And the 2nd shooting….

….didn’t happen 🙁

Well, at least ….not today…. as it was planned.

The last 2 weeks were quite frustrating.

As you may remember I was away for a short trip ….and on my return day, I was already sick.

After some days it got better and I felt fine for some days….but now I’m sick again (still no Covid so far). Don’t know what is going on since I left the country for that trip. 🙁

Especially since I basically wasn’t sick before at any time in the last ….YEARS.

The whole gear was packed already and ready for action.

I just informed everyone involved in today’s video shooting and I will try to get a new date for that location.

Hopefully, it will be possible to have another time slot like today in the next weeks/September.


Regarding anyone who donated this month …until now….to get the 1-2 new Project F videos that I promised… you will get them + an additional video.

Sorry for the delay…

8 thoughts on “And the 2nd shooting….”

    • Thanks to you as well 🙂
      Yeah, quite frustrating…all that planning for that date and now…it was …partially… for nothing.
      But well, sometimes you win, sometimes you loose.


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