5 thoughts on “Female diver with latex suit and a gas mask…underwater!”

  1. Does anyone know what movie/series is this ? There was a clip request at underwaterclipsource about a scene of a woman snorkeling in a lake (yellow bikini, yellow flippers) getting attacked by a scubadiver, who kept pulling her from the legs, pulled her mask off and drowned her.

    The topic is deleted, but i remember the guy who posted about this saw it around early 2000 (2002 – 2005?) In television When he was traveling netherlands or switzerland, i dont remember.
    There was some rumour that the film is german. I remember he knew the exact year of the film by the brand new car’s type the girl drove in before she went diving. There were also rumours that it could be a remake of some old nazi treasure in a lake -movie etc

    This should be worth finding out or if someone wants to post this again in underwaterclipsource.


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