The third video shoot of “Project F” will happen on…

[1st post for today]

…. January 29!

Well, the last few days were a bit of a rollercoaster as I tried to get a new time window for the next video shoot.

My initial plan was to get a day in February or March, but I soon learned that ….due to another public pool in the area closing permanently…. it was verrrry difficult to get any time window that was at least 5 hours. The pool is booked by…mostly…. schools, and dive clubs for basically the whole next year.

The only option left was seemingly holidays, and I thought about easter Monday (April 10) as I suddenly got an email that January 29 was practically completely available.

So, the next video shoot will take place on January 29, this time it will be 7 hours long, so I hope to get some short videos and 1-2 long videos done. (last time we had 5 hours).

That is earlier than I initially planned, but as it is 6 weeks away it leaves enough space for preparation.

And I am very happy that I got such a time slot at all 🙂

Right after Christmas, I will start looking for new participants and also ask participants that were already in videos.

I will keep you guys posted!

Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Air hose play” [17th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the sixth video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

As mentioned in the previous posts the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.

Frogwoman Kara and Frogwoman Lucy wanna figure out who is the better underwater fighter. And there is only one way to find out 😉


Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Air hose play”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:04 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, some modern scuba gear, vintage double hose regulator, hoods (2 of 2), fins, air hose damage, regulator steal

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

This was the last scenario we filmed on that video shoot and time was slowly running out.

Frogwoman Lucy was still in her vintage-style gear incl. the double hose regulator.

After we had an air hose cut with a corrugated thick hose at the first video shoot, I wanted to have an air hose cut with a modern air hose this time.

At first, Lucy had some problems with getting the knife out of its holster (that footage will be included in the long cut of this video) …and …slicing such a hose is quite difficult!

It took her several tries to “only” damage the hose, which wasn’t the exact result I wanted… but we learned a lot.

I will need to sharpen that knife a little bit before the next video shoot.

I admire how dedicated Lucy was to getting the job done, she tried and tried and didn’t stop even as she cut herself in the fingers several times!

But she stayed really calm and thankfully these were only minor cuts. Still, others might have freaked out, but she was really relaxed and brave.

Next time we will practice such a scene better prior.

 I am quite glad we filmed this scenario at the very end, as this would have influenced the shooting. Don’t think it would have been wise for Lucy to continue on that day.

However, I was and am really happy with how well both Frogwomen mastered this unknown scenario, especially as both have so little experience with diving.

I was quite surprised that this downward move damaged the air hose like that… after the previous attempts didn’t do any real damage (that footage will also be added in the long cut of this video).

In a future scenario like this, I wanna use a detailed script and it would be great to continue the fight after the air hose was sliced. The attacked diver would continue breathing with the 2nd regulator while the air would be gushing out of the other air hose.

I wonder how long the air in the tank will last with a sliced regulator hose? Pretty sure I saw a YouTube video where someone tried that and it took about 2 minutes or so.

Well, we will find out 😉



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).


Where to watch it?

The video will be available again in the VIP club in February alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Spy”, Version 2 [16th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the fifth video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

As mentioned in the previous posts the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.

Frogwoman Kara is taking pictures of some secret stuff, but frogwoman Lucy isn’t too happy about it!

That leads to a scuba fight… 😉


Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Spy, Version 2”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:08 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, hoods (2 of 2), fins, regulator steal

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

This is the second video with the “scuba spy” scenario (the first one is video 12).

In this version, Frogwoman Kara is holding onto her Camera with the precious images she just shot. Of course, that is a rather big handicap for her as she can only use one arm/hand to defend herself against the attacker.

I guess in a long, scripted version of this scenario she should have some kind of bag/pocket to stash it away or at least have it tied to her wrist with a tiny rope.

Or she could just let it float to the bottom, for that the camera would need some weights, as it floats to the surface… as you can see in video 12.

Frogwoman Lucy really seems to enjoy yanking at other divers regulators 😉

This video has a very short alternative ending at the end.



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).


Where to watch it?

The video is available again NOW in the VIP club in September alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos, but only for personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

“Swimmer VS Frogwoman” – test video [15th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the fourth video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

As mentioned in the previous posts the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.

