My first dives in the ocean…

…were great! As you may know, I was on vacation in the Mediterranean (on Gozo, Malta to be precise). After finishing my Open Water diver that was my first experience with scuba gear in the ocean!

In 6 dives I learned a lot and I enjoyed them very much. Especially two dives were fantastic as there were huge schools of fish and we dived right through them. That wasn’t my last scuba vacation for sure and I’m looking forward to seeing more in the future. (perhaps some sharks, more big fish, and more….. frogwomen 😉 )

Hot scuba babe with sexy wetsuit und full face mask

In this video, you have one hot scuba lady in a great wetsuit at the beach. Later on, she will put on a full face dive mask.. 😉


And here is the whole video of her:

Thanks to “Dominik” for pointing me to the video and to the uploader.

My “holiday underwater” report will follow the next few days 😉

And meanwhile, on my other blog, you can watch a female firefighter in her heavy gear including an oxygen mask 😉



A woman with a rubber wetsuit meets some evil fish

That’s a title, or? 😉

Well, before I am on my way south to the Mediterranean, I have another fine video! A woman puts on a gorgeous wetsuit, not only to look good but to have a little protection against some very aggressive fish that is located in the lake where some very expensive cargo was dropped….

Some pics to wet your appetite:



Enough of the pictures, here is the full video!

And if you wanna know from which movie that scene is from:

LINK: The movie title to that great scene

In my opinion a very very sexy scene!



Open Water Diver

Well now it’s official: I got my first brevet/dive card! I’m now a certified Open Water Diver…

Until now it was a very interesting experience (diving in pools and lakes)! And now I’m looking forward to diving into the real thing…. the ocean. On September 20th I will start my vacation in the Mediterranean 😉

Hope to see a LOT of interesting things down there 🙂

No AIR left for the female scuba diver! – Scene 2

And here is another fine scene from this special movie…. A female diver runs slowly out of air and encounters a dangerous shark outside…so she can’t dive to the surface! 😉

(1st scene can be found here: No AIR left for the female scuba diver! )


Some screens:

And here is the whole scene:

A great scene, or?

Also from this movie:


Some news – RELOADED

Hey folks, just wanted to say that I’m still alive and that this blog will go on.

But time was very limited in the past weeks. (Hell, I haven’t played any pc game in the last 2 months…..very, very strange for me)

On the bright side, that will change so that there will be the next update in one to two weeks from now. Just check out the site!

And I’m getting “Open Water Diver” diver certification (3 sessions in the pool so far)! And I already booked a trip to a secret location in the Mediterranean for late September…..very excited 🙂

So, I should see some frogwomen for real….

Some news

Hey folks, I don’t have/had enough time this week to make any big updates this week, sorry.

In 1-2 weeks you will find a new page here on my blog. I will have a week off then and will be adding that page.

No AIR left for the female scuba diver!

I edited another fine video for you folks! A female diver in a fine wetsuit enters the water and pretty soon she runs out of air! The air reserve seems not to work…

Will she survive?

(click to enlarge)

And here is the whole video! Enjoy the action…

Received a quality upgrade…. check out the newer post:

Great scene! And there is more in the same movie….. 😉

*EDIT*: Here’s another scene!

No AIR left for the female scuba diver! – Scene 2