Frogwoman VIP Club: August 2024

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!

The VIP Club has been updated with new material, enjoy!

8(!) scubalicious videos are waiting for you this month (all can be downloaded of course):


 2 mystery videos (never shown before here)

+ 6 of my “Project F” videos:

Video 7 from Project FFrogwoman Uma in smooth skin wetsuit + a mysterious Rubick’s cube

+ Video 10 from Project FFrogwoman Uma in an Auer S3 gas mask and a drysuit

+ Video 14 from Project FFrogwoman Lucy dives in vintage dive gear incl. a double hose regulator

Video 21 from Project FKara and Demi are testing their scuba combat skills in several rounds of scuba action!

Video 29 from Project FFrogwoman Lucy gets sneakily attacked by evil Kara! Plus a mysterious third frogwoman! (+additional XXL Cut)

+ *NEW* Video 37 from Project F – Frogwomen Kara and Scarlett are practicing their scuba combat skills for several rounds of training!

+ 1 new Project F video, scheduled to be released on August 25!

(click on each line to get to the video’s blog post with pictures, info, and a trailer)

(click to enlarge)


*UPDATE I* August 3: The lake video shoot which was planned for August 4 was canceled by me due to the less-than-average weather conditions.

If I spend several hundred euros even on a short(er) lake video shoot, the weather conditions must be better than that.

I don’t expect perfect weather, but some sunshine, and no rain …. are needed.

It’s frustrating that that happens again, two weeks after the first planned video shoot in that lake… but well… bad luck.

As the big video shoot in the pool is on August 18…. perhaps a lake video shoot would be possible in better conditions two or three weeks after that.


*UPDATE II* August 3:

As a little extra treat:

Everyone who joins (or has already joined) the VIP club in August… or extends his/her membership in August… has the chance to WIN this:

an Austrian magazine about my favorite movie “Thunderball” (or “Feuerball” in German)

The magazine from the mid-’60s has 14 pages with many pictures and is all about Thunderball!

It is in good condition, the language is German and printed in blue(!) & white inside.

Yeah, I know… not many of you speak German, but that can be translated.


+ 4 Thunderball-related trading cards


I will ask one random winner if he/she wants the magazine and the cards and will need an address to send it to (worldwide).

If that one isn’t interested I will randomly select someone else… and so on.

Previews for all the videos of Project F can be found on this page:

Wanna know which videos will be in the VIP club in the upcoming months?

That info can also be found there!


+ Another little Bonus for VIP club members:

An Excel file for every video I uploaded to this blog! Incl. the movie title or TV show name (+episode number), a short description, my personal rating, the title of the post, and a link to that post. Basically, it’s a directory if you are looking for a scene from a specific movie. Or the description gets you interested so you can check it out 😉

*UPDATE* August 1: The list now has 344 entries and can now be found in the VIP club (will be updated regularly).


+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes


+ Scuba Fetish Stories:

7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulcan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)

+ The freediving instructor (9 pages)

Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories


Wanna show your support for this blog and get my Project F scuba-fetish videos (+ additional content)?

Then donate some bucks and…

>>>>> …. join the VIP club on Frogwoman! <<<<<

Paypal, Credit Card, or digital Amazon gift card!

You can also pay with credit cards, even if you don’t have PayPal!

I also accept Amazon gift codes for,, and!

(details on the VIP club entry page)

Buy (nearly) any Project F video you want…today!

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