New date for video shoot …and more

The next video shoot in the pool will be …in mid-August!

This time 9 hours instead of 8.

The pool rent per hour will also be more expensive then… but that’s not a surprise.

Also… I have picked a lake for a shooting in June (or July)… hopefully that will work out.

That shooting will be “smaller” in comparison as it will be a test of how it works out with such conditions.

I am very grateful to those who are supporting these video shoots by joining the VIP club or buying a video package!

Without you… I wouldn’t make these videos!

Also, I am happy about the ones who are in the VIP club for a long time or return to the VIP club more or less often.

That’s a good sign for me πŸ™‚

To those who are interested in these videos but have never been in the VIP club or bought a video package:

Why haven’t you joined the VIP club? I mean the prices are pretty low in comparison.

If you have any questions… don’t hesitate to ask!

Use the contact form at the bottom of this site:

About + Contact

No new post this weekend… but…

… there will be one early next week!


But how about at least a nice picture for today?


By the way: I always post 2 videos (or picture sets) from them in the VIP club each month…. among the other content.

They have been out of business for some years already… #sadly

The race towards 5000 Youtube subscribers! (+more ways to contact me)

My Youtube channel Frogwoman org has 4899 subscribers right now.

So, it’s getting very close to the next milestone of 5000 subscribers!

If you haven’t subscribed to it already….you should do that now!

Once I reach the 5000 I will post a little video that will be the official channel trailer for it!

In this video, I will feature fast-paced short snippets of my favorite scuba peril scenes and also my favorite wetsuits from the movies and TV shows.

Also, I wanna present all the ways you can contact me if you have questions or just wanna talk about something related to the topics of this blog:

  • There is a contact form on the About+Contact site
  • Feel welcome to use the comment function on each post to leave a comment/question about the blog post. You can make up a name and email address if you want. A correct email address will “just” get you a notification about the activation of the comment and also if you get a reply to it.
  • You can find me on Facebook under “ScubaMask1”, as my fetish profile is named “Siggi Siggurdson”
  • Also, I’m now also on Discord, my profile is: Siggi80#9391



Do you know this movie?

A blog visitor contacted me and asked for a movie title. Perhaps someone knows the movie title to this description?

“I’m looking for the name of a movie where a guy with no equipment in a large pool drowned some divers. The movie was from the 60’s or 70’s. I don’t think the women were there, but the action was fun. Do you know anything?”


Would be great if someone would know the title…

In case you do, leave a comment!

(click on the “comment” field below in this post)

A friend could use some help + a little teaser for the post on sunday

Hey folks, two short topics for today:


A friend of mine, Mark Stise, wants to learn how to scuba dive. Therefore another friend of his started a gofundme campaign to collect the money for that scuba course!

Mark made quite a lot of scuba videos already, and you can find HIS Thunderball videos in the Thunderball section on this BLOG.

Here is his Youtube channel.


So, if you wanna help that he can finally become a diver himself …donate to his GoFundMe Campaign!


This week a verrrry interesting movie with a lot of scuba scenes was released!

I saw it and am still HYPED about an awesome scuba fight scene….Hall of Fame material….in my TOP 5 of all time!!!!!

….and I have seen quite a lot by now…. πŸ˜‰

I will make a big post on Sunday about it!

Open Water Diver

Well now it’s official: I got my first brevet/dive card! I’m now a certified Open Water Diver…

Until now it was a very interesting experience (diving in pools and lakes)! And now I’m looking forward to diving into the real thing…. the ocean. On September 20th I will start my vacation in the Mediterranean πŸ˜‰

Hope to see a LOT of interesting things down there πŸ™‚