Feedback needed! [Project F videos]

Hey folks!

I do realize how often the Project F trailers on YouTube are watched and how many new VIP subscriptions and Video package deals there are each month.

But most of the time I can only guess who you like a Project F video.

I am not sooo happy about the numbers in the last two months (VIP subscriptions + Video package deals), even though the monthly numbers don’t include active long-term memberships from previous months.

Today I wanna encourage you to send me feedback!

Just reply to a VIP club or Video package deal email that I sent you.

– Feedback about the Project F videos you watched (What did you like, what didn’t you like)

– What would you like to see in the future? (gear, story, etc.)


The next video shoot is in early March and I am already collecting ideas for it.

I have written down some notes about aspects that need to be improved in the future.

I do have some hunches about what you folks would like to see more (more deadly endings? more close-ups? grunts?).

I also think that I … maybe… should focus on making fewer videos in the time I have on such a video shot, but then make longer ones with more takes and more script.

Perhaps I will then only release one new video per month instead of two.

What do you think about it?

Send me an email with your thoughts!

And if don’t have my email for any reason… use the contact form on the “About+contact” page.

Frogwomen Meg and Scarlett in “Learning Scuba 3” – [Video 42 of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the next “Project F” video of the last video shoot from August!

This is video 42, the sixth from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, Frogwoman Scarlett gets the first scuba lesson (for real) as Frogwoman Meg teaches her the most basic scuba skills!


Frogwomen Meg and Scarlett in “Learning Scuba 3”

1080p, 05:10 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

+ a short teaser:

The music in the trailer is from “Tentacles”.

In the full video, there is no music…. so you can fully enjoy the underwater sounds

(EXCEPT for a short audio Easter Egg at the very beginning)

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits (incl. one shorty wetsuit), modern scuba gear,

no hoods, scuba skills, retrieving regulator, clearing a flooded mask, buddy breathing


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Well, it’s a training scenario….


Background info:

This was Scarlett’s first diving experience and she did really well, and Meg did an excellent job in teaching her these scuba skills!

They wanted to practice these skills in shallow water first, I filmed some bits of it before they went down into deep water (4 meters), and the actual video began.

In the background, you sometimes see Kara and Alice. Kara was doing a video with the selfie stick… more on that next month and Alice was the safety diver.

This time I wanted to have more footage with both the teacher and the student on it at the same time.

Next time I will also include some frontal close-ups… if that scenario gets done then (if someone participates who has no scuba experience at all).

I think this perspective was a good compromise between seeing both at the same time (often) and getting them close enough to the camera.

This time a buddy breathing exercise was included at the end.

(some more info on this video in the VIP club)


I used some filters (text, more brightness)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in June in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will release a new video from this video shoot every 2 weeks until 2024 is finished (this one today, and then 2 each month until the end of 2024)

I have at least 9 videos in total that will be released from this video shoot, so the rest of the year is covered with new releases 🙂

In 2025, the next video shoot in that (deep) pool will be in early March, and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

Frogwoman VIP Club: November 2024

Important Note (from September) regarding the videos from video shoot 1:


New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!

The VIP Club has been updated with new material, enjoy!

10(!) scubalicious videos are waiting for you this month (all can be downloaded of course):

 2 mystery videos (never shown before here)

+ 8(!) of my “Project F” videos:

Video 3 from Project FFrogwomen Uma and Kara are getting some basic scuba lessons (over 8 minutes!)

(in the VIP club for the last time, can then only be purchased in a video package)

+ Video 4 from Project FFrogwoman Uma in a Poseidon FFM

(in the VIP club for the last time, can then only be purchased in a video package)

+ Video 18 from Project FFrogwomen Alice and Caity in “Scuba Combat Training 1” (Full Face Mask edition)

+ incl. additional version with music and sounds from the Street Fighter video game series!

Video 19 from Project FFrogwomen Kara and Demi in “Learning Scuba”

+ Video 34 from Project FFrogwoman Korra finds a golden coin and gets sneakily attacked by 2 frogwomen!

+ Video 35 from Project FFrogwoman Korra teaches Demi and Kara some basic scuba skills!

+ *NEW* Video 42 from Project F – Frogwoman Meg teaches Scarlett some basic scuba skills!

+ *NEW* Video 43 from Project F – Frogwoman Kara is filming from her perspective and takes you on a special inside view

(Behind the Scenes + Scuba fights from POV perspective)

(click on the first part of each line to get to the video’s blog post with pictures, info, and a trailer)



(click to enlarge)


Previews for all the videos of Project F can be found on this page:

Wanna know which videos will be in the VIP club in the upcoming months?

