Time for some new pictures! Some pictures I collected with hot women in sexy wetsuits 🙂
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Time for some new pictures! Some pictures I collected with hot women in sexy wetsuits 🙂
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Hey folks, that is a combination you don’t see every day! A woman diving in latex with a gas mask!
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And here is the video:
Imagine her in an underwater fight with some evil scuba chicks 😉
It wasn’t easy to edit this video together for you folks, because the director of the movie used many, many cuts…. But it was worth it 😉
I edited all scenes with this frogwoman together so that you won’t miss anything.
In this video a frogwoman in a fantastic outfit (great, sexy modern wetsuit) enters a ship to steal some serious money…but of course she gets caught 😉
[In the previous post you see 2 promo pictures from this movie]
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Good to know that there are still new, sexy (modern) wetsuits…..
Of course, I could imagine some ways to improve that scene even more…but these days these scuba/wetsuit scenes are so rare…so I’m pretty happy about it.
Your opinion?
In case you don’t know from which movie these scenes are:
Time for more sexy frogwomen in wetsuits!
For today’s post, I got a pretty short clip with my favorite full-face scuba mask!
The Technisub full face mask in combination with a twin hose regulator….great combo!
But watch for yourself and hear her breathing sounds….
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And here is the video:
Great equipment! Would love to see that underwater in action!
This video is only a teaser, on the youtube site (not my youtube site) you can find more info on the full video.
Meanwhile on my other blog…
(click on the image)
Somehow that would fit in here as well…(as they are women with breathing equipment)
Thanks a lot for the recommendation, shiBa! 🙂
Well in this clip -edited for you folks-, we see a frogwoman in combat.
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And here is the video:
Good stuff! An underwater exercise would have been even better…
…but you take what you can get 😉
Nice suit and unmasking!
If you wanna know the title of the movie:
LINK: Title
This frogwoman shows us some nice scuba equipment! A rebreather (1), an ocean reef ffm (2), a kirby morgan band mask (3) and a kirby morgan superlite (4).
There are 6 pictures (underwater pictures too) , here is a little preview:
All 6 pictures:
What a view! 🙂
In this clip, a swimmer needs to be rescued because she is trapped underwater in a public swimming pool…
…will she survive? (incl. scuba gear)
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Here is the video, check it out!
After the female diver with the full face mask in the last post….I got another one for you! And this time in HD 😉
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And here you can see her in moving pictures:
Great stuff for me even without action…
Her eyes in that mask are stunning! What I would give for some peril or a scuba fight scene with the killer.