Thanks a lot to the guy who recommended me this one!
It is a rather unusual one, but it has some interesting elements for sure.
4 heavily armed gangsters on boats are fighting against 2 (submerged) frogwomen! Who will win?
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Watch the video before you continue!
I don’t know the background story behind this as I only watched the first episode of the first season 2 years ago.
If someone knows the background story… feel welcome to leave a comment!
Let’s start with the negative aspects… in my opinion.
There is some rather bad CGI involved. The whole scene with one of the frogwomen firing her two flare guns looks pretty cheap.
It looks weird and the sound of the guns is a little off. I so much prefer when they are shooting for “real” with blanks. Looks and sounds much better!
Quite a miracle that the 4 didn’t manage to score any hits on the two with these weapons.
*EDIT* Well, thanks to a video a nice user provided (check the comments) I now know that these bullets are actually already harmless after just a few feet of water.
Yeah, they can’t see them, but they see bubbles and they must have hit them with some luck with all these weapons.
On the good side…. I really like this scenario, very unusual stuff! The closeups with the frogwomen are good and it’s nice to have such an action scene, even if they are just fighting over distance.
A shame that the bad guys didn’t have some scuba gear to join the underwater action 😉
I edited these scenes and cut out all the stuff that happens on the boat. There is a pregnant friend of them there who is about to give birth….
The eye patch is a nice aspect as well, pretty unique. Interesting that she has a different one for scuba diving than she has on land.
They are running around in their wetsuits for a long time but I wanted to have a video under 3 minutes since videos from Netflix shows get quickly banned on Youtube… if they are too “long”.
But I included the end scene here to show them “unmasked” without hoods and masks, sort of a reveal at the end 😉
Wanna know from what episode of which show this is?
(+ the following episode)
What do you think of that scene?
Leave your comment below!
+ some news on “Project F”:
The next Sunday (29) you won’t find a new post here… for a very good reason:
On that day I will have the 3rd video shoot for “Project F“.
I am more and more excited and nervous. Preparations are going as planned …so far.
Ordered some additional gear earlier this week.
4 Frogwomen will be there, and 2 of them will be in such videos for the first time.
One frogwoman will be on standby if one of the others will get sick or have second thoughts.
There will be new “Project F” videos in February.
Until then you can watch 4 videos in the VIP club in January (+ additional content).
Thanks again to all supporters!