A female scuba diver, drugs and a….surprise! [Blog exclusive]

This one is very new as the video was released just 2 weeks ago, so I hope 99% of you folks don’t know it yet.

Story (as far as I know, haven’t seen the complete episode yet):

A desperate guy needs the help of a frogwoman to retrieve some drugs that are hidden underwater.

But, a big surprise is waiting for her underwater and the police are checking the bay as well….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

….had to remove it, sorry….

You can either play it there or download it right away.

(tried to upload it to youtube, but it got blocked right away, that’s why this video is “only” on the Blog here and not on my Youtube channel)

Well, good to know they are still making at least some new scuba content ๐Ÿ™‚

And this scene is pretty good. A nice peril moment and she looks really good in her scuba gear, underwater and on the surface!

A continuation error occurs as her regulator changes sides underwater…. ๐Ÿ˜‰


In my version of this scene, the police boat would have stopped there and the guy with the beard would have gotten suspicious. He would have ordered the woman onboard to dive there and make and check if any suspicious things would go on there. She would find the dead body and our scuba lady.

The police diver would try to force her to the surface they fight each other in a long struggle. In the end, our scuba lady would cut the air hose of the police diver sending her to the surface.

While the guy on the boat gets arrested she escapes underwater.

Wanna know from which TV show and episode this is?


What do you think of this scene?

Leave a comment!



Death is a woman! Scuba scenes including a murder…

So, it’s time for some scenes from the scubalicious movie “Death is a woman”!

And it’s the rare version in color!

A criminal diver couple is diving for some hidden drugs. But one of them doesn’t wanna share anymore….

(click to enlarge)

Guess you may wanna see the video (2 parts)?

Here they are:



Great scenes in my eyes! ๐Ÿ™‚

*EDIT* March 2022:

She really looks gorgeous and was certainly in great shape back then!

The way she attacks him from behind is portrayed rather badly, as everyone can see that she isn’t hitting him ๐Ÿ˜† and he doesn’t show a real reaction to it.

A knife with a retractable blade and some fake blood would have been great here.

I love that she then slices his air hose, even it seems to be the wrong hose?! Normally with a double hose regulator, the intake hose is the one on the left (watching at the diver).

But here no air escapes the sliced left part. Seems like the intake here is on the right side (watching at the diver).

However, it’s a great and rare scene! You won’t find many videos where a female scuba diver kills another diver! ๐Ÿ˜‰