Citadel Below – A very promising movie project – The Trailer

Hey folks, today I wanna share something very special! A reader of this blog contacted me, he asked me about my opinion about a self-made trailer. He and a friend are working on a film project involving a huge amount of underwater action! They have the story and the storyboard and wanna present the results to producers. The trailer, as you will see, is made 100% out of clips from different movies and TV series. So the trailer is made to bring the viewers an idea of what the movie will be about. So it’s not a “classic” trailer.

Now he gave me his ok to present the trailer here on my site. This is the result:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the trailer:

The story has a lot of underwater scuba combat scenes with female divers!!!

My idea about this project?

Brilliant idea, promising story! That could be the scuba movie I would make (in my dreams).

Of course, it won’t be easy getting it realized, I even think it’s a very hard sell, but I’m very curious about how this project will develop… 🙂


Male diver attacks female diver and cuts her air hose!

It’s time for a special clip!

A female diver enters a cave, but she’s not alone, someone is following her and is attacking her from behind….

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(*EDIT* Quality upgrade can be found in a newer post, follow the link)

Well I love that scene, but two things bother me:

1) the video quality (picture) is pretty bad

2) I wanna see what happens before and after that clip, never got the chance of seeing more….

The clip is from the Show “Eye of the Storm”, a British TV-Series. Does anyone know where I can get that?


Death is a woman! Scuba scenes including a murder…

So, it’s time for some scenes from the scubalicious movie “Death is a woman”!

And it’s the rare version in color!

A criminal diver couple is diving for some hidden drugs. But one of them doesn’t wanna share anymore….

(click to enlarge)

Guess you may wanna see the video (2 parts)?

Here they are:



Great scenes in my eyes! 🙂

*EDIT* March 2022:

She really looks gorgeous and was certainly in great shape back then!

The way she attacks him from behind is portrayed rather badly, as everyone can see that she isn’t hitting him 😆 and he doesn’t show a real reaction to it.

A knife with a retractable blade and some fake blood would have been great here.

I love that she then slices his air hose, even it seems to be the wrong hose?! Normally with a double hose regulator, the intake hose is the one on the left (watching at the diver).

But here no air escapes the sliced left part. Seems like the intake here is on the right side (watching at the diver).

However, it’s a great and rare scene! You won’t find many videos where a female scuba diver kills another diver! 😉

Female scuba diver attacked by a sneaky and evil diver!

Another example for an attack on a female scuba diver.

A group of divers dives around…. but one female scuba diver falls behind.

And that is the chance the evil attacker was looking for!

(click to enlarge)

And here it is, the video!

*EDIT* March 23, 2022:

Time for a proper text!

This is a mixed bag for me.

Yeah, a rare scene where a female scuba diver gets attacked and even drowned (later revived)!

But a lot here could have been done a lot better!

The struggle isn’t shown well, she is completely passive and helpless and drowns basically immediately after her regulator was pulled out.

Really unrealistic and bad scripting!

Really odd that he pulls back her hood! Why does he do that? I guess he wanted to see her long, blonde hair one last time?!? 😆

And rather sloppy of him that her body immediately surfaces, he messed that up big time.

However, still a solid scene!

Pretty sure I used to know from which episode this was exactly, but can’t find that info.

The TV show is:


If someone knows from which episode this is….let us know!

Female diver attacks man!

So, I have some rare stuff for you… A female diver attacks a man! She pulls him into the water and tries to drown him 🙂

They start to fight underwater…. who will win?

(click to enlarge)

So, enough talk, here it is, the VIDEO:

*EDIT* March 2022:

New post with better quality:

Your opinion? 

(I really hate the end of it! WTF! What happens????! – But I love the build-up, the fight, the scuba gear of her!)

Sea Hunt – Female scuba diver attacked by her dive buddy!

Today it’s time for a scene from the 80’s tv-show (the remake) Sea Hunt.

A female scuba diver dives with her buddy as suddenly he has something evil in mind…. 😉

(click to enlarge)

Can she survive? Or does his evil plan succeed?

Here is the VIDEO:


Better quality video available in this new post:

Good stuff, but her reactions….oh man!

By the way: If anyone knows any address to watch/buy this tv-show…PLEASE let me know!

Scuba battle with 2 men and 2 women

A criminal couple dives to recover their drugs from the ocean floor…. 2 heroic life guards from the mighty “Baywatch” can’t let that happen… 😉

….so a scuba battle begins!

Here’s the video:

*EDIT* A better quality video is available in this newer post:

A well-made scene in my eyes! Of course, there is enough room for improvement…but hey, good stuff!


Female diver attacked by male diver! [scuba fight]

So, instead of showing you a scene from the episode “The Amphibians” from “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” (thanks to Fox – wasn’t allowed on YouTube) I present you an even better scene!

A female diver investigates a sunken crate and takes some pictures.

But someone seems to have a problem with that….a scuba diver approaches at full speed to attack her!

So here is the video:

I love how she fights back, even if her knife attack isn’t very…..good.

Great scene in my eyes with one evil killer!

Wanna know the title of the episode and series?


*EDIT* March 23, 2022:

Time for a proper text!

I love the setup, she takes pictures of something she is not supposed to see and some evil frogman is there to keep that secret.

And he is really determined to stop her the way he swims, it looks like he wants to break some records.

He has to be in really good shape.

The way they struggle is well done even there are opportunities where it seems that they could have gone for the mask or the regulator of the opponent, as that would be the most logical thing to do if you don’t have a knife in your hand.

It’s a little odd that he didn’t attack her with a knife, but well, in that case, the fight would have been over very soon.

It looks good the way he pulls on her leg to get her close even he might have had the chance to surprise her from behind and then could have yanked out her regulator and/or yanked off her mask.

I like that she takes initiative and attacks him with her knife.

But well, it looks really odd the way her knife doesn’t hit him….. what happens here???

A smart move from him to pull her around so that he is behind her.

He grabs her regulator from behind and is now totally in control of the situation.

What is a little odd here is that she nearly drowns immediately.

Yeah, they cut away from her, but she is only out of air for a few seconds before she drowns, and that isn’t realistic at all.

However, this scene is an absolute classic when it comes to scuba fights, especially with a female diver involved as there are only very few of that.

Sadly there is no other scuba scene with a female diver in that episode.

If I remember correctly the camera makes some pictures of the fight as it hits the ground and therefore there is evidence that he is the killer so he gets what he deserves in the end.