That info can also be found there!


+ Another little Bonus for VIP club members:

An Excel file for every video I uploaded to this blog! Incl. the movie title or TV show name (+episode number), a short description, my personal rating, the title of the post, and a link to that post. Basically, it’s a directory if you are looking for a scene from a specific movie. Or the description gets you interested so you can check it out 😉

*UPDATE* November 1: The list now has 350 entries and can now be found in the VIP club (will be updated regularly).


+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes


+ Scuba Fetish Stories:

7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulcan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)

+ The freediving instructor (9 pages)

Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories


Wanna show your support for this blog and get my Project F scuba-fetish videos (+ additional content)?

Then donate some bucks and…

>>>>> …. join the VIP club on Frogwoman! <<<<<

Paypal, Credit Card, or digital Amazon gift card!

You can also pay with credit cards, even if you don’t have PayPal!

I also accept Amazon gift codes for,, and!

(details on the VIP club entry page)

Buy (nearly) any Project F video you want…today!

Frogwomen Rachel and Eva in “Scuba Combat Training 9” (incl. 2nd camera on Eva’s scuba mask) – [41st video of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the next “Project F” video of the last video shoot from August!

This is video 41, the fifth from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, Frogwomen Rachel and Eva testing their scuba combat skills in 6 rounds of action!

Like in Video 33, there is a second camera in use to get the ego perspective (and breathing sounds) of one of them.

This time ….the camera was directly mounted onto the scuba mask for a better perspective!


Frogwomen Rachel and Eva in “Scuba Combat Training 9” (incl. 2nd camera on Eva’s scuba mask)

1080p, 07:00 minutes Video A (Camera A) + 06:52 minutes Video B (Camera B – ego perspective)

13:52 in total (more or less the same scenes, but from different perspectives)


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

+ a short teaser:

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

In the full video, there is no music… so you can fully enjoy the underwater sounds

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, 1-2 training knives in 2 rounds, scuba peril, scuba fight, modern scuba gear,

1 hood, fins, fin removal, regulator stealing, 2nd camera mounted on frogwoman as POV camera


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Well, it’s a training scenario….


Background info:

This was the second video we shot that day and the first time the training knives were used.

In one round they both had a knife… and it got quite… wild 😆

I think it is easier if only one knife is involved as both can concentrate on that one weapon instead of thinking about 2 at the same time.

My plan was that they would wear the scuba mask with the camera mount rotative … but somehow I totally forgot about that during the video shoot 🙁

So, you will get only the perspective from Eva in the B video and see very little of her ….while Rachel is on camera all the time.

I am very happy about the scuba mask mount though, I think it worked really well and created a very interesting perspective!

You will find frogwoman Alice (security diver) and myself (camera) in Video B in the background sometimes, as it isn’t fully avoidable to get into the view of camera B here and there.

It was the first Project F video for Eva, but she quickly adapted and they both performed really well.

The “scuba combat training” series works with only very few instructions… which makes it very easy (and quickly) to film.

I will think about if that is the best way or not. Maybe I will script them more… just a little.

But I have to admit… I like to be surprised here and there.

(some more info on this video in the VIP club)



Frogwomen Rachel and Eva are wearing awesome vintage-style wetsuits from Elios:


I used some filters (text, more brightness)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in May in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will release a new video from this video shoot every 2 weeks until 2024 is finished (this one today, and then 2 each month until the end of 2024)

I have at least 9 videos in total that will be released from this video shoot, so the rest of the year is covered with new releases 🙂

In 2025, the next video shoot in that (deep) pool will be in early March, and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

Project F video update

Hey folks, a quick update on the current and the next video and the Project F video shoots in 2025.

It seems a lot that my last video with the RAF oxygen mask was rather… unpopular amongst the majority.

With only a little feedback from you, I can only use the “new VIP club donations this month” number, which looks rather bad in comparison to the other months…. at least so far.

Perhaps clear goggles would have been better, but still… I think most just prefer a normal regulator and more normal scuba gear.

And yeah, the video didn’t have a scuba fight and/or peril.

But ok, some videos will be done because I think many will like them, others because I want to get a certain scenario realized in a video (or both).

Video 41 will be released this Sunday, and I’m sure the numbers will increase quite a lot then 😉

The first video shoot in 2025 will happen in early March, then we finally get the (deep) pool again for 9 hours.

