The frogwoman in the sexy wetsuit top …and the FRAUD

For starters, here is the cover of the DVD:

(click to enlarge)

Well, looks promising? Yes, she looks like a female scuba commando! With a wetsuit and a scuba tank.

Well, the bad/sad news first:

She doesn’t dive in the whole movie! FRAUD!!!!!!!!! Where are my pitchfork and my torch???? That cover is just an evil fraud to promote that cheap movie… 🙁

But, on the good side:

She does wear that wetsuit top (really sexy) and undresses down to her bikini. So, after all, there is a good scene for this blog!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I bought that DVD pretty cheap in a shop. Never heard of that movie, but the cover sold it to me.

First I was pretty annoyed that she doesn’t dive. But at least the movie had this scene….

Jessica Alba trapped underwater! (and more)

Another pick from the request week! In this video, you will find the full Jessica Alba package. She wears a bikini and a wetsuit on land and full scuba gear in her underwater scenes.

And she gets into serious trouble underwater…..


And here is the video:

A beautiful woman like her…. in scuba gear…. and in peril underwater…. 🙂

In case you wonder where to find that scene:


Frogwomen trapped underwater: one for real, one for….joy [title update, additional scene and better quality]

Remember this one? Mystery movie(tv-scene?) scene – Frogwoman trapped underwater

Well, thanks to a helpful user, I know now where the scene is from. I checked the whole episode of that TV series.

I made a longer cut of that scene (in better picture quality) and added a second scuba scene to it.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Good scenes, even if the picture quality still is not so good.

Wanna know the title of the episode/TV-Show? Here you go:



The deadly dive trip

For this week, I got another fine video for you folks. With lots of vintage scuba gear, but in color!

Several men and women wanna go diving, but one of them is a murderer 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

And did you find Lex Barker?  😉

Good stuff! Funny how they panic about the harmless shark, but… normal in the 60’s I guess.

If you are looking for the Title:



Diving with a rebreather

After the pictures of the last post…now some video material on a rebreather in action! Of course with some scuba girl(s)!

It’s edited footage from a clip I found. It’s the special cut without the time where she doesn’t use the equipment.


And here is the video:

This video is one part of a longer video I found on a Youtube channel, pretty easy to find with the logo 😉

Haven’t found the whole video on there now in 2022, guess they deleted it?


Oh man, looks like fun to dive with such a rebreather! I guess I should try that too one day…

And it looks pretty…sexy…on a woman!


Bikini girl on sailboat attacked by diver

This bikini girl sails on her little boat as suddenly she is attacked…. no, not by a shark or some octopus….. but by an evil diver…

Can she survive?

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Good scene!

If you wanna know the title of this movie or tv-show…here you go:

LINK: Title


Sean Connery and Claudine Auger – Underwater! – [HD]

If you like movies with scuba scenes, this movie is THE movie to watch! Until now, I hadn’t posted anything about it….because of one “problem”…. 99% of the scuba scenes are with frogMEN only 🙁 . But here is one scene where a woman has the “permission” to dive is very….. sexy.

James Bond and Domino meet underwater and “scare the fish” 😉

As a bonus, I included the bikini scenes of her on the beach…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the full video in HD:

If you really, REALLY (are you kidding me? 😉 ) don’t know the title of the movie:

LINK: Title

If I ever win the lottery, it would be one of my goals to do a little remake of this movie with frogwomen only (and of course the vintage scuba gear would stay) 🙂

Ah, what a dream!

Feel also welcome to check out my Thunderball project!

I created many pages with videos, pictures, and my opinions on my favorite scenes of this MASTERPIECE!


Frogwomen! – pictures – #1

Time to start a new series of frogwomen pictures! For today I present 8 frogwomen in different types of scuba gear.

Just in a wetsuit, in heavy gear, in vintage scuba gear, and modern scuba gear 🙂


And here are 8 pictures:

Any favorite?



Mystery Scuba Movie – Part 4 – Bikini scuba girl VS Frogmen

So, time to continue our Mystery Scuba movie! Bikini scuba girl is back in action to hunt for a sunken treasure… of course, the evil baroness and her frogmen want it too….

(click to enlarge)

And here is the (pretty long) video:

Oh man….

The title of this insane movie with that MUCH scuba content:
