Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Spy” [12th video of Project F – 2nd video shoot]

So, it’s time for the first video of the 2nd video shoot of “Project F”!

As I mentioned in the previous post the videos from that shoot will be pretty short, but action-packed as we tried some simple action scenarios.


Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Spy”, 1080p, 60 frames, 2:25 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


+ a short teaser:

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits (one of them vintage style-beavertail), scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear, regulator steal, hoods (2 of 2), fins, scuba spy

Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

I do know 2 movies/TV shows that have this “Diver takes pictures and gets attacked” scenario. James Bond in Thunderball and the frogwoman in the “Silk Stalkings” TV show.

And in the future, I wanna make a version with a detailed script where a frogwoman takes pictures of some secret stuff and gets attacked by an evil frogwoman who wants to stop her (and kill her).

For this video, I used only some basic instructions on what the two should and could do and it was a one-shot without any re-shoots.

My camera was a little shaky in the first few seconds. I’m pretty new to the whole filming aspect and it’s not easy to totally focus on the tiny camera screen when such a scene happens in real life right before you 😉

It was also not easy to follow these two with the camera, but I think it worked out quite well even though it’s a bit of a challenge to move around in 3 dimensions and stay in a good position to the moving action.

I am very happy about how the 2 frogwomen (Kara + Lucy) did such an action scene underwater! I mean the two have basically no scuba experience and only had that mini scuba session from the first video shoot back in December. I am glad they returned for another video shoot!

They were really brave and the scene worked out pretty fine in my opinion.

Frogwoman Lucy really likes to steal regulators and likes to be a scuba villainess 😉

We had only 5 hours to shoot and a LOT of time was needed to assemble the gear and all that. And I wanted to get several quick scenarios done in that time to gain experience in shooting underwater action scenes.

I will write detailed scripts for the next shooting, as long these videos generate enough money to cover at least the expenses.

Yeah, the video here is short, but it has a rather long scuba fight (90% of the runtime). In the end, most scuba fights in movies or TV shows are much shorter in the end.

With a detailed script, I wanna make a video with this scenario that will have at least 5 or 6 minutes.

But we made a 2nd version of this fight, I will post that in the next weeks as well.


Fun fact:

At first, the fight was supposed to be about the camera but that quickly floated out of sight and mind (can be seen on the surface in the last seconds).

Next time I will need to add some weight to the camera 😉



I used some filters (10% more brightness in gamma and gain, text).

Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in October!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos in the VIP club, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen….

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!


Update on Project F videos

Hey folks, I just finished editing the first video and it will be released on Sunday in the VIP club as I mentioned in my previous post.

I do have problems with an audio issue though so far. The camera picked up a rather annoying sound underwater that I didn’t hear back on Sunday.

I guess these are sounds from the pool technique machinery.

In the last few days, I tried some audio filters on the editing software Shotcut, which I use for my videos.

It wasn’t a big problem to practically erase that sound, but so far all these efforts also affected the normal/wanted sound as well.

I am just a beginner in that program but I will try my best to improve things.

Perhaps I will upload a file with the original audio and one with edited audio and you can choose what you prefer.


I do hope to get some help to fix this issue from someone who knows that program better than I do (especially the audio filters).

So, if you are very familiar with audio filters, especially the ones on Shotcut, please let me know. (Use the contact side).

In the meantime, some pictures from the next video to tease you 😉 :

(click to enlarge)




I bought a new red wetsuit recently that will be used in the future, check it out:


2nd shooting of Project F – A first impression

The originally planned 2nd shooting of “Project F” last month couldn’t be done since I got sick 🙁

But, today the shooting actually happened!

This time with a lot more underwater action since I tried some simple scenarios to see how directing such underwater scenes would work out.


Now I am really tired and quite “flashed” by all that happened today… so this post won’t be very long.

Yeah, there was a lot of improvising and future scripts need to be more detailed, longer, and more “polished”.

From today I learned a lot for future shots and already wrote down some ideas to improve things.

Especially communicating underwater as a “director” has to improve … perhaps with some gadgets.


All in all, I am very happy about this 2nd shoot.