Some weeks ago I already tried to get an earlier date (January/February), but no chance…

But I’m very happy with the pool and the conditions ….so I am happy and grateful as long we can use it for so many hours on one day.

I think that will be the only time next year in the pool… as I wanna (finally!) get one (or two) video shooting(s) done in a lake.

This year the weather, free time, and other conditions didn’t work out for such a shoot in good conditions, but I learned from that and the lake video shoot WILL happen next year!

Frogwoman Rachel in “RAF Oxygen Mask” – [40th video of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the next “Project F” video of the last video shoot from August!

This is video 40, the fourth from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, Frogwoman Rachel wants to try an RAF oxygen mask… underwater! (RAF = Royal Air Force)

Well, these oxygen masks are not designed to work underwater… but this one really does (with some limitations)!

I am pretty sure that most of you know that mask… yeah, it’s the same type that was used in my favorite movie “Thunderball“!


Frogwoman Rachel in “RAF Oxygen Mask”

1080p, 03:09 minutes


Some preview pictures:

(…more to come – click to enlarge)

+ a short teaser:

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

In the full video, you will only find some seconds in it

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

1 frogwoman, neoprene, 1 smooth skin wetsuit, RAF oxygen mask, vintage scuba gear,

RAF soft helmet, no fins, neoprene socks, corrugated oxygen hose, vintage regulator


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

Well, it wasn’t a surprise to me that the mask is working underwater as I tried that myself at the first video shoot back in 2021.

But of course, I wanted this mask to get used by one of the frogwomen as well, and finally, it was time for that!

I am just filming at the start of the video, the rest was done by Rachel herself.

She did a great job adjusting to the whole gear, which wasn’t so easy to handle.

She had to wear the RAF soft helmet (cloth) so the mask could be mounted onto it.

The goggles were slightly problematic as they weren’t a great fit for her and sometimes water would leak into them, which you can see in the video.

Perhaps I should have used fully transparent goggles… but I do like these black ones which give her a special look.

The mask wasn’t a perfect fit for her face as these masks are (mostly) designed for wider (male) faces.

That’s why you can also see air bubbles escaping the mask from her nasal bridge.

This oxygen mask actually has an exhale valve mounted on the bottom-middle, and that is why it works pretty well underwater.

Yeah, the breathing isn’t very comfortable but easy enough.

One big problem is the pressure equalization as you can’t really pinch your nose while wearing the mask.

The green rubber is flexible enough but not the hard black-colored part above.

But luckily that isn’t a problem for Rachel as she doesn’t need to pinch her nose to equalize the pressure (plus she wasn’t very deep in the first place).

Also, her intake air hose was leaking precious oxygen (picture 3) so, there is a tiny perilous element involved in this clip 😉

I guess the clamp at the first stage wasn’t 100% tightened in this case

So, why was Frogwoman Rachel testing that mask underwater in this scenario? Just curiosity?

Was she preparing for a special job? A job that would involve a plane with atomic bombs on the sea floor?

Somehow sounds like a scenario from my favorite movie! Hmh… what a coincidence!?! 😉

Would certainly love to make more videos in the future with that gear….

Oh, and you can find 3 “guest stars” in the video for some seconds… in the background.

(some more info on this video in the VIP club)



Frogwoman Rachel is wearing an awesome vintage-style wetsuit from Elios:


I used some filters (text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in May in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will release a new video from this video shoot every 2 weeks until 2024 is finished (this one today, and then 2 each month until the end of 2024)

I have at least 9 videos in total that will be released from this video shoot, so the rest of the year is covered with new releases 🙂

Early in 2025, I wanna have the next video shoot in that (deep) pool and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

Frogwoman VIP Club: October 2024

Important Note (from last month) regarding the videos from video shoot 1:


New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Frogwoman!

The VIP Club has been updated with new material, enjoy!

10(!) scubalicious videos are waiting for you this month (all can be downloaded of course):


 2 mystery videos (never shown before here)

+ 8(!) of my “Project F” videos:

Video 2 from Project F – Frogwoman Lucy tries a tiny Smaco tank

(in the VIP club for the last time, can then only be purchased in a video package)

+ Video 12 from Project F – Frogwomen Lucy and Kara in a scuba spy battle

Video 20 from Project F – “Freediver VS Frogwoman” with Alice and Caity

Video 22 from Project F – Frogwomen Alice and Caity in “The Sneaky Frogwoman”

Video 25 from Project F – Frogwomen Kara and Lucy in “Scuba Combat Training 4”

+ Video 32 from Project FA female cop, Catwoman, and Batgirl fight over some diamonds!

