Wanted: Rescue diver for video shoot

Sadly, my rescue diver/cameraman can’t make it to the next video shoot on Sunday anymore, so I am forced to look for a new one.

I’m looking for someone:
– who is a rescue diver (or has a similar training)
– can give a short crash course on diving for folks who have no diving experience so far
– can help with the scuba gear
– who could operate a GoPro camera in some scenes (which is very easy)

The video shoot is this Sunday in Bremen (Germany) and is scheduled for 5 hours (10 AM-3 PM).
Payment is 25 Euro per hour.

I don’t think that the chances are very high of finding someone on this site, but it’s worth a try.
(I am looking on several sites).


If you are interested… use the Contact page.

*EDIT* Problem solved, I found someone 🙂

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