The weirdest underwater weapon ever …in a scuba battle with 3 men and one woman!

A couple dives along the ocean floor ass suddenly 2 frogmen appear. One of them carries a very strange, but deadly weapon….what will happen to our 2 divers?

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And here you can see the whole video, with all the scuba action:

*EDIT*, March 11, 2022:

Well, that is a really odd weapon for underwater warfare! And I have never seen it in any other movie. Guess the moviemakers came up with that idea 😉

Basically, it’s like a bear trap but with a staff and a lever. Certainly, the user then has a range advantage, but I don’t think many would use such a nasty weapon….

Also, it’s rare that we have her a frogwoman who actually kills another diver…. I like that she managed to finish the evil guy. I guess she was then too afraid of fighting against the other one with his special weapon, yeah….understandable.

I wish she would have had a black rubber wetsuit with a double hose regulator instead of the bad guys.

All in all a good scene with some unusual elements!


Here is the title of the movie:
IMDB Title


Female scuba divers in combat: Frogwomen underwater battle!

You folks will surely know the epic underwater battle from “Thunderball”. I found this video, which is very similar to the Thunderball battle but it has frogwomen in it! It’s a very well-made “cartoon”, but for adults. Check it out, here are some stills:

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And here is the VIDEO, check it out….:

Very good “movie”, if you ask me. The only thing I would have included would be some ripped/cut air hoses.




Underwater combat with navy seals… (incl. a female diver)

A team of seals and a female diver against some scuba thugs!

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Here you can see the whole action:

*EDIT* A version with better picture quality can be found here:


The scene is well made in my eyes, but the lighting……well….could be better.

The metal protection around her air hose is very interesting. Never seen it before…


Scuba couple VS evil scuba thugs [Scuba fight]

A couple investigates underwater about a sunken treasure…..a high-tech device that shouldn’t be in the wrong hands!

Of course, the bad boys send some divers to take care of them….

(click to enlarge)

Well, perhaps you wanna see the whole action? Here is the video:

A bit dark and murky (as most of the time) but a good scuba fight!

It’s a little weird how she basically is waiting patiently for the bad guy to cut her air hose, without doing anything to prevent it….but still, a good scene!

Not many videos where an air hose of a female scuba diver gets cut….

Wanna know from which movie this is?


Death is a woman! Scuba scenes including a murder…

So, it’s time for some scenes from the scubalicious movie “Death is a woman”!

And it’s the rare version in color!

A criminal diver couple is diving for some hidden drugs. But one of them doesn’t wanna share anymore….

(click to enlarge)

Guess you may wanna see the video (2 parts)?

Here they are:



Great scenes in my eyes! 🙂

*EDIT* March 2022:

She really looks gorgeous and was certainly in great shape back then!

The way she attacks him from behind is portrayed rather badly, as everyone can see that she isn’t hitting him 😆 and he doesn’t show a real reaction to it.

A knife with a retractable blade and some fake blood would have been great here.

I love that she then slices his air hose, even it seems to be the wrong hose?! Normally with a double hose regulator, the intake hose is the one on the left (watching at the diver).

But here no air escapes the sliced left part. Seems like the intake here is on the right side (watching at the diver).

However, it’s a great and rare scene! You won’t find many videos where a female scuba diver kills another diver! 😉