Female scuba diver finds some scary stuff in a lake

This one was recommended to me ages ago and was on my list of known scuba scenes.

Some weeks ago, someone recommended it again and I gave it another look.

And yeah… I do think now that this scene should be on this blog.



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Here is the video:

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Yeah, I know… not much action in that one. I guess that mannequin was supposed to be a corpse? 😆

But we have two (short) scuba scenes, some surface shots, and a scene with her running in a wetsuit (quite rare).

And all that in an 80s vintage wetsuit. Not bad…

But, this is supposed to be a monster flick, with a monster that lives in the water.

This was pre-CGI. So they had a guy who was in some rubber monster suit.

You have a female scuba diver in 2 scenes…. but … she doesn’t get attacked by that monster while diving??????


What a crime….

Maybe they had a scene and it looked too bad… hard to say.

Or maybe it was too difficult for the guy in the monster suit to do underwater scenes…

Quite a wasted opportunity!

Wanna know the name of the movie?

IMDB link

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

2 thoughts on “Female scuba diver finds some scary stuff in a lake”

  1. Nice video, pretty sexy lady diving and running in her wetsuit. Are these you posted all of the diving or wetsuit scenes in this video? Thanks.


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