Thunderball videos from Mark Stise

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-Updated: June, 7-

This page is dedicated to Mark Stise and his great Thunderball videos.

He actually does a lot of videos about Scuba diving and his fascination about it. In addition to our passion about many aspects of scuba diving we share the passion about Thunderball!

So, here are some of his videos on this fantastic movie:


1) A Thunderball fan trailer:

A great compilation of most of my favorite scenes in a little over one minute 🙂

2) Thunderball who’s who

 A very interesting video which reveals (among other things) that they even used different stunt divers for Angelos role in the UW Vulcan shot

3) Mark’s Top 10 Spectre Frogman deaths

Difficult to choose….but I would vote for numbers 5 and 4, and 2 as my favorites! Even the guys in number 2 don’t exactly drown….but they sure are out of action.

4) Movie theory: Was the ejection seat sabotaged?

A very interesting question! Make sure to check out the comments on the Youtube page. I wrote a pretty long text about it.

5) Movie theory: Why SPECTRE even used gamma gas?

Another interesting question!

6) Thunderball explained (aka The hijack scene explained)

How was Angelo able to gas the crew without the pilot noticing his evil plans?

Check out the comment on the youtube page for additional info!

7)  Movie Magic Scuba Style (Mark chats about how dangerous scuba fights were…with main focus on Thunderball)

8) I expect you to die (aka music that fits perfect to many Thunderball scenes)

Well, those lyrics are just perfect for Thunderball! Even if the title fits better to Goldfinger… 😉

He timed lyrics and the fitting scenes from the movie just perfectly.

9) Regret (about Angelo, the imposter pilot)

*EDIT*: Updated with a new video with an added explanation from Mark

Yeah, Paul Stassino and the stuntmen surely had a lot of fun 🙂

And yes, “Regret” fits really well, since it wasn’t his brightest idea to blackmail an evil organisation like SPECTRE…

10) Largo (A trailer about Largo, the evil mastermind)

If I could choose to play the role of any bond villain….I would surely choose Largo 😉

A link:

Mark Stise on Youtube

Make sure to subscribe to his channel for more videos on Scuba and Thunderball!

Feedback is always welcome!

So please leave your comment about these videos!

Another Thunderball topic you would like Mark to make a video about?


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