A lot of things improved in comparison to the 1st one.

The pool was now something completely different: 25 meters long (82 feet) and one end was a little over 4 meters deep (around 13 feet)!

The lighting was much better this time and …as this was a regular pool (without annoying foil that could easily get damaged)…. we could use fins this time 😉

I am very happy I found this location and certainly wanna shoot there again.


The scenes we shoot today will result in rather short videos, but with a lot of action!

Pretty sure all the videos will therefore be presented in the VIP club as they will be under 4 minutes.

All the 3 frogwomen in today’s shooting showed a strong commitment and delivered some engaging action scenes.

I was and am very impressed by that!

Especially since one frogwoman actually cut herself several(!) times in one wild, fast action scene and behaved like that would be totally normal…. more or less.

Certainly just small cuts, but with some blood, so many others would have certainly freaked out.


So, that is all for now, I might post some teasers the next days 😉

I plan to release the first video of this shooting the next Sunday (September 25).

And the 2nd shooting….

….didn’t happen 🙁

Well, at least ….not today…. as it was planned.

The last 2 weeks were quite frustrating.

As you may remember I was away for a short trip ….and on my return day, I was already sick.

After some days it got better and I felt fine for some days….but now I’m sick again (still no Covid so far). Don’t know what is going on since I left the country for that trip. 🙁

Especially since I basically wasn’t sick before at any time in the last ….YEARS.

The whole gear was packed already and ready for action.

I just informed everyone involved in today’s video shooting and I will try to get a new date for that location.

Hopefully, it will be possible to have another time slot like today in the next weeks/September.


Regarding anyone who donated this month …until now….to get the 1-2 new Project F videos that I promised… you will get them + an additional video.

Sorry for the delay…

Wanted: Rescue diver for video shoot

Sadly, my rescue diver/cameraman can’t make it to the next video shoot on Sunday anymore, so I am forced to look for a new one.

I’m looking for someone:
– who is a rescue diver (or has a similar training)
– can give a short crash course on diving for folks who have no diving experience so far
– can help with the scuba gear
– who could operate a GoPro camera in some scenes (which is very easy)

The video shoot is this Sunday in Bremen (Germany) and is scheduled for 5 hours (10 AM-3 PM).
Payment is 25 Euro per hour.

I don’t think that the chances are very high of finding someone on this site, but it’s worth a try.
(I am looking on several sites).


If you are interested… use the Contact page.

*EDIT* Problem solved, I found someone 🙂

The 2nd shooting of “Project F” – News #1

1st post for today, one more to follow!

First, some news about the 2nd shooting of Project F.

This week, I finally managed to solve the biggest issue: finding a proper location for future shootings!

I asked the managers of some public swimming pools, but the prices for one hour were……. BIG.

Of course, there would always be the possibility to shoot in a lake, but that comes with quite a lot of disadvantages (sight, comfort, and especially privacy etc.) even I still want to have a video shooting at such a location in the future.


The bad news first:

The shooting is still nearly 2 months away


The good news:

The location will have a really big pool, much bigger than the ones that are owned by private persons.

The pool will also be deep(er) (around 6 feet in total) than the one from the first shooting.

Fins can be used this time 😉

The lighting should be much better in that location (+ I bought UW lights in the meantime).

It is much less expensive than anything in comparison.

I secured a time window of 5 hours for that shooting. I guess 1 hour will be spent preparing the shooting at the location, quick instructions, and collecting all the gear upon departure.

That (hopefully) leaves around 4 hours for the shooting itself and I wanna make the most of it.

This time I certainly won’t leave the location to pick someone up like the last time 😉

The goal is to make 2 videos in that time. One rather simple one and one with an average complex script.

These videos should be around 5-10 minutes long each.

Depending on how it will go, I will need to be flexible and improvise here and there.


This time I wanna focus on underwater action/peril and also wanna show the frogwomen outside the water as well (beginning of the video).

With the experience of the last “casting”, I hope it will be much easier this time to find fitting frogwomen for this shoot.


Now that I found this location, the time between shooting won’t be as long in the future.

Well, if everything goes as planned at least.

