The race towards 5000 Youtube subscribers! (+more ways to contact me)

My Youtube channel Frogwoman org has 4899 subscribers right now.

So, it’s getting very close to the next milestone of 5000 subscribers!

If you haven’t subscribed to it already….you should do that now!

Once I reach the 5000 I will post a little video that will be the official channel trailer for it!

In this video, I will feature fast-paced short snippets of my favorite scuba peril scenes and also my favorite wetsuits from the movies and TV shows.

Also, I wanna present all the ways you can contact me if you have questions or just wanna talk about something related to the topics of this blog:

  • There is a contact form on the About+Contact site
  • Feel welcome to use the comment function on each post to leave a comment/question about the blog post. You can make up a name and email address if you want. A correct email address will “just” get you a notification about the activation of the comment and also if you get a reply to it.
  • You can find me on Facebook under “ScubaMask1”, as my fetish profile is named “Siggi Siggurdson”
  • Also, I’m now also on Discord, my profile is: Siggi80#9391



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