Frogwoman explores a wreck and finds a….

Time for some footage in color 😉

A frogwoman finds a wreck and explores it. And she finds something…. something unexpected!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the full scene:

Interesting scene, in 99 of 100 cases it’s the other way round … (in the movies)

Don’t know the title of the movie.

If someone knows…please leave a comment!


*EDIT* June 2023:

I finally found the title for this one, here is the IMDB link for the episode:



Female deep diver in trouble!

So, I’m back from Vacation! Time to continue the blog with another video 😉

A female diver wants to get a record for deep diving with some fancy scuba equipment, of course, she gets in trouble… can she survive?

Update February 2022, Picture quality upgrade!

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Good stuff!

If you wanna know, the name of the tv-series:

LINK: Title

P.S.: On my vacation, I found a beautiful female diver  by the name of “Girl in a wetsuit”


Female scuba diver out of air – Sabotage!

What do we have here? A group of divers that wanna enjoy Australia underwater and one evil-doer that wanna get rid of our featured frogwoman! Will he succeed?

(click to enlarge)

And here is the scubalicious video:

Here is the link for those who can’t see it on Youtube as it was blocked in some countries:

*EDIT* March 5, 2022:

Time for a proper text!

This scene is equally sexy and weird for me 😉

First of all, every diver is supposed to check the air supply before the dive, so she should have seen, that her tank wasn’t full as she got it….

Ok, then she is down to 50 bar (from 200), normally that is the time where you should be back at the surface again.

But she isn’t in any big trouble now, as with 50 bar she would have air for at least 10 minutes, unless she is breathing very very fast.

So, what happened here from the time she realized that she had only 50 bar until the tank is suddenly completely empty?

I mean yeah, you can sabotage a tank that isn’t “full” when you start the dive. But she isn’t losing any air or so through that sabotage so it’s verrrry weird that her tank is then empty all of a sudden. What has happened in the last 10 minutes?

It’s good that she drops her lead in order to make a quick ascend then, that is the proper procedure.

The drowning here is portrayed ….very….very….odd. I mean she looks as she is basically falling asleep calmly! That won’t happen in reality 😆

She would be in a panic, her mouth open, and so on. And she would be trashing to get to the surface as fast she could.

It looks the one who was responsible for the script here had no scuba experience…

That’s a shame, as it is otherwise a great scene with the sabotage and all that.

And here is the title of the movie:

LINK: Title


A frogwoman trapped… a net!

Our frogwoman today explores the deep blue sea as suddenly she gets tangled up in a net…. What will happen to her? Has someone placed that net on purpose to catch or kill her? Can she rescue herself? You will see:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video for you folks:

This one will get a quality upgrade soon!

*EDIT* Here is the new post:

And I even have the title of that movie/tv-series:

LINK: Title


No AIR left for the female scuba diver! – Scene 2

And here is another fine scene from this special movie…. A female diver runs slowly out of air and encounters a dangerous shark outside…so she can’t dive to the surface! 😉

(1st scene can be found here: No AIR left for the female scuba diver! )


Some screens:

And here is the whole scene:

A great scene, or?

Also from this movie:


No AIR left for the female scuba diver!

I edited another fine video for you folks! A female diver in a fine wetsuit enters the water and pretty soon she runs out of air! The air reserve seems not to work…

Will she survive?

(click to enlarge)

And here is the whole video! Enjoy the action…

Received a quality upgrade…. check out the newer post:

Great scene! And there is more in the same movie….. 😉

*EDIT*: Here’s another scene!

No AIR left for the female scuba diver! – Scene 2

Sab…sab….sabOtaged diving gear! Female scuba diver in danger!

A female scuba diver goes on a dive in her 70’s vintage gear. But something feels wrong underwater…. did someone sabotage her scuba gear?

And can she survive this?

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video where you can see the perilous underwater action:


And happy Easter by the way!

I don’t know the exact episode, but here is the title of the series:


If anyone knows in which episode this happen….please let me know, so I can add this info!

Black Widow – Female diver runs out of air! – (Hall of Fame)

I guess at least 70% of you folks know the scene, it shouldn’t miss here on this blog!

Two female divers go on a little dive. They get separated (on purpose?) and one of them has no air left in her tank…

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video, with all the underwater action:


*EDIT* MARCH 2022:

Check out the new(er) post with a longer scene in better quality!

Great scene! Nice little fight and sexy sounds… really great stuff!
