[1st post for today]
Yesterday was a very sad day.
Legendary Sir Sean Connery passed away on the Bahamas, aged 90.
I have quite a lot of his movies in my collection and he played a part in many fantastic movies like the James Bond movies, A Bridge too far, Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, the Untouchables and many more.
I could write a lot more about his other movies, but after all this blog is named Frogwoman, so why am I posting about him?
Well, the answer is quite simple:
(the french Thunderball poster – click to enlarge)
The movie Thunderball influenced a LOT of people to get into scuba diving.
Sadly there was only one short scene were a woman actually scuba dives (Claudine Auger, who passed away in December last year).
But the movie offers over 30 minutes of underwater scenes and still -after over 50 years- the best scuba fight scenes in history!
I can’t possible tell how often I watched the movie and certain scenes of it.
Again I could write here endlessly about certain scenes…..but as a matter of fact…I already did.
You are welcome to check out my detailed Thunderball section here on the blog!
R.I.P. Sir Sean Connery!
Thank you for everything!
You will be missed, but you will live on in all of these great movies 🙂
(click to enlarge to full size)
P.S.: As I wrote he died on his house on the Bahamas.
And that is were they filmed most of the scenes of Thunderball.