No AIR left for the female scuba diver! [Quality upgrade]

One of my earlier posts had this (pretty famous) scene:

A sexy female scuba diver goes on a dive. Quickly she runs out of air (she got a near-empty bottle) and tries to activate the reserve. But…someone sabotaged it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Double Sabotage!

Recently I found out that they released a DVD of that movie some weeks ago. Of course, I bought it and it is indeed a big improvement over the old VHS rip. I made this first video as a big quality upgrade for you to enjoy!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The title of the movie:

Ein toter Taucher nimmt kein Gold  (Deadly Jaws)

If you wanna own that sensational scuba movie on DVD too:


You can switch the site to English language.

The movie is on 16:9 on the DVD (on the DVD it says 4:3…).

German audio-only, but if you don’t understand it… it won’t matter much if you want to watch it for the scuba scenes.






Female diver attacked by submarine

Yeah, that’s a sentence you don’t read every day… ๐Ÿ˜‰

In this one, a female diver and her male companion are investigating something underwater….and suddenly are under attack from a mini-submarine!




This one was upgraded with this post:


Double scuba accident – [two scuba peril scenes included]

Thanks to a nice follower of this blog I got this scene. I already knew it but only in bad quality and I didn’t know the name of the show.

Now that I knew the title of the show I was able to find a good quality version of it. I edited it and here it is!

Thanks for sending me the link!

Some tourists take a dive trip to a wreck! Like always one gets stuck, but the other gets problems of their own ๐Ÿ˜‰


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Good scene! I always love to see that many bubbles in a scuba scene ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you wanna know the title of the show:



The frogwoman and her entangled air hose

After the modern rebreather gear of the last two posts, I switch to some vintage scuba gear. And where do we find plenty of it? In the best scuba TV series in TV history!

If you haven’t watched it you certainly missed something….

In this episode, a frogwoman wants to rescue her dive buddy but gets into very serious problems herself…


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And here is the video:

The only thing wrong with that show is that it is in black & white… ๐Ÿ™

BUT, another great scene of scuba peril.

P.S.: You can count how many times he “accidentally” grabs her breasts…. ๐Ÿ˜†

If you wanna know the episode from which TV series this is from:

LINK: Title


2 frogwomen in full face scuba masks!

I edited a “scuba cut” of this movie, and now you can enjoy it!

2 men and 2 women are scuba diving at night. But it isn’t just a dive…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I love these full-face scuba masks on frogwomen!

It adds some mystery to the scene… ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you wanna know the title of the movie:

LINK: Title

Female Freediver VS frogman! Scubafight! (+bonus scene)

A female freediver explores an underwater cave as suddenly a diver spots her and attacks her!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Wanna know the title?

LINK: Title


The Female scuba bomber …aka the frogwoman who wants to sink a yacht!

That’s something new… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well for today I present a female scuba diver with a bomb. She wants to place an underwater bomb on the yacht of the bad guys (no joke).

BUT they have a little surprise for her…. (no spoilers)


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Here is the video:

The only scene I know where someone throws a net at a female diver to trap her!

And it’s quite a well-made peril scene.

She actually does survive the hideous attack…

Here is the name of the movie:

LINK: Title


Frogwoman explores a wreck and finds a….

Time for some footage in color ๐Ÿ˜‰

A frogwoman finds a wreck and explores it. And she finds something…. something unexpected!


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And here is the full scene:

Interesting scene, in 99 of 100 cases it’s the other way round … (in the movies)

Don’t know the title of the movie.

If someone knows…please leave a comment!


*EDIT* June 2023:

I finally found the title for this one, here is the IMDB link for the episode:



Female deep diver in trouble!

So, I’m back from Vacation! Time to continue the blog with another video ๐Ÿ˜‰

A female diver wants to get a record for deep diving with some fancy scuba equipment, of course, she gets in trouble… can she survive?

Update February 2022, Picture quality upgrade!

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Good stuff!

If you wanna know, the name of the tv-series:

LINK: Title

P.S.: On my vacation, I found a beautiful female diver  by the name of “Girl in a wetsuit”
