwoman (supposed to end with the freediver closing the eyes of the frogwoman after she drowns) or the more recent scene with a tied one and the torturer (with the safediver helping the tied one to “sink” to the bottom) with multiple possible ending (the tied one that drowns OR free herself and “defeat” the torturer). Unfortunately I don’t read your mind and don’t know HOW MUCH far your girls are willing to push themself so I don’t know how much good my suggestions can be.

    Close-ups are appreciated, they offer the chance to notice more details or to “enjoy” better the view of the frogwomen and the grunts could help to make scenes more realistic. And deadly endings are good and nice but also rescue scenes could be a nice show (maybe there is a bad one that’s torturing/fighting/going to kill another one and a third element enters in the scene saving the situation. Now that I think about this… I could indeed suggest a scene of this kind if you’re interested OF COURSE.)

    And about longer videos… well, it could be a good idea. Longest video mean more detailed or elaborated scenes so it could be a catching move.
    – – –
    Well, after all this, I’ll simply wait for your “review”.

    Bye for now!

    • Thanks for the feedback and the suggestions, much appreciated!
      I am collecting ideas from everywhere and will think of what and how I might build these into the next videos.

  2. Hi,

    first of all, your project F is great and unique! You can´t get more frogwoman in action than in your videos.

    And this is the key…. the action. The clip with the RAF-mask and the learning scuba-videos are… please don´t take this the wrong way… a bit boring. It is ok having one trainig clip in the store, but not in every season.

    What i want to see… well the scuba fighting scences are thrilling. But watching a mixed scuba fight, with a male scuba diver getting his air hose sliced (and drowned) by one of the frogwoman…. would be an absolute dream.

    • Thanks for the feedback!
      There are also a lot of folks who don’t wanna scuba scuba fights and them just diving around.
      But yeah, it heavily seems like the majority wants to see scuba fights and often with a rather dark ending for one of the frogwomen.
      And I will go in that direction more often in the future.
      The RAF mask video was mostly done out of my own interest on how well it would work and I wanted to see a woman wearing it underwater.
      That’s a fantasy I have since Thunderball. And you may see that mask again in the future… but then definately with some action and peril 😉
      The learning scuba videos are simply done because they are extremely easy to make.
      And if there is someone who has no scuba experience at all, like Scarlett, they do need get a quick scuba lesson anyway… and the camera is just rolling as it happens.
      But yeah, I get where you coming from… and what you prefer.
      About your wish: Well, maybe I will be playing a frogman in a video as well (like in video 8, but then with added frogwomen), that mostly depends on if I can assemble enough courage to do so.
      Or I just find another guy for it, I know that I would easily find a guy who would even pay me to participate in such a video… but that’s tricky aspect.

  3. Hi,

    your videos are unique and amazing, nice done. Great work, please continue. There is probably need for some new scenarios, because all the “thunderball fight style” (closing the tank, taking away the regulator etc) was already done.

    You can think about releasing the air from octopus, putting the airhose with regulator around the tank valve as knot, using bcd and disconnecting their inflator or unscrewing the bcd valve in the fight, dark scenarios where it looks that one will almost die, but the victor shows mercy and return the regulator in her mouth.

    There can be something like agent rowing in the inflatable boat or using inflatable vest on the surface and scuba diver puncturing/damaging the inflatable item with the knife or spear? and trying to drown the agent.

    Consider also something with flooding the full face mask or partially flooding, or with flooded helmet? Also the Batman video, that was perfect. Maybe something more with this kind of inspiration?

    The videos with “learning to scuba dive” are nice and continue with them. Personally Iam not a fan of any freediving or snorkeling, you can not enjoy the water properly without scuba equipment.

    • Thanks for the kind words, the feedback, and the suggestions!
      Well, I think new scenarios can be used with “old” ways of finishing someone off.
      Definately would love some airhose slice in combination with a drowning for example. Or more fighting about a regulator where a frogwoman
      snatches the regulator back one or two times but then finally drowns etc.
      Flooding the full mask is seemingly quite difficult without pulling it off. The flooding with opening the valve on the OTS Guardian doesn’t work, as we tested (video 38).
      Generally I also prefer scuba diving over freedving… but from time to time I like to build in a scenario with a freediver.


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