In this video, you can find 2 takes as we tried a “Swimmer VS Frogwoman” scenario.


Swimmer Kara and Frogwoman Lucy in “Swimmer VS Frogwoman”, 1080p, 60 frames, 1:47 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, 1 swimmer with a snorkel mask, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

1 hood, fins


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

I think the “Swimmer VS Diver” scenario is always interesting even though most of these rare scenarios in the movies end with the death of the swimmer in 99% of all cases.

I would like to build in some surprises in a long, scripted version so it won’t be the standard outcome. Or maybe the expected outcome and some surprises on the way to it. I won’t spoil it here 😉

In these two test takes, we tested that scenario.

Several problems make this scenario challenging.

First of all the swimmer has no air source underwater (surprise!) and therefore she can’t stay down for long during such a fight. That makes filming more difficult of course.

We tested in the shallow end of the pool to stay on the safe side. In the long and scripted version, I would like to use the deep end.

The swimmer has no weights, so she is very buoyant, especially as she is wearing a full neoprene suit here which increases her buoyancy. The diver must pull her underwater and keep her there… which isn’t very easy.

In the full-scripted long video, we will add more weights to the frogwoman, which should help, even if it will make normal swimming more difficult for her. Perhaps she will wear a 2nd weight belt that she would drop once her evil job is finished. 😉

The snorkel mask we used here isn’t so good for the scenario.

At the end of take 1, the mask started to fill with water, which wasn’t supposed to happen as Frogwoman Lucy didn’t attack it prior.

Maybe we use swimming goggles for the long, scripted video.



Fun facts:

At the very end of take 2, you can see how Kara yanked the mask of Lucy away from her face so it flooded completely.

The first time that Frogwoman Lucy was blind underwater and close to defeat.



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in February in the VIP club!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

Project F video packages


You can download these videos, but only for personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!



I invested quite some money in a modern FFM!

Check out today’s post here (scroll down to the bottom):

Frogwoman VIP Club 2.0: November 2022

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!


   (the picture is just a logo for the VIP Club)

The VIP-Club 2.0 has been updated with new material, enjoy!

7(!) scubalicious videos are waiting for you this month:

 2 mystery videos

+ a video where a female diver encounters a not-so-friendly male diver with evil plans

+ Video 2 from Project F – Smaco Test Dive with Frogwoman Lucy

+ Video 9 from Project F – Frogwoman Uma with Royal Mistral double hose regulator

*NEW* + Video 15 from Project F – Swimmer Kara gets attacked by Frogwoman Lucy!

*NEW* + Video 16 from Project F – Frogwoman Kara takes pictures and gets attacked by Frogwoman Lucy

All the videos of Project F can be found on this page:


+ a little new Bonus for VIP club members:

An excel file for every video I uploaded to this blog! Incl. the movie title or TV show name (+episode number), a short description, my personal rating, post title, and a link to that post. Basically, it’s a directory if you are looking for a scene from a certain movie. Or the description gets you interested so you can check it out 😉

*UPDATE* November 1: The list has now 289 entries and can now be found in the VIP club (will be updated regularly).


+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes


+ Scuba Fetish Stories:

7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulcan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)

+ *NEW* the freediving instructor (9 pages)

Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories


Wanna show your support for this blog and get good scuba-fetish videos and stories in return?

Then donate some bucks and…

>>>>> …. join the VIP club on Frogwoman! <<<<<

I also accept amazon gift certificates for,, and!

+ you can also pay with credit cards, even if you don’t have Paypal!

(details on the VIP club entry page)

Frogwoman Lucy in “Vintage dive” [14th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the third video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

This time one day early as I am away tomorrow.

As I mentioned in the previous posts the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.


Frogwoman Lucy in “Vintage Dive”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:34 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, neoprene, smooth skin wetsuit, vintage scuba gear, vintage mask, double hose regulator, surface scene, gear up-scene,

1 hood, fins


Lethal or non-lethal ending?