More news soon!

Banner made for Project F by “sky50783”


Frogwoman Uma with Mares Abyss regulator + bonus scenes with a Cressi snorkel mask [11th video of Project F]

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

I presented another one today already, scroll down to check that out as well.

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with a Mares Abyss regulator. In bonus scenes, she is diving with a Cressi snorkel mask

In both parts, she is wearing a Camaro Speedskin wetsuit.

The filming for this video here was done by the friendly Divemaster.


Frogwoman Uma with Mares Abyss regulator + bonus scenes with a Cressi snorkel mask, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:58 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, neoprene, smooth skin wetsuit, modern scuba gear, hood, no fins, one part with Cressi snorkel mask

There is a short sequence where Frogwoman Uma starts at the door and then walks into the pool. So, there is a very short “surface” scene in this one as well.

There was quite some material available for this video and I chose the best parts to make a good runtime of under 4 minutes.

The lighting was quite good here for the most part as these scenes were shot early in the day with sunlight coming through the windows.

Even we had to close the curtains so that no one would be able to see into the room 😉



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, but I cut quite some stuff.


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in September!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:



This video was planned to be published in February, but there were some logistical problems.

If you have subscribed to the VIP club “only” in February ….no problem, I will send an email today with a link to all VIP club members who were “only” subscribed in February.


You can download these videos in the VIP club, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:


I guess that will be the last video from that first shooting for Project F.

There are scenes where Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Dräger Panorama Nova Dive, but the visibility is very poor in this one.

There are also scenes with Frogwoman Uma wearing an MSA Millenium mask (which disguises her face completely), that might be something for another video in the future.

Frogwoman Uma with Auer S3 gas mask and drysuit [10th video of Project F]

[Post 1 of 2 for today]

So, finally a new video from Project F, sorry for the delay. And this won’t be the only new video I will present today.

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with an Auer S3 gas mask while wearing a Viking drysuit.

The filming for this video here was done by the friendly Divemaster.


Frogwoman Uma with Auer S3 gas mask and drysuit, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:34 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Viking drysuit in here.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)


Video contains:

1 frogwoman, dry suit, rubber, gas mask, rubber gloves, close-up, “special” breathing sounds due to the mask and connected regulator


When you see the screenshots you may suspect what I will buy first before the 2nd shooting 😉

Sadly the indoor lights weren’t sufficient, but that’s no news to you if you followed this project for a while.

But still, I think many will enjoy seeing a Frogwoman in a rubber drysuit and gas mask underwater…as this is rather….unusual 😉



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, but I cut quite some stuff.


Where to watch it?

It will be available again in the VIP club in August!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:


You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her:

Frogwoman Uma with Royal Mistral double hose regulator [9th video of Project F]

Today I wanna present another video of Project F!

In this one, Frogwoman Uma is diving with a vintage Royal Mistral double hose regulator while wearing a Camaro Speedskin.

Most of the filming for this video here was done by the friendly Divemaster.


Frogwoman Uma with Royal Mistral double hose regulator, 1080p, 60 frames, 3:58 minutes

Frogwoman Uma is wearing a Camaro Speedskin wetsuit (smooth skin) in here.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, neoprene,  smooth skin wetsuit, vintage double hose regulator, some modern scuba gear, hood, no fins, surface shot


As you can see in the first picture, there is a short sequence where Frogwoman Uma starts at the door and then walks into the pool. So, there is a very short “surface” scene in this one.

There was quite some material available for this video and I edited it from the videos from both cameras, but only some seconds here were filmed by me.



I used the same filters as before (white balance, 10% more brightness in the shadows, text).

The original/raw footage was longer than this cut, but I cut quite some minutes.

Just enough so the video would be under 4 minutes, so you guys in the VIP club could have another video included.


It will be available again in the VIP club in September!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:



You can download these videos, but only for your personal use.

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money, especially on scuba gear and location rent.

A lot of my …limited… savings were used up for that.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos…..I won’t be able to make new videos.

So…. I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future.

Wanna see more of Frogwoman Uma …aka…. “Granola Kitty”?

Check out her Facebook page where you can see much more of her: