Update on Project F video shoots + new gear for the next video shoot + the chance to a vintage Thunderball magazine

So, that title got long enough… just a quick post for this week:

1) Project F video shoots

As you may have already read in yesterday’s update in the post from August 1… I canceled the video shoot in the lake that was planned for today.

It is rather cold for early August… and more importantly… there are tons of clouds. Not the conditions where I wanna spend several hundred Euros to make a video shoot.

I need some solid sunlight for the lighting.

That means the next video shoot will be the long-planned 9-hour video shoot in the pool in 2 weeks (August 18).

I think I will make a new attempt at a video shoot in the lake in 4 weeks (September 1).

If I can get enough participants on that date, the weather is at least average and the lake is still warm enough.

2) New gear for the next video shoot on August 18

I’m still on the lookout for new scuba gear. Do you have any ideas …wishes?

Here is some of the scuba gear I have:


I am thinking about getting a spear gun… even if it wouldn’t be fired, basically just for “show”.

Always on the lookout for sexy new wetsuits… especially with smooth skin, that makes it look like rubber.

But right now I find it hard to find a suit that brings really something new to the collection… a suit that isn’t too similar to the ones I have already and that looks great.

Perhaps a (darker) blue smooth-skin wetsuit would be a great addition.

But it’s hard to find one that looks good, isn’t too expensive (up to around 200 Euro), and is available in the EU if possible. (no custom fees and faster transport)

As an example I often buy new gear …here… (and on Ebay).

Do you have ideas? Links? Feel free to comment on this post or send me an email:


3) You can win a 60’s Thunderball magazine and 4 trading cards!


Check out “Update II” here:


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