+ *NEW* Video 40 from Project F – Frogwoman Rachel is testing an RAF oxygen mask… underwater!

*NEW* Video 41 from Project F – Frogwoman Rachel and Eva in “Scuba Combat Training 9” (incl. 2nd video from ego perspective)


(click on the first part of each line to get to the video’s blog post with pictures, info, and a trailer)


(click to enlarge)


Previews for all the videos of Project F can be found on this page:

Wanna know which videos will be in the VIP club in the upcoming months?

That info can also be found there!


+ Another little Bonus for VIP club members:

An Excel file for every video I uploaded to this blog! Incl. the movie title or TV show name (+episode number), a short description, my personal rating, the title of the post, and a link to that post. Basically, it’s a directory if you are looking for a scene from a specific movie. Or the description gets you interested so you can check it out 😉

*UPDATE* October 1: The list now has 348 entries and can now be found in the VIP club (will be updated regularly).


+ a Frogwoman Org trailer version with no music, but the actual sound of all the scenes


+ Scuba Fetish Stories:

7 scuba fetish stories (the complete versions)….written by myself: “Vulcan down” + “Vulcan down: Part 2 – Scuba battle” + “Catwoman – The masked scuba thief” + Vulcan down – Version 2 – Angelo VS Fiona (each at least 15 pages) + “The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 1 – James (6 pages) + The Scuba Avenger”: Ep 2 – Jessica (13 pages) + The scuba instructor (2 versions)

+ The freediving instructor (9 pages)

Here is the site with the preview versions of my stories


Wanna show your support for this blog and get my Project F scuba-fetish videos (+ additional content)?

Then donate some bucks and…

>>>>> …. join the VIP club on Frogwoman! <<<<<

Paypal, Credit Card, or digital Amazon gift card!

You can also pay with credit cards, even if you don’t have PayPal!

I also accept Amazon gift codes for,, and!

(details on the VIP club entry page)

Buy (nearly) any Project F video you want…today!

Frogwomen Eva, Meg, and Rachel in “Good VS Evil” – [39th video of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the next “Project F” video of the last video shoot from last month!

This is video 39, the third from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, the leader of the evil female agents is still at large during a scuba battle.

The good gals will try everything to finally stop her!

(…sorry for the not-so-creative title :lol:)


Frogwomen Eva, Meg, and Rachel in “Good VS Evil”

1080p, 03:16 minutes

(incl. 2 alternative takes of the ending)


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

+ a short teaser:

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

In the full video, you will only find some seconds in it

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

3 frogwomen, neoprene, 3 smooth skin wetsuits, 1 FFM, 1 with special breathing apparatus 😉 , modern scuba gear,

2 hoods, 1 without hood, 1 with gloves, fins, scuba fight, scuba peril


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

This is Frogwoman’s Eva debut in the Project F series.

She already has an incredible experience at scuba diving even at her young age.

She didn’t have any experience with the OTS Guardian FFM, but she quickly adapted to it as well.

You will see that frogwoman Rachel is using a certain special breathing apparatus that you should know…. 😉

Yeah, it’s a 3D-printed version of the one that Sean Connery (and his stunt double) used in Thunderball!

Spoiler alert: Much like the original… it isn’t actually working, but here in the scenario it certainly does!

So… Rachel is actually freediving while using it during the video shoot.

That meant that she had to return to the surface whenever her lungs were empty.

As it wasn’t used in video shoot 5… I finally wanted to build it into a video.

In combination with the red wetsuit, I wanted to have some… Jane Bond vibes 😉

Some day in the future I wanna have a full “Jane Bond VS Emilia Largo” fight… but I need some more gear and gadgets for that.

This video shoot was made at the end of the first “shift” and time was very limited due to some problems we had encountered earlier (new shift = (some) new frogwomen).

I wish there would have been more time for this one, but at least I did some re-takes of the ending.

The video got a little shorter than anticipated, but that way you get to see 2 alternative takes of the ending… and I am sure that you will like those as well!

(some more info on this video in the VIP club)



Frogwomen Rachel and Eva are wearing awesome vintage-style wetsuits from Elios:


I used some filters (5% more brightness, text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in March in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will release a new video from this video shoot every 2 weeks until 2024 is finished (this one today, and then 2 each month until the end of 2024)

I have at least 9 videos in total that will be released from this video shoot, so the rest of the year is covered with new releases 🙂

Maybe a good idea to now get a 6 month VIP club membership to get all those new videos (plus nearly every earlier release) 😉

Early in 2025, I wanna have the next video shoot in that (deep) pool and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!