Spoiler title

Background info:

On the first video shoot, Frogwoman Alice dove with the Royal Mistral connected with double hoses to a vintage Techniscub FFM (video 1).

Frogwoman Uma tested the Royal Mistral double hose regulator in another video (video 9).

This time I added a vintage-style scuba mask to the scuba gear so Frogwoman Lucy would fully be in a vintage gear that looks like it could have been from the 60s.

So I created a short video with her in that gear incl. some surface shots of her getting ready for the dive!

For me, it can’t get much better in terms of scuba gear than this combo.

And she will be in this gear in another video with action! (my favorite one from that video shoot)

In the future, I wanna include longer “getting into the scuba gear” scenes at the beginning of some videos.

Spoiler title
As you can see the mask is pretty “flat” with little room for the nose. During the shoot, I didn’t notice that the tip of her nose was pressed against the glass of the mask. That happens if you stare at the tiny screen of the camera all the time (she didn’t notice it either). Certainly, I should have checked that more carefully, but it only fully showed underwater.

Well, I learned another lesson.

Another frogwoman will wear this mask at the next shooting.

But ok, only a small issue, as this is a short video and she is only facing the camera for some short scenes.



Fun facts:

Frogwoman Lucy also had no problem to also dive with this vintage double hose regulator from the 60s.

I guess you won’t find many young women like her who have diving experience with such old vintage gear. Especially since she doesn’t have a scuba certificate.



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).

As I mentioned before the audio here was challenging with a sound the camera picked up from the pool machinery.

I tried a lot with the audio since that sound is here more annoying than in the other videos that have more action and noise.

I edited the audio track of the underwater part to reduce the noise and stimulatingly not affect the wanted audio.

And the result is quite good I would say.


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in March!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos in the VIP club, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!


Frogwomen Ruby and Lucy in “Treasure hunt” [13th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the second video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

Also the video premiere of Frogwoman Ruby!

Sorry for the delay! Some logistical problems had to be solved first…

As I mentioned in the previous post the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.


Frogwomen Ruby and Lucy in “Treasure hunt”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:57 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

2 hoods, fins, regulator stealing, fight over treasure


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

This is the first video with Frogwoman Ruby in action! And she did a fine job without any prior scuba experience. She used to play underwater rugby in the past for a while and that may be the reason why she is pretty fearless and was a good match for Frogwoman Lucy. 🙂

She also had no problems

Spoiler title
with Lucy closing the air valve on her tank (we tested it once on the surface).

Sometimes it wasn’t easy for me to keep up with the two, as they made good use of the space they had in that deep pool as they swam at a pretty high pace.

At the beginning of the video (before the fight), you will notice

Spoiler title
blue bars over certain small areas of the screen (for about 20 seconds in total).

Sorry for that, but the frogwomen are visible all the time, so it’s not such a big issue. I had to do it since the security diver was visible in these parts of the video and …..well…. he wasn’t supposed to be visible 😉 A mistake that won’t happen again.

I was glad that I could use the stunning Cressi Triton suit this time and it looked great on Ruby. Perhaps I will buy that suit again in M or L.

I found it as a real bargain (in comparison to its normal price) in size S. But that suit is too small for most women …in this size…

For a test video that has basically no script, I am really happy with the result. It was a good test to see how the Frogwomen would handle such a fight scene and react to certain aspects.

Certainly wanna use that “fight over treasure” scenario in the future again, but then with a detailed script (incl. storyline), and a proper ending.



Fun facts:

Check out how Ruby is clearing her mask in the background as Lucy has found the gold coin.

The gold coin was a standard Greek coin (from before they got the Euro as well).


I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).

As I mentioned before the audio here was challenging with a sound the camera picked up from the pool machinery.

So far I haven’t figured out how to suppress that sound without damaging the “wanted” audio. But well, it isn’t really a big issue here as the 3 regulators here make a lot of noise so that background noise isn’t really distracting (as you can hear in the preview teaser video above).


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in January!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:



You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

Are you worthy to watch a special “Project F” BONUS VIDEO for free? [Thunderball quiz]

Before the 2nd video shoot, I came up with the idea to make a little (verrrrrry obvious) Easter Egg video for my favorite movie.

Some years ago I made an extra Thunderball page for it with links to extra pages to certain scenes and topics.

Some days ago I had the idea to have a little quiz about Thunderball and that the extra, special, secret bonus video would be the reward for those who master it.

It’s just a very short video, but if you like Thunderball and/or wanna see Frogwoman Lucy on the surface in an Elios vintage beavertail wetsuit… you will LOVE it 😉

Plus it’s for free…and it should be fun!


Let’s start the treasure hunt!

You will find the secret page with the video… if you add the letters of the correct answers to the standard frogwoman website address.

For example: If “A” would be the correct answer to every question, the address which would lead you to the video would be:

Spoiler alert: “A” isn’t always the correct answer 😉


Hint: IMDB and the pages/videos of my Thunderball project will help you with the solutions


1) In which country was Thunderball released first?

A) USA — B) UK — C) West Germany — D) Japan — E ) East Germany — F) Uzbekistan

2) How many letters does the full name of the actress contain who plays the main villainess in Thunderball?

A) 13 — B) 14 — C) 15 — D) 18 —- E) 42

3) What is the page number of my favorite Thunderball scene (check Thunderball project)?

A) 5 — B) 6 — C) 8 — D) 73273 — E) 7

4) How many crew members get gassed on the Vulcan Bomber in Thunderball?

A) 5 — B) 4 — C) 6 —- D) 3 — E) Strawberry Ice Cream!

5) How many Dollars does Angelo want from SPECTRE as he has the brilliant idea to blackmail them?

A) 100000 — B) 1000000 — C) 250000 — D) 9,99 — E) 200000

6) How old was Sir Sean Connery as Thunderball was released in the USA?

A) 36 — B) 34 — C) 33 — D) 35 — E) 32


If you are worthy to watch the video… you should be able to find the correct answers 😉

You may post comments, but don’t give away any solutions.

Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Spy” [12th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the first video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

As I mentioned in the previous post the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.


Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Spy”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:25 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits (one of them vintage style-beavertail), scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, regulator steal, hoods (2 of 2), fins, scuba spy

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

I do know 2 movies/TV shows that have this “Diver takes pictures and gets attacked” scenario. James Bond in Thunderball and the frogwoman in the “Silk Stalkings” TV show.

And in the future, I wanna make a version with a detailed script where a frogwoman takes pictures of some secret stuff and gets attacked by an evil frogwoman who wants to stop her (and kill her).

For this video, I used only some basic instructions on what the two should and could do and it was a one-shot without any re-shoots.

My camera was a little shaky in the first few seconds. I’m pretty new to the whole filming aspect and it’s not easy to totally focus on the tiny camera screen when such a scene happens in real life right before you 😉

It was also not easy to follow these two with the camera, but I think it worked out quite well even though it’s a bit of a challenge to move around in 3 dimensions and stay in a good position to the moving action.

I am very happy about how the 2 frogwomen (Kara + Lucy) did such an action scene underwater! I mean the two have basically no scuba experience and only had that mini scuba session from the first video shoot back in December. I am glad they returned for another video shoot!

They were really brave and the scene worked out pretty fine in my opinion.

Frogwoman Lucy really likes to steal regulators and likes to be a scuba villainess 😉

We had only 5 hours to shoot and a LOT of time was needed to assemble the gear and all that. And I wanted to get several quick scenarios done in that time to gain experience in shooting underwater action scenes.

I will write detailed scripts for the next shooting, as long these videos generate enough money to cover at least the expenses.

Yeah, the video here is short, but it has a rather long scuba fight (90% of the runtime). In the end, most scuba fights in movies or TV shows are much shorter in the end.

With a detailed script, I wanna make a video with this scenario that will have at least 5 or 6 minutes.

But we made a 2nd version of this fight, I will post that in the next weeks as well.


Fun fact:

At first, the fight was supposed to be about the camera but that quickly floated out of sight and mind (can be seen on the surface in the last seconds).

Next time I will need to add some weight to the camera 😉



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).

Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in October!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos in the VIP club, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!