Frogwomen Alice and Meg in “FFM testing” – [38th video of Project F – 6th video shoot]

So, it’s time for the next “Project F” video of the last video shoot from last month!

This is video 38, the second from the 6th video shoot.

In this video, frogwomen Alice and Meg are testing the OTS Guardian full-face mask!

They both take the mask off underwater to put it back on to clear it. Also, the surface valve gets tested underwater.


Frogwomen Alice and Meg in “FFM testing”

1080p, 06:18 minutes


!!! Please note that the bonus part of this video (the last 2 minutes) doesn’t have any underwater audio as the camera didn’t record it for some reason !!!

Sorry about that! I added some fitting atmospheric music from Thunderball to that part (like in the trailer).

More about that in the text below.


Some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge) 

+ a short teaser:

The music in the trailer is from “Thunderball”.

The music can also be found in the last 2 minutes of the video.

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Video contains:

2 frogwomen, neoprene, 2 smooth skin wetsuits, FFM, modern scuba gear,

no hoods, fins, both frogwomen unmasked underwater, taking off the FFM and putting it back on… both underwater


Lethal or non-lethal ending for at least one of them?

Spoiler title

Background info:

This is Frogwoman’s Meg debut in the Project F series.

Due to special circumstances, she and Alice were sharing the part of the safety diver during that video shoot and also appeared in some videos in front of the camera as you can see here.

Meg has a LOT of professional scuba experience from dives all over the world and she did a great job here in front of the camera as well.

I wasn’t even in the pool as this was filmed as both 2 teams with 2 frogwomen were using both of my cameras to make 2 videos.

It was a little improvised as I wanted to make up for the time that was lost before with some equipment issues.

The plan was that Alice would film Meg.

But Meg had some problems with the equalizing in this FFM, which can be tricky. There is a removable/swappable part in the mask to pinch your nose… depending on your nose/face size.

It wasn’t fitting for Meg, so they improvised and swapped roles to save time.

But not before Meg was taking off the mask underwater and putting it back on.

Regarding the audio issues I mentioned above: I don’t have the slightest idea of why there is no recorded audio in that one part.

It’s insanely easy to work with the camera, one button starts the camera and the recording and also ends it. That button was used… as always.

But ok, it happened with only one clip, so that’s not so bad. Maybe a gremlin was in the camera 😉

Both frogwomen can be seen unmasked here underwater as they take off the mask to put it back on underwater.

Meg also tested the surface valve of the FFM underwater as she opened it. You see the result in the video.

Frogwoman Alice is wearing her own fins in this one.

You can also see Frogwoman Kara in this one for a second….

(some more info on this video in the VIP club)


I used some filters (10% more brightness, text)


Where to watch it?

This video will be available again in March in the VIP club alongside the other content!

Here is a quick overview of the content of this month:


…get the video any time you want:

You can watch and download these videos in the VIP club, but only for personal use!

Don’t share them with anyone…. anywhere!

It’s pretty simple, I had to spend a lot of money:

All that scuba gear, location rent, and the money for the frogwomen and the safety diver.

If I don’t make enough money with these videos….. I won’t be able to make new videos at some point.

I hope you appreciate these videos and want to see more in the future!

After all, you get all those Project F videos each month  + additional content for just 12 euros (or even less per month if you get into the VIP club for more than one month).

I would say that is quite a bargain!

Why are my videos not on sites like Clip4sale?

Well, Clip4sale are a bunch of cutthroats that want 40%(!) of each video that you sell.

Yes, they offer those videos to a wide audience, but I don’t wanna give someone 40% for “just” providing the platform to sell the videos.

Also, that would mean that YOU would have to pay a lot more to get the videos…

I guess I could have made more money if my videos were on Clip4sale… but well, I won’t do it.

I will check out other sites like Vimeo though, if that would be an option or not.

The future of Project F?

I will release a new video from this video shoot every 2 weeks until 2024 is finished (this one today, and then 2 each month until the end of 2024)

I have at least 9 videos in total that will be released from this video shoot, so the rest of the year is covered with new releases 🙂

Maybe a good idea to now get a 6 month VIP club membership to get all those new videos (plus nearly every earlier release) 😉

Early in 2025, I wanna have the next video shoot in that (deep) pool and then a lake video shoot in the summer (finally!!!).

So, there will be many more new videos for the VIP